Xian Ao

Chapter 861: Meteorite from the Sky, Fallen Fairy

The wasp continued to fly east, and Yu Zecheng quickly passed through the teleportation array he had built, and kept heading east. After passing several teleportation arrays, he rose up with his sword, shrank to an inch, or wielded his sword for thousands of miles. At the fastest speed, he finally Arrive at that day's cutting passage.

Passing through the natural chasm passage and reaching the ancient Qin area, it turns out that she is here.

Then he continued to move forward, and suddenly Yu Zecheng was stunned. The wasp turned around and flew towards the west. This was impossible. If this was the case, in other words, the place where Liu Shiyun's body was sealed was completely wandering, not sealed. It is transported to a certain place and is fixed there, but is constantly moving.

Yu Zecheng sighed and continued to move forward quickly, but the two hours passed by in an instant, and the time disappeared in the blink of an eye. The wasp made a clear cry and turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

Yu Zecheng stood there blankly, losing his trace like this. This search ended in failure.

Yu Zecheng just stagnated for a few breaths. His optimistic and never-giving character worked. It doesn't matter. If you can't find it this time, then next time. It's nothing special. I will definitely be able to do it.

Until now, I have encountered countless obstacles and dangers in my cultivation of immortality, but I have survived them all and had the last laugh. This is nothing to me. As long as I persist and don’t give up, I will definitely succeed.

Yu Zecheng looked for a secluded place, then returned to the Pangu world, passed through the Dark Gate, went to the temple of the Dark Demon Sect, and then found and contacted the Dark Demon Sect disciple who sold him the soul-seeking bees last time.

Hard work paid off. After Yu Zecheng contacted him many times and sent out flying charms countless times, the other party finally appeared.

He looked at Yu Zecheng and said:

"Why are you looking for me like this? Our transaction has ended, and the goods are sold without return."

Yu Zecheng smiled, took out the same number of spiritual stones as the reward last time, and showed them to the other party.

The other party took the spirit stone doubtfully and said:

"I only have one Immortal Qin Spirit Bee, and there is no second one."

Yu Zecheng said:

"As long as you tell me where you got it from, the source of the soul-seeking bees I purchased, I will do it myself. These spiritual stones will be the reward, and it will be my thank you fee."

The man glanced at the spirit stone given to him by Yu Zecheng, nodded and said:

"This is a reward given to me by my master. Just wait for me and I will ask my master."

Yu Zecheng nodded in agreement, and then waited silently.

Time passed little by little, and two days later, the man appeared, glanced at Yu Zecheng and said:

"I have already found out that this soul-seeking bee is an Immortal Qin treasure that Master obtained while exploring Tianlai Ancient City in the Tianlai Conference. You can go to Xianqin Tianlai Ancient City to look for it."

When Yu Zecheng heard the news, he traded the spirit stone to the other party, and then began to painstakingly guess how to get the spirit-seeking bee.

Although one year later, it will be the day agreed with Lord Bingxin of the Wanhua Demon Sect to explore the ancient city of Tianlai, but this year, Yu Zecheng cannot wait any longer. Instead of waiting for a year, it is better to ask the Wanhua Demon Sect True Lord Bingxin, she has explored the ancient city of Tianlai several times, and even invited herself to participate in the exploration a year later. Maybe there will be soul-seeking bees in her hands.

Action is not as good as heartbeat. It is better to try than not to try.

Yu Zecheng took action immediately and drove Kunpeng to the Wanhua Demon Sect.

Kunpeng flew to the sky, traveling day and night, and Yu Zecheng went to the Wanhua Demon Sect. In a few days, we arrived at the Dunhuang Desert in Muzhou.

The desert is extremely desolate. As far as the eye can see, it is just boundless yellow sand. There is no human habitation at all, not even a blade of grass. I don't know why there are so many cyclones, one after another, rolling the yellow sand into the air, like smoke rising from the ground, swirling and flying on the desert ground. Sometimes strong winds blow, the sky is gray, the ground is gray, and the sun seems to be covered with a layer of dust, dim and without light.

Yellow sand, yellow sand, always hot yellow sand. It's as if nature has solidified the turbulent waves and emptying angry waves in an instant, making it stay still forever. It is so vast and vast, with constant ups and downs, that people suddenly seem so small in it.

Thousands of miles of yellow sand in the desert, a sunset is about to set in the distance, and the afterglow of blood is scattered on the deserted and empty desert, making people feel a sense of desolation.

Yu Zecheng came here and silently released all his true energy, like a light in the dark night, announcing his arrival to the landlords here.

Kunpeng flew slowly, thousands of miles away, when a True Lord Nascent Soul appeared in front and came to greet Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng followed the monk and walked forward, crossing countless sand dunes. In the distance, a tornado hung in the sky, and countless yellow sand was sucked into the tornado.

The monk took Yu Zecheng and flew into the cyclone. The space instantly changed, and Yu Zecheng came to a floating mountain and a hollow cave. This is the cave world of the Wanhua Demon Sect, but Yu Zecheng can feel that the entrance to the tornado here is the illusion of the magic circle. Next time there will be no scenery.

In the distance, I saw the leader of the Wanhua Demon Sect, True Lord Bingxue, waiting there. She still looked the same as last time, fresh and agile. I really don’t know how she could maintain such an innocent appearance in this Demon Sect after practicing Taoism for thousands of years. Heart.

Yu Zecheng went over to greet him, and the two of them were polite and let them into a hall. The host and guest sat down and received Yu Zecheng warmly.

The two chatted together for a while, and Yu Zecheng said:

"Fellow Daoist Bing Xin, Yu is a bit presumptuous here, and I have something to ask for. You said you have explored the ancient city of Tianlai several times before. Do you have the Xian Qin Soul Seeking Bee? I want to buy a few of them, even just one. OK."

Bing Xin Zhenjun smiled and said:

"So the purpose of Mie Du Zhenjun coming here is for the Immortal Qin Soul Seeking Bee, it's a piece of cake."

After saying this, she took out four badges without saying anything and said:

"These are four Soul Seeking Bees. I hope you can use them to find the creatures you want to find."

Yu Zecheng was immediately very happy and said:

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. What can I exchange for you?"

Bing Xin Zhenjun's face turned cold and said:

"Yu Zecheng, I treat you as a friend. This is for you. If you say this again, I will turn my face against you."

Yu Zecheng laughed and took the four badges. He said nothing, not a word of thanks. He didn't say thank you for the great favor. Saying thank you ten thousand times is not as good as taking action in the future.

I don't know why this Bingxin Zhenjun is so righteous to me, but I must repay her for the favor she has done today. No matter what her purpose is, I will treat her with a piece of real city. If she respects me one foot, I will give her one foot. If she has all kinds of schemes and ill intentions, I will repay her for this favor. When the time comes, I will repay her favor. If she bullies me an inch, I will kill her whole family.

Yu Zecheng thought to himself, I have accepted this favor, and said goodbye without saying anything more.

Without further ado, Yu Zecheng said goodbye and left. Bingxin Zhenjun saw him off from a distance, watching Yu Zecheng leave with a slight smile on his face.

Yu Zecheng returned to the place where the soul-seeking bee disappeared last time and continued to search. He immediately activated a soul-seeking bee to track the wasp everywhere to find Liu Shiyun's sealed body.

After searching for two hours, the wasp moved back and forth, drifting without an accurate direction, which made Yu Zecheng very depressed. Gradually, he saw the problem. Liu Shiyun's location was drifting. The mountains and rivers were fixed, but only the sky, above the nine heavens, in the blue sky, would be like this.

After analyzing the truth of the matter, Yu Zecheng flew into the air with his sword and flew towards the outer domain. Now his cultivation easily rushed into the blue sky, and then summoned his own golden lantern chariot.

With the return of the eldest disciple Xiao San, Yu Zecheng's latest golden lantern chariot also swallowed several star boats brought back by Xiao San, and could fly in the blue sky. I didn't expect it to work today.

Under the guidance of the spirit-guiding bee, Yu Zecheng drove the star boat and flew everywhere in the blue sky. After searching and searching, he finally found a meteorite from outer space. It turned out that Liu Shiyun's body was sent to the meteorite from outer space by the last blow of the endless true one and sealed in it.

After the last soul-seeking bee dissipated, Yu Zecheng began to search silently on the meteorite. The meteorite was ten miles in size, standing proudly in the void, flying around the world of the sky.

Yu Zecheng began to search painstakingly on the meteorite. Finally, after seven days and seven nights, Yu Zecheng saw Liu Shiyun in a meteorite cave.

She was still as beautiful and charming as she was back then.

She lay in the meteorite cave, but her body was not stained with dust. She was wearing a fitted green dress, like smoke. The cuffs, neckline, knees, and back all showed her snowy skin, and the close-fitting cut highlighted her beautiful curves.

She lay there, half asleep, in a strange state, so elegant and quiet, and so sexy and gorgeous. The combination of the two was seamless, and her temperament was natural, making people unable to take their eyes off at a glance.

Liu Shiyun has a picturesque face, with long eyebrows, eyes like autumn water, a straight and beautiful nose, red lips and pearly teeth, and eyes slightly closed, as if she is sleeping or thinking. From a distance, there is a kind of heart-moving feeling, but there is a kind of dreamlike meaning.

Look carefully, this is not a person, but the fairy who has fallen into the mortal world.

She lies there with a smile, her breath is still there, but there seems to be a layer of true essence seal visible to the naked eye outside.

This seal maintains Liu Shiyun's life, but isolates everything, even Liu Shiyun's soul cannot return to her body.

After seeing Liu Shiyun's body, Yu Zecheng can feel the nervous fluctuations of Liu Shiyun's soul, just like the rapid breathing in his ears.

Yu Zecheng put this body into his Pangu world and returned to the sky world.

"I found you, I finally found you. In the past, we were weak and vulnerable to bullying, so you and I had to separate. Now, who in the world can fight with me? No one can hold you in my hands anymore. This time, I will never let you leave me again."

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