Xian Ao

Chapter 860 The Chaos Sword Intent is beyond redemption

As Wang Shuyuan spoke, his body was immediately surrounded by Yu Zecheng's boundless sword intent, and suddenly the sky was filled with white light. This light could destroy everything and destroy the world.

But in this sword light, in this heaven-destroying light, there is only a ball of light that is completely different from the light pillar that destroys everything. It is the strange fluctuation of the unique black spiritual light, which rises and falls in the light pillar. This is exactly Wang Shuyuan's chaotic sword intention.

After Wang Shuyuan was defeated by Yu Zecheng, he practiced hard and tempered himself. With the help of the Chaos Holy Demon Art, he understood his life and finally understood the supreme sword intention.

This Chaos Sword Intent represents Wang Shuyuan's belief, will, and even soul. In this Chaos Sword Intent, it can decompose everything, return everything in the world to chaos, and turn it into the power of mysterious chaos.

Under this sword intention, whether your sword intention is like the tide, your sword intention is like a mountain, your sword intention is like a song, your sword intention is like a prison, or your sword intention is like the sky, all of them will dissipate and turn into the power of chaos.

The power of chaos expanded infinitely. In an instant, Yu Zecheng's sword intent was like the sky, and all of it turned into Wang Shuyuan's chaotic sword intent. This infinite sword intent rushed towards Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng was stunned. No wonder Wang Shuyuan dared to challenge himself. It turned out that he had found his own sword intention and cracked his own sword intention like the sky. However, this was normal. After all these years of hard training, he had no achievements. , too unreasonable.

Yu Zecheng smiled slightly. According to ancient legend, the heaven and earth were in chaos. Countless years later, time was like water, in which Pangu was born and the chaos was destroyed.

According to legend, his own Time Sword Intention can just break this Chaos Sword Intent.

Yu Zecheng was about to use the Sword of Time, when suddenly Lao Qi said:

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, I discovered that Pangu World has the same source of Chaos Power. Please allow me to absorb the Chaos Power. This will replenish the Chaos Mist and have infinite benefits for the evolution of Pangu World."

The fog of chaos now possessed by the Pangu world was transformed from Wang Shuyuan's Chaos Holy Stone. Wang Shuyuan's own power of chaos also came from the Chaos Holy Stone. The two belong to the same body and naturally come from the same source.

The only reason why the Pangu world can swallow up the true water realm of that day is that the fog of chaos plays a key role. With this fog, the Pangu world gradually surpasses the laws of the Pangu world and can continue to evolve.

Yu Zecheng said:

"Okay, just absorb it. This is a martial arts dojo anyway, and everything about life and death is just an illusion."

Suddenly, the tattoo of Pangu World on Yu Zecheng's chest began to glow. Wang Shuyuan's infinite sword intent was immediately absorbed by this light, and all of it was integrated into the fog of chaos, which left only 40% of Pangu World.

The absorption was getting faster and faster. Wang Shuyuan gradually realized that something was wrong, but found that he could not control his chaotic sword intent and could only watch Yu Zecheng's absorption.

This kind of absorption far exceeded Yu Zecheng's imagination, surpassed the ability of the Yanwu Dojo to evolve, and even absorbed the magic power of the Yanwu Dojo.

Gradually, Yu Zecheng found that his figure began to become illusory, and his body suddenly shattered.

Wang Shuyuan looked at it stupidly, did he win? Did he actually win against Yu Zecheng? How is this going.

At this time, there was a roar, and the martial arts dojo that had existed in Tiandao Peak for ten thousand years collapsed completely.

The collapse made a loud roar, the illusion disappeared, and the two of them returned to Wanjian Pavilion at the same time. At this time, Wang Shuyuan found that his supreme sword intention was absorbed by Yu Zecheng bit by bit.

Nayu Zecheng stood there with a rosy complexion, but his body was weak, and he fell to the ground with a plop. His true energy was thin, his Nascent Soul withered, and his sword intent dissipated.

The two broke through the martial arts dojo and returned to reality. Yu Zecheng discovered that in reality, Wang Shuyuan's supreme sword intent was still being absorbed by him, and he quickly stopped Pangu World from continuing to absorb it.

Seeing Wang Shuyuan's tragic situation, Yu Zecheng didn't know how to explain the problem of destroying the martial arts dojo, so he hurriedly said:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Junior brother is really good at swordsmanship, but I lost."

Wang Shuyuan looked at Yu Zecheng stupidly, and suddenly shouted angrily:

"You lost, you let me, you recognized me, you are insulting me."

Then he sighed again and asked

"What kind of sword intent is this?"

Yu Zecheng was speechless for a moment, but he could explain the brokenness of the martial arts dojo with his new sword intent. For a long time, he remembered the legend he heard among the gangs when he was a child. There was a great immortal in the Xingxiu Sea in the Jianghu who was good at sucking. Star Dafa can transfer and absorb other people's internal energy.

So Yu Zecheng replied:

"This is the star-absorbing sword intention. What I have recently realized is that it can absorb the energy of all things and transform it into a sword intention."

Wang Shuyuan looked at Yu Zecheng stupidly, and the old man said from the side:

"No way, in the past few days, I have learned another kind of sword intent. What a bastard. I haven't heard of the star-absorbing sword intent in tens of thousands of years?"

When Wang Shuyuan heard this, he sighed and fell to the ground completely. He didn't want to get up. He practiced hard, spent countless efforts and suffered countless hardships, and finally perfected the Chaos Sword Intent, but the opponent had another sword. If you want to completely restrain yourself, will you never be able to catch up with him in this life?

Seeing Wang Shuyuan's appearance, Yu Zecheng shook his head, but he had something to do and took the first step. Anyway, he had adapted and would recover soon.

Yu Zecheng said:

"Junior brother, please rest here for a while. I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Yu Zecheng turned around and left.

Wang Shuyuan lay on the ground and couldn't help but shed tears. He lost, and he lost again. The other party even pretended to be a failure to deceive himself. This shows his contempt for himself. He is unwilling to accept it. Could he really be unwilling to do so? Can't defeat him?

The old man on the side said:

"Don't be discouraged, Mr. Wang, I'm helping you, why don't I believe you?

I will fight hard and teach you the art of swordsmanship, the art of Zen swordsmanship, and the art of enlightenment swordsmanship. "

Wang Shuyuan was stunned and said:

"Heart Sword Technique, Zen Sword Technique, and Enlightenment Sword Technique. Isn't this the sword technique of the Heart Sword Zen Sect? Isn't it true that you are?"

The old man said:

"Don't talk nonsense, I am the clone of Old Man Jian. It's not like you haven't seen Old Man Jian before. What is the Heart Sword Zen Sect? I am different from those inner demons. This is the pure swordsmanship of Old Man Jian.

Do you know what Heart Sword Art, Zen Sword Art, and Enlightenment Sword Art are? "

Seeing hope, Wang Shuyuan also deliberately avoided the matter of Xinjian Zen Sect. The old man continued:

"The sword technique in the heart is said to be as big as the heart and the sword, it can make flesh from bones, turn the sun and the moon upside down, and make land from the sea. As long as you want it in your heart, this sword technique can realize your dream.

Zen swordsmanship is known as the invincible Zen intention, the three infallible learning, the invincible thought, the spoken word can change everything, this is the power of divine power.

Enlightenment of the Sword Technique was adapted from the Qi Refining Technique of Xian Qin by the old man Jian. He could sense the aura and break through all bottlenecks.

By practicing these three major sword techniques, you can fully understand the power of divine power. Once you possess the power of divine power, little Yu Zecheng can defeat him with just one glance. "

The old man started to talk eloquently and began to advocate. Suddenly he thought of something and said:

"However, you have to rely on yourself for all this. I can only guide you in the direction and teach you the power of the sword. From now on, your sword intention and divine power will all depend on your self-cultivation. Don't ask for any favors from me. Human You have to rely on yourself. If you don’t work hard, no one can do you any good.”

The lesson Yu Zecheng taught him last time was something he would never forget.

When Wang Shuyuan heard this, he gradually stood up, his hope ignited again, and he said:

"The power of divine power? But no one has the power of divine power in these ten thousand years?"

The old man laughed and said:

"Simple boy, before Xian Qin, whoever had the power of divine power would celebrate and announce it to the world, so there were divine warriors in the past.

Later, in the Immortal Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor didn't know what to study, so he started to capture the Divine Weapons everywhere. Even the Divine Weapons were unable to do anything before the Immortal Qin Qin Terracotta Warriors Formation. At that time, a total of seven divine warriors were invited away by the First Emperor, and then disappeared completely. Moreover, Xian Qin's own divine warriors were constantly disappearing.

So from then on, everyone was afraid, and whoever possessed divine power was kept secret.

Alas, in fact, this also has something to do with people's hearts. In the past, people were honest in their hearts. One thing to say, people nowadays are morally corrupt. They only know how to get benefits from others. If there is no benefit, they will fall out. What kind of people are they?

Nowadays, people hide everything they have. When the time comes to fight, you will know what cards they have. Look at the history of these years, why do some guys who don’t look like strong men have countless masters die at their hands? , because they may be Kamui Shi. Not to mention, your old madman from Xuanyuan Sword Sect is Kamui Shi, and the Chaos Ancestor of Chaos Holy Demon Sect is also Kamui Shi. …”

In the grandfather's words, Wang Shuyuan gradually saw a glimmer of hope. He once again saw the light of victory, imagining that he could achieve divine power and defeat Yu Zecheng. Little by little, he was replaced by the grandfather into the darkness, but he didn't know that this time Lost forever.

Yu Zecheng defeated Wang Shuyuan and returned to the Pangu world. He was immediately overjoyed. He saw that the chaotic black mist had doubled and returned to 80% of its original appearance. It seems that he will have to fight Wang Shuyuan several more times in the future. He is a The living holy stone of chaos.

Yu Zecheng happily came to Xuanyuan Hill and silently activated the soul-seeking bee.

"Heaven and earth are united with me, I am united with heaven and earth, gods and men assist me, I assist gods and men, my soul and soul are all integrated, I will never abandon my body, I will seek for the spirit to possess me, and there will be no trace in the world. I am as urgent as a law or order."

Suddenly the badge emits a light, which illuminates the sky. In this light, all the memories of Yu Zecheng and Liu Shiyun appear in this light, and then the light turns into a wasp and flies away into the distance.

The wasp was about the size of a fist and headed straight to the east, but it would return to Yu Zecheng if it was fifty feet beyond Yu Zecheng. It was just guiding the direction.

Yu Zecheng nodded, glanced at the east, instantly activated the teleportation array, and suddenly arrived at Yuanzhou Continent.

Yuanzhou Continent is full of living poisons, but Yu Zecheng's dust-avoiding technique specifically restrains this poison, leaving him unscathed.

Yu Zecheng looked at the soul-seeking bee. The soul-seeking bee was still pointing to the east. Yu Zecheng immediately teleported again.

"Shiyun, where are you, don't be afraid, I'm coming to find you."

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