Xian Ao

Chapter 672: Cut in two in front of Caishikou

Stars appeared during the day, and strange celestial images appeared, but for the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, this was not a big deal. This kind of phenomenon of forming a baby through elixirs appeared frequently for a period of time after Grandmaster Xiong ascended, and everyone was already used to it. , the only thing strange this time is that the Xuanyuan Sword Peak is also absorbing the power of the stars, which makes people confused.

After the formation of the second Nascent Soul, Yu Zecheng started the next step of his efforts. The remaining power of killing, the way of dividing and gathering, the power of thunder, and the power of blood are not as good as the way of morning sun and the power of stars. A good understanding turns into a baby.

Because the power of the morning sun and the power of the stars are matters that exist in nature, it is very easy for them to imitate celestial phenomena, but the other four powers of heaven are extremely difficult.

After Yu Zecheng formed the second false baby, he suddenly disappeared after being consolidated for half a year, and no one knew his whereabouts.

In the ancient Qin region and Daxia, in the past ten years, natural and man-made disasters have continued, and the people have been in dire straits. Among them, there is also fierce struggle in the officialdom. The three major factions attack each other. Every year, powerful officials who were once extremely wealthy are imprisoned, and hundreds of people in their families are imprisoned. They were all beheaded at the execution ground at Nacaishikou.

One of the biggest excitements for the people of Yinxu, the capital of the Great Xia Kingdom, is to watch people beheaded. At the beginning of every month, a large number of prisoners from all over the country are pressed into the capital of the Great Xia Kingdom in wooden cage prison cars, and then they are killed at the entrance of the vegetable market. A man was decapitated with a knife, his head flew up, and he was beheaded in public.

This has simply become a scene in Daxia. A one-stop service has been formed at the beheading market. Every beginning of the month, there will be people selling the life stories of the people who were beheaded that month, printing official newspapers, and people collecting corpses. , those who sell blood buns, those who sell departure wine, they do just about anything.

On this day, June 13, there was a huge crowd here early in the morning. The one who was beheaded today was Mr. Ma, the governor of Liangjiang. Mr. Ma was an upright official and loved by all the people, but he was in the wrong team and supported the abandoned prince. In the end, the palace dispute Failed, ended up like this today.

The prison cars were slowly pulled in. There were twelve in total. The one at the front was Master Na Ma, the ones behind him were his subordinates, who were all killed together, and the last three were the thieves and robbers.

Master Na Ma looked mighty in this prison car. He was not afraid of the disaster of beheading today. Countless relatives and friends offered him farewell wine along the way. He walked and drank all the way. He was really heroic.

Next to his prison car were his young son, his wife and concubines, crying and crying. The viewers were in tears. Good people don't live long.

When we arrived at Caishikou, although it was called Caishikou, it was actually a square that could accommodate 20,000 to 30,000 people. Now there was a sea of ​​people here, all watching. At the front was a group of people who had received his favor, kneeling down to worship each other.

The twelve people were pulled up to the market entrance and took their positions one by one. There were countless cries and cries below. Some prisoners had piled up in a pile, and some were paralyzed with fear. Only Master Ma remained so strong.

The onlookers outside watched this scene and talked a lot, waiting for the arrival of three quarters of noon. One of them commented:

"Who is being executed this time? Is it Li Kuaishou or the Decapitated Demon?"

The well-informed person next to him said:

"The Ma family spent a lot of money to hire a knife to kill him."

"Ah. Cut it with one sword, Lord Ma is blessed. Cut it in two with one sword. Today is not in vain. Let's see."

The leader of this execution ground has great knowledge. The thief holds a knife to cut off his head. He has a lot of knowledge. Some people have offended countless enemies. During the beheading, someone bribed the executioner and deliberately made more cuts during the beheading, causing the deceased to die in pain. , to take revenge.

Some relatives of sinners pay the executioner to cut off their loved ones and let them go happily.

In fact, decapitation is not that simple. Only one cut can be cut right up to the neck, and if it hits the third neck bone, the head will fly away and the deceased will die happily.

In addition, some of the victims were paralyzed, some were frightened, and some were uncooperative. It was not easy to cut off their heads so easily.

Therefore, the executioners on this law field also have their own unique skills, and they also have fans who pursue them. For example, Kuai Dao Li, Decapitation Demon, and Yi Dao Zhan are all top-notch executioners who are famous in the capital of Xia Kingdom.

At three quarters of noon, the cannon sounded three times and the execution was carried out.

An executioner wearing a mask appeared on the execution ground. Countless onlookers around him stared wide-eyed. They were watching the decapitation. In fact, the most exciting thing was when someone robbed the execution ground. At that time, the battle between soldiers and bandits was the most exciting. Wonderful things.

The executioner walked up to Master Ma and said:

"It's time, Master Ma, let's go."

Master Na straightened his neck and said:

"Come on, twenty years later, I will be a good man again."

Suddenly the sword flashed, the head flew up, and blood splattered everywhere.

There was a lot of crying below, and some people praised him for being a good man. The executioner walked to the next person with one slash, and that person was already shaking into a ball with fear and collapsed on the ground.

Yi Daozhan reached out and grabbed his head, pulled it sharply, and kicked him from below. The kick was very hard. The man couldn't help but stretched his head upward. The sword flashed, and the sword broke in two, and the head flew up.

Just like this, there were twelve people in a row, one by one, one by one, without any hesitation. There was a cry from below. After everyone was killed, the executioner turned around and left with one slash, leaving the Caishikou in the special passage.

After leaving Caishikou, he took off his mask, and it was revealed to be Yu Zecheng, but now he had no trace of true energy in his body, and was no different from that mortal.

Yu Zecheng returned to the courtyard he bought here, which is not on the main street. But rather remote. It is difficult to find without someone to guide you. The courtyard is huge and desolate.

Yu Zecheng returned here and came to the house silently. A young woman took out a pen and paper for him, and silently studied the ink. Yu Zecheng started painting with the last brush, and what he painted was the portrait of the twelve people who were beheaded by him.

In this painting, the faces of the twelve of them are all on this paper. Some of them are crying and some are laughing. If you look closely, you can see that their whole lives are all on this paper. The ignorance when they were born, the joy and happiness when they were babbling, and their growth. The joys and sorrows in life, the heroism and loyalty in life, and the unwillingness when being caught.

The glory and wealth they once enjoyed, the bitter pain they suffered, the angry roar when they were beheaded, and the last sound of fear and hesitation, all of it is reflected on this drawing paper.

Everyone who was killed by Yu Zecheng had his body invaded by Yu Zecheng's Invisible Destruction and Divine Consciousness Transformation Technique. All of their lives were enlightened by Yu Zecheng, and then they were cut in two with a sword and their heads flew up.

These memories gradually came to mind. Yu Zecheng drew one stroke at a time, and with a slight wave, it appeared on the paper.

In this painting, Yu Zecheng gradually understood their feelings and tasted their lives. The strokes became more and more profound, and all their voices, appearances and appearances were painted on the rice paper.

time. It went by quickly. As soon as night falls. Yu Zecheng finally finished, and the twelve portraits were completed.

At this time, a young woman came over tired from walking and said:

"Master, the food is ready and ready to eat."

This young woman's husband was oppressed, so she stood up to resist, killing three people in a row, and was finally beheaded in public. The family of the murdered woman paid a large sum of money to buy her husband's head, so that her husband would be stabbed to death ten times.

She didn't have the money to buy her head, and she wanted her husband to die a happy death, so she sold herself to bury her husband and sold herself to Yu Zecheng in order to get her husband a happy death and the coffin in the cemetery where he was buried. In this way, she is responsible for Yu Zecheng's daily life here.

She prepared meals for Yu Zecheng every day. Every time after Yu Zecheng went out to behead someone, he would come back to paint, and then have dinner as night fell. Life is so simple.

Yu Zecheng is no different from a mortal now. He never uses the magic essence. Even the beheading is done by his own strength without the help of magic at all.

After finishing the twelve portraits, the young woman hung them one after another in the main hall. When she looked up, she realized that there were thousands of such portraits above her head, and each one was so real and lifelike. .

In these portraits there are old people, children, adults, great evil, good people, people who are willing to die, and people who are unforgivable. Now they are just pictures.

The night wind blew by, and they seemed to be shouting in the wind, shouting to give me my head back.

Under this portrait, Yu Zecheng was eating his dinner in silence. At this time, the first watch of a wooden clapper sounded, signaling that it was time for guests to come to the door.

Under the guidance of the county and government officials, a wave of relatives of the sinners who will be beheaded in the future come here. Their purpose of coming here is to beg for this beheading to send their relatives happily on their way.

Yu Zecheng was not afraid of those who came. He accepted the money and gave it all to the young woman for safekeeping. He only asked for beheading with one knife and nothing else.

Then he sat in this courtyard all night until he stood up at dawn the next day. At this time, the tofu seller Lao Wang brought a board of tofu, and Yu Zecheng began to hone his knife skills. He began to peel the tofu with each knife, and cut the board of tofu into pieces as thin as paper. .

He did not use any magic to make this sword, but relied on his body's induction. Every time the sword was struck, a word "kill" would appear behind him, and the power of killing appeared on the sword.

After practicing like this for three years, beheading countless people, the word "kill" gradually dissipated. Every time he swung the sword, it never appeared again, because it had been integrated into Yu Zecheng's whole body, and the Tao method was natural.

This time, Yu Zecheng swung his knife again, peeling the tofu piece by piece. Suddenly, there was a sound of chaos outside, and he saw a neighbor carrying someone back. The neighbor was actually Yu Zecheng's colleague. An executioner known as Sharp Blade.

It seems that he was unlucky enough to encounter the most lively event, the Tribulation Field. I don’t know why, those heroes are never in a hurry when robbing the execution ground. If the executioner doesn’t raise his sword, they will never take action. They have to raise the sword here and strike there. This is how the quick knife Li received a dart. It seems that this dinner He was done eating.


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