Xian Ao

Chapter 868 The Mighty Tianlong Suspended World

The star boat continued to fly and passed through the area where Qiongqi was located. Yu Zecheng looked at these flying Qiongqi beasts and asked:

"If we don't give them the pork, will they attack us?"

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"No, every three hundred and sixty-five years of the Tianlai Conference, you can pass through here at will, and there is no problem if you don't feed them. No one would feed them three thousand six hundred years ago.

However, in the Tianlai Conference 3,600 years ago, Taoist Bachi from Tongxuan Tianji Valley passed by and fed them at will. As a result, two Qiongqi cubs left with him. Now they are Tongxuan. The religious beast of Xuantianji Valley.

So everyone here will feed these empty beasts like this. These pigs are all contributions from the outer sect disciples, and they are not worth a spiritual stone. But if the opportunity comes, bring back one or two of the shikigami creatures here and spread them in the sect. Loose leaves, that is definitely a face-saving thing.

And this year, someone brought back these empty beast cubs. "

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"So that's it. This Qiongqi is very calculating. This way the empty beast can have meat to eat and spread its branches and leaves."

In the process of speaking, he gradually flew over the Qiongqi area, and a group of large dog-like creatures appeared in front of him. They were as big as elephants, but shaped like cats. Each one had a white head, but the head was a dog's head.

When they saw the star boat, they immediately surrounded it and made a walking cry.

Seeing them, Lord Bingxin took out another storage bag and began to abandon the cattle, all of which were strong cattle, and abandoned them.

Immediately, these empty beasts began to chase the oxen, swallowing them whole without a drop of blood, and they were enjoying themselves.

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"They are called Tengu. Yes, they are the Tengu in Tengu Devouring the Moon. These empty beasts have the ability to teleport to your side. Their bodies expand countless times and can swallow everything. Being swallowed by them is actually being sent to a different space. , a narrow escape."

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"Among the Eighteen Sky Beasts, this is the Tengu. What else is there?"

True Lord Bing Xin continued to give guidance and said:

"Look, there are a bunch of rats with big eyes over there, called chime-eyed rats. Legend has it that they can see the scenery hundreds of millions of miles away. They are long-range reconnaissance troops, and they can emit destructive rays in their eyes and hit thousands of miles away. flying starship.

Those over there look like red leopards, with five tails and one horn, and their sound is like hitting a stone. Their name is ferocious. These leopard-like guys can emit super wave shocks. The most powerful thing about them is that they attack in groups at the same time, which can form a resonance shock wave. The shock wave was terrifying and shattered everything.

The ones over there are called whirling turtles. They look like turtles with a bird head and a snake's tail, and their sound is like wood. They can form a huge protective shield to defend against attacks of all attributes.

That side looks like an ox, with a pale body and no horns. It has one leg. When it enters and exits the water, it is subject to wind and rain. Its light is like the sun and moon, and its sound is like thunder. Its name is Kui ox. They fly as fast as lightning and are the fastest in the sky. Fighting beasts, they can harness thunder and lightning to bombard their enemies.

Look at that, a flying ape-like sky beast with a white head and red feet, named Zhu Yan. They are the most powerful assault sky beasts. They can sneak into all airspace and star states, and have powerful force.

Those in the distance are similar to unicorns, with thick black fur all over their bodies, bright eyes, and usually a horn on their foreheads. These are called Haechi. They are the best at judging opportunities and finding the opponent's weaknesses. They are the commanders of these empty beasts.


Lord Bing Xin introduced these empty beasts that appeared little by little. Many of these empty beasts did not come to beg for pigs or cows, but crawled in their own lairs and watched coldly as these star ships flew by them.

Yu Zecheng looked at them and said:

"The names of these empty beasts seem to be ancient and strange beasts that appeared in the Classic of Mountains and Seas before?"

True Lord Bing Xin nodded and said:

"These empty beasts are all created by Xian Qin based on the evolution of those ancient beasts. In fact, they have the same name, but they are different in other places. They are the most sophisticated weapons of shikigami creatures in the battle of Qingming.

In fact, the single combat power of the empty beasts here is not strong, and we can easily kill them. But their most terrifying thing is not their single combat ability, but their group ability, which is endless.

And the most powerful king is hidden in the sea of ​​beasts. It can be said that with their existence, no living being dares to approach the star field around Tianlai Ancient City. They have blocked countless alien attacks and are the shield of our human race. Only during the Great Sound of Nature Conference that occurs once every three hundred and sixty-five years, they will not attack the creatures passing by. "

Yu Zecheng nodded silently. These empty beasts were playing in the sky in groups. Looking from a distance, it was impossible to know their number. Who knew how many such empty beasts were hidden in the star field.

The star boat gradually approached the huge silver ring, and a world shrouded in clouds and mist appeared in front of it. Suddenly, a huge red dragon flew past in the distance. This dragon was a thousand feet long, and its body was blood red and ferocious. It controlled a With a golden light, the dragon head was more than a hundred feet in size.

In front of it, the starship was like a small toy, and the huge red dragon flew past the starship.

Seen from a distance, the blood-red dragon eyes are shining like two giant lamps. There is no emotion in the blood-red dragon eyes, only the eternal vastness and coldness. Without any gesture, they look down at all living beings and look down at the universe. The sky is filled with tyranny.

The dragon's head seemed to stare at this side, and then suddenly raised its head and roared. The roar was like thunder in the sky, as if the starship was about to be shattered by the roar under this power. The cold and murderous roar, the roar getting higher and higher, is full of endless vitality and a fighting spirit that will never give up.

The blood-red dragon slowly flew away amidst the roar, flying into the distance.

Yu Zecheng looked at the giant dragon with great surprise and said:

"This, what kind of empty beast is this?"

True Lord Bing Xin frowned and said:

"This is not an empty beast. This is the mighty dragon among the eight dragons of Tianlai Fortress. This dragon has no entity and is best at soul and spirit attacks."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Eight Heavenly Dragons?"

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"Yes, but among the eight heavenly dragons, only the mighty heavenly dragon, the Moluosha dragon, and the Vajra Purple Dragon survive in the outer starry sky of the ancient city of Tianlai. They are the support of Yunhai Qingming Sect to control the periphery of this star field. .

The other five types of eight kinds of heavenly dragons all live in the ancient city of Tianlai. Their nature is unpredictable. Sometimes they kill people when they see them, and sometimes they help passers-by.

These eight heavenly dragons are the ultimate defense force of the ancient city of Tianlai, and the empty beasts are their food and slaves. Each heavenly dragon has infinite divine power, which is divine power, equivalent to the divine might among us monks.

It's extremely scary. Logically speaking, this mighty dragon wouldn't wander around. I really don't know why? "

Yu Zecheng smiled and said:

"I know why, it's welcoming me."

After saying that, he laughed, as if he had told a joke.

Lord Bing Xin also smiled as if he was hearing a joke.

When the mighty Tianlong flew past, Yu Zecheng had a feeling that the mighty Tianlong seemed to have glanced at him from a distance. This glance seemed to have traveled through countless time and space, seeing the depths of his soul and his Pangu. The world, that roar seemed to say, welcome you, so Yu Zecheng said this joke.

The star boat continued to fly, gradually entering the atmosphere and gradually landing on the ground.

Seen from the sky, this piece of heaven and earth covers an area of ​​about a thousand miles. There are mountains, woodlands, lakes, and rivers in it. It looks no different from the six realms in the sky.

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"This Thousand Mile World was created in the past month, and it was prepared for this conference.

This is the magic of Tianlai Ancient City. The star world here is thousands of miles away, but everything here is a derivative of Tianlai Ancient City, and every scenery and every area has its own magic circle restrictions. .

This star world, whether it is the meteorite belt in Qingming or the world of small thousand planets, can be transformed into war weapons at any time, and has infinite combat functions, and all of this is just the outermost part of the peripheral system of Tianlai Ancient City. It can evolve and be reborn endlessly, and these regional environments are changing and being generated all the time. This is the ancient city of Tianlai, Qingming’s defense fortress in Xianqin. "

Yu Zecheng nodded, and the star boat flew towards the lake. From a distance, it seemed that this was a continent. When he got close to his eyes, Yu Zecheng realized that he was wrong. The lake was ten miles in size and circular. , above the lake, there are countless star boats floating, and these star boats are all docked in the lake.

The entire lake, as well as the dams outside the lake, everything on the lake are integrated, and they are actually suspended in the air.

Not only the lakes, but the mountains, rivers, and woodlands were all just floating objects in my eyes. The forest is one, dozens of miles long, suspended in the air. The river and the river dam are like a ribbon, but it is also floating in the air.

Everything is suspended in an orderly manner. It looks like a continent from the sky, but here it is a separate suspended world. This world is entirely composed of these suspended individual spaces.

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"No one in the Yunhai Qingming Sect has any experience of living on land. They see the land like this from a high altitude, so in their eyes they think the earth looks like this."

Yu Zecheng looked at those star boats and asked:

"Why aren't these starships included in space?"

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"Haha, except for the Immortal Cultivation World in our six realms of the sky, most of the other outer realms already have this kind of extreme technique, so it's not that they don't want to accept it, it's that they don't have the ability."

While talking, the star boat approached the lake, and the fierce star boat dissipated. Everyone was stunned in the air, and they needed to control their air and swords to land on the ground.

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