Xian Ao

Chapter 867 Dangerous Place Kong Beast Qiongqi

Everyone arrived and set off immediately. The nightmare turned into a daydream. The space turned. In an instant, nine people were in a star boat, traveling across the nine heavens and flying towards Qingming.

Yu Zecheng casually walked to the window of the star boat and looked down. He saw the ancient city Loulan appearing on the earth, as big as a matchbox. The figures and horses were faint and disappeared. The star boat flew higher and higher, heading straight towards the blue sky. Above the underworld.

Gradually, the star boat rushed into Qingming, turned into a stream of light, and headed towards a distant star field.

In the star boat, everyone either meditated silently or fell asleep.

Yu Zecheng was wandering around, and True Lord Bing Xin said:

"Junior Brother Zecheng, it will take about a month for us to reach Tianlai Ancient City. There is no need to rush, we can only wait slowly."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Tianlai Ancient City? What does it look like?"

The fire god on the side said:

"You'll know when you get there. There's nothing interesting about that place. Except for the monsters from the Yunhai Qingming Sect, no one else can survive under the Nascent Soul."

Xing Jianhan on the side said:

"Senior Vulcan, please don't talk about the disciples of Yunhai Qingming Sect like that. If they weren't there to guard and protect Tianlai Ancient City, there would be the Tianlai Conference that we are participating in."

Vulcan said disdainfully:

"Bah, these guys are all vampires. Don't look at the long, dog-like bird-men with wings on their backs. Every time we go to explore, they will blackmail us. Half of the share, isn't it black? , we trade our lives, and they enjoy the benefits.”

Xing Jianhan said coldly:

“Whoever wants to take the bait, no one forces you, it’s your own choice.

Besides, they only had this opportunity after guarding for three hundred and sixty-five years, and sacrificed countless people in order to exchange for spiritual stones. If you say this, God of Fire, is it a bit too much? "

Vulcan smiled and said:

"You were deceived by that girl from the Yunhai Qingming Sect. You think I don't know that every time you attend the Tianlai Conference, it's more about meeting your lover than an adventure. This is an open secret. ”

Xing Jianhan's face became darker and darker, and he said:

"Now that the Heart Demon Heart Oath has been signed, I won't say anything to you. Lord Vulcan, our expedition is over. Can you and I discuss swords? Let me see what's so special about your Purple Flame Sword?"

This is a letter of challenge, Xing Jianhan issued a challenge to the Vulcan.

Vulcan smiled and said coldly:

"You also want Nascent Soul to defeat Shinichi, okay, okay, I'll give you a chance when you go back."

Nightmare Shinichi on the side said:

"Come on, come on. After we go back, at least two or three people in our group will die every time we explore. Whether you two can go back is still a matter of fact. Let's wait until we go back. This ancient city of Tianlai is also known as the exiled city. Every time How many Yuan Ying Zhenjun and Huixu Zhenyi will die, maybe the two of you will have a spark of excitement and get married. "

After saying this, the two of them immediately sighed together, stopped talking to each other, and sat down separately.

Bing Xin Zhenjun on the side secretly transmitted the message:

"Xing Jianhan had an unforgettable love affair with a female disciple of Yunhai Qingming Sect seven hundred years ago when he first came here. However, Yunhai Qingming Sect disciples had never touched the ground with their feet. He lives forever in the clouds and the dark world, so he ends up without a problem.

This Xing Jianhan has no lover in the sky world so far, so it can be seen that he is devoted to love, so he is like this. "

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"Yunhai Qingming Sect, such a magical sect."

Bing Xin said:

"This Yunhai Qingming Sect is more of a race than a sect. In fact, they are no longer a human race. You will know by then.

They couldn't get close to the ground, but they needed spirit stones, so they held a Tianlai Conference there every three hundred and sixty-five years and opened it to the public. They invited the Nascent Soul Master from all over the world to return to Xu Zhenyi, explore the ancient city of Tianlai, and obtain magical treasures. , fifty-fifty cents, and then you can buy it back with spiritual stones, so as to obtain spiritual stones and maintain the reproduction of the sect.

I don’t know who will be so lucky this time. Last time, Tian Hongzhen’s team from the Daluo Jinxian Sect found the place where the magic was taught in the ancient city of Tianlai, and learned the 76th method among the ninety-nine secrets of Xianqin: Thousand Souls, Thousand Souls, Blood Skeleton , Eighty-two Methods A mountain is higher than a mountain. With these two methods, it is completely possible to establish a sect, which is really enviable. "

Yu Zecheng nodded and then remained silent. Everyone was waiting silently for the starship to fly.

Time passed little by little, and Yu Zecheng returned to the Pangu world from time to time to be with Liu Shiyun. Finally, a month later, changes began to occur in the outer realm. At the far end, a huge star field appeared.

The star field was like a huge silver halo, shining in the blue sky. Seeing that halo, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"That is the City of Heaven. The entire star field is a derivative of it, only the central area is. This is the power of the immortal arts in the Xian Qin period.

From Tianlai Ancient City, a physical star field fortress less than ten miles away, a star field world covering tens of millions of miles was slowly derived. This star field is full of restrictions and can give birth to various magic circles and buildings infinitely. It can concentrate its power to destroy stars. But the real The entity is only ten miles in size, hidden in the star field world of thousands of miles. Except for the Yunhai Qingming Sect who can find the entity of Tianlai Ancient City, no one else can find it.

Although the Tianlai Ancient City is only ten miles away in physical form, it uses space technology. Although the entity is not large, entering it is another world. One hundred thousand miles have been explored so far, but only one-tenth of the entire Tianlai Ancient City has been explored.

Sometimes when I see this mammoth star field, I have to look up to the Xian Qin Empire back then, and I feel really unconvinced. "

During the conversation between Lord Bing Xin, the star boat gradually approached the huge silver ring.

First the Vulcan said:

"Everyone, this is a rare opportunity. I'm going to take the first step. Just call me when you set off."

In an instant, the Vulcan turned into a flame and disappeared without a trace.

Yu Zecheng was stunned when he saw the Vulcan disappearing, and Wuming Zhenyi on the side said:

"Oh, it's not my old grandson who told her that this guy is the worst. He disappears without a trace every time he comes here."

To Yu Zecheng's expectation, it was Nightmare Shinichi who defended Vulcan. He said:

"The sun here is the blazing sun of the void, absorbing the power of the sun. It will greatly assist the God of Fire and will make her power of heaven more perfect, so it makes sense for her to transform into a Tao and leave."

It seems that the relationship between Nightmare Shinichi and Kagami is very good. Otherwise, how could he say good things for Kagami?

As soon as the thought came up, Wuming Zhenyi beside him said in vain:

"Stop explaining. We all know it. Don't you think I, Old Zheng, don't know? You are the second one to disappear. Instead of explaining it to her, it's better to explain it to yourself."

Nightmare Shinichi laughed and said:

"I'm sorry. I'll be back when I leave. Take care and call me if you need anything."

In an instant, he also turned into light and disappeared.

This time it was Bing Xin Zhenjun who was on the side who explained:

"Except Nascent Soul and Returning to the Void True One, everyone who comes here is a determined person. This Nightmare True One's dream of heaven is most affected here, so every time he comes here, he will transform into a way and leave, so as to protect himself. You can also find prey.

Although everyone here is a person of firm belief, sometimes the greatest gains can be found in the least likely places. If someone is injured and has an accident, and has a flaw in his belief, and dreams here, he will be confused by the nightmare Shinichi, and his gains will be infinite, so he will do this every time. When we enter Tianlai Ancient City, the two of them will appear . "

Yu Zecheng said:

"Protect yourself and find prey? Is it chaotic here?"

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"It can be said that only the Yuanying True Lord and the Return to the Void True One exist here. The Yuanying True Lord and the Return to the Void True One are not just from the six realms of the sky like us, but many of them come from the ten major outer worlds, and there are also three thousand small thousand The world, and it is said that there are also aliens who can dress up as Yuanying Zhenjun and Huixu Zhenyi who come here to explore. It can be said that there is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and everyone is there.

Returning to the original state, some people are inherently evil, and they become Shura when they ascend. When they become true, they will burst into incomparable greed, desire and destructive emotions. There is no control of the Heavenly Tribulation here. It can be said that you can do whatever you want, so people will disappear inexplicably every time.

However, even though there is no heavenly tribulation here, the law of heaven will be weakened countless times here, and the strength of the True One God Lord will also be reduced countless times. This depends on what law of heaven they master.

Although the Yunhai Qingming Sect here has powerful force and the ability to control the world, and although it is desperately trying to control order, human nature is the most difficult to control. As long as it is discovered in you, you can get something beyond what you can get in Tianlai Ancient City. The good thing is, anything can happen. "

Yu Zecheng nodded, looked at the silver ring world at his feet, and suddenly said:

"I like it here, I can do whatever I want."

At this moment, Yu Zecheng's eyes stood up, ruthless and cold.

The True Lord Bing Xin also changed and said:

"Yes, this is our hunting ground. Watching those powerful Nascent Souls and Shinichi fall into disgrace, there is an indescribable feeling of pleasure."

At this moment, the true face of Bing Xin is revealed. She is the leader of the Wanhua Demon Sect and the Demon King of the Demon Sect. She used to be like a kind big sister, but now she is her true self. Perhaps bringing Yu Zecheng here, watching Yu Zecheng struggle and watch his death, is her wish.

In an instant, both of them returned to normal and became their original appearance.

At this time, the star boat approached the huge silver ring, and suddenly countless flying lions appeared in the sky. These lions were one foot in size and were divided into six colors: purple, silver, cyan, green, blue, and gold. They had wings on their ribs. Flying in the blue sky.

They circled the starship and roared past.

True Lord Bing Xin opened the door of the starship, began to take out a storage bag, and threw items outside. Yu Zecheng saw that what was thrown out were all fat pigs, protected by secret methods, and turned into bubbles. Floating in the dark space.

These lions with wings and wings began to chase these fat pigs and devour them. From time to time, blood and flesh flew everywhere in Qingming. The air bubbles were bitten into pieces, and the flesh and blood flew out of the mouths of these giant beasts and were frozen into ice cubes.

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"This is Qiongqi, one of the eighteen battle beasts in the Xian Qin airspace in Tianlai Star Territory. They are all shikigami weapons developed by Xian Qin. They have lost control of Xian Qin over the years and have now formed their own ecological community.

If it weren't for this conference, when we get here, we will face the attack of these airspace beasts. These lions can absorb the power of heaven. The purple turns into thunder and lightning, the red turns into the true fire of the sun, and the blue turns into the ice and mysterious water. , the green one turned into the Yimu Heavenly Hammer, and the golden one turned into the Geng Gold of Extinction, destroying all living things. "

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