Xian Ao

Chapter 671 The second fake baby appears during the day

Yu Zecheng has withdrawn from Pangu World, and everything is still being developed and deduced. With the help of Pangu World, things will become much easier, which is much better than being blind and not knowing how to move forward alone.

Yu Zecheng has never doubted whether he can successfully transform into a baby. He firmly believes that he can succeed.

Yu Zecheng was flying with his sword, and the Huo Yuan Sect was in sight. Now that Yu Jian was here, although the door of darkness was now open, he no longer needed to burn the real person to the Dark Demon Temple to buy secrets, but he couldn't do it no matter what. For such a stranger, it's just a good time to pay a visit to the real person Burning.

Thinking of this, Yu Zecheng flew towards the Huoyun Sect with his sword. The cave where the Huoyun Sect was located was located in a volcano. The Wuliang Sect underwent a great change and someone activated the volcano, which caused the Huoyun Sect to be in civil strife and unable to rescue the Wuliang Sect.

Yu Zecheng flew towards the volcano with his sword. From thousands of miles away, he could see the rising smoke column and the huge flame breath. He could feel the hot flame energy from thousands of miles away. The entire mountain range was like It is a mountain of fire.

It seemed that the volcanic eruption back then was definitely not simple, and it would not be what I had originally imagined. There was no mystery in it.

After entering the foot of the volcano and flying three hundred miles from here, a welcoming boy appeared in front of him and said from a distance:

"Master, please stay. May I ask if you can come to my Huoyun Sect and do something with me?"

Yu Zecheng stopped moving forward, stretched out his hand and sent out a greeting card, and replied:

"I am Yu Zecheng of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. I am here to pay a visit to Master Fenfen of your sect. He and I are good friends. Please report this quickly."

The two welcoming boys immediately took the invitation and reported to the door. Then they led Yu Zecheng to sit in a pavilion and rest for a while.

In less than a quarter of an hour, fire clouds surged ahead, and a man came out to greet Yu Zecheng. The man rode the fire clouds with great momentum, filling the sky with clouds.

When Yu Zecheng saw that it was not Master Fenfen, but the True Lord of Three Fires who had gone to Wuliang Sect with Master Fenfen back then, he came out to greet Yu Zecheng.

When Yu Zecheng saw this person, he immediately saluted respectfully and expressed his intention.

The Lord of Three Fires said:

"Master Fenfen's nephew, he attacked the Nascent Soul two years ago and started to retreat. I don't know when he will be released. I am here to welcome you on his behalf."

Yu Zecheng said immediately:

"The juniors are so virtuous and capable. I feel sorry for the seniors to come out to greet me."

Lord Three Fires said:

"You're welcome, you're welcome. It's such a blessing that you can come to us. I didn't expect that you have already reached the realm of fake babies. I'm so happy and congratulated."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Senior has great love, Hua Ying, Hua Ying, it's really difficult."

In this way, Yu Zecheng was welcomed into the Huoyun Sect by the Three Fire Lords, who treated him warmly and showed his friendship as a landlord.

The next day, I bid farewell to the Three Fires True Lord and left the Huoyun Sect.

Yu Zecheng was always respectful and respectful to him, and he should not be underestimated. Although on the way to the Wuliang Sect, he never said a word, without the majesty of the Nascent Soul Lord, and he was a disciple in everything. They made up their minds and showed great weakness.

But Yu Zecheng knew that this guy was quite vicious. He and the other two Nascent Souls had killed Fairy Mu Yan back then.

Under the contact of Zhang Zongdao, the Three Fire Lord spent 10 million spirit stones and joined the battle. His purpose was to kill Fairy Mu Yan. This person should not be underestimated or offended. .

In fact, that Nascent Soul Lord can be underestimated. Those Nascent Soul Lords that I have fought alone are simple figures, the Yuanying True Lord of the Yin Yang Sect, the Nine Destruction Thunder God, and the Yuan Ying True Lord of the Yi She Kuai Jian Sect. If you fail, you can escape thousands of miles away, and it is difficult to kill them. As for the big demon and Cang Qiong Guard, although they both have the cultivation of True Monarch Nascent Soul, he can kill them himself.

The more Yu Zecheng thought about it, the more determined he was to transform into an infant. After finishing his secular affairs, he returned to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect and began to practice transforming into an infant.

Returning to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect this time, Yu Zecheng's daughter is already over two years old. She can walk on her own and is learning to speak. Looking at her brings endless happiness to Yu Zecheng.

Under the feeding of the two wet nurses, Yu Zecheng's daughter thrived, which made Yu Zecheng very happy, and he immediately accepted the two wet nurses' sons as his apprentices.

The two children were also very cute, and as for their spiritual roots, Yu Zecheng ignored them at all. His own five elements spiritual roots could be like this. Whatever spiritual roots they loved was what they loved, and it had no problem for him.

Life went on, and Yu Zecheng was practicing, dealing with various chores of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and taking care of his daughter as she grew up.

Just like this, the days passed, and all the training secrets of the Demon-Slaying Sect and the Xingji Sword Sect were deduced. The Demon-Slaying Sect entered the Tao by killing, using the sword to take the wrong direction, and massacred hundreds of thousands of creatures, using the murderous aura to transform into a false life. Ying, that skill is not liked by Yu Zecheng, so I can only learn from it.

The Xingji Sword Sect's secret cultivation method is quite similar to that of Yu Zecheng, who realized the way of the Morning Sun. Yu Zecheng began to practice this technique, watching the stars and transforming into an infant every night.

Time flies, the years leave no trace, and several years pass in the blink of an eye. Yu Zecheng relies on the auxiliary power of the seven-star crown on his head to watch thousands of star images in the starry sky every day. Finally, he has been stargazing for several years, and he has achieved great success in one day. ,

Yu Zecheng suddenly realized something, walked to the courtyard, stood there motionless, and stayed here without saying a word for a long time.

Looking at the big sun in the sky, Yu Zecheng suddenly had a feeling. The sun, moon and stars were passing by every day. Yu Zecheng was motionless, just watching all the phenomena in the sky. Day by day, Yu Zecheng stood here blankly. It’s thirty days to realize the power of heaven.

The sun and the moon go by, and time flies by. Here I watch the sky without saying a word, without moving or sleeping.

On this day, at noon, the sun was shining brightly across the sky.

Suddenly Yu Zecheng laughed, he laughed loudly, pointed at the sky, and the sky changed. Stars appeared in the daytime, and thousands of stars appeared in the sky around the violent sun.

The appearance of those stars was actually due to the light rays on these stars being absorbed by Yu Zecheng, causing traces to appear. They were not real star appearances, but in the eyes of others, they were daytime star appearances.

Those rays of light gathered together and fell from the sky, like a river in the sky, rushing and flowing, rushing into Yu Zecheng's body.

This starlight has existed since ancient times and is an eternal part of the world. It is eternal and boundless, and the heaven and earth are natural. Today they are absorbed by Yu Zecheng.

At this moment, Yu Zecheng devoted all his energy to activating the Transboundary Hunyuan Divine Mind Technique. He was the source of all this, relying on it to absorb the endless power of formation.

This cross-border Hunyuan Divine Mind Technique spread violently. This time it was no longer just a hundred miles away, but the fluctuations were infinite, spreading thousands of miles away. As it spread, the daytime star appearance also expanded. The original starry sky of a hundred miles turned into a starry sky of thousands of miles.

Within a thousand miles of Xuanyuan Cave, the sun was shining brightly, and countless starlights gathered on Yu Zecheng's head and slowly integrated into his body. As these starlights entered, ancient demon scripts appeared one by one, and they became natural. Shapes appeared on Yu Zecheng's body, and each demonic text had positive and auxiliary elements, working together to form a strange power.

The starlight entered the body and turned into endless light points that merged into Yu Zecheng's golden elixir. The power of these stars suddenly exploded in Yu Zecheng's dantian and golden elixir, turning into a galaxy and flying out of Yu Zecheng's golden elixir. The elixir revolves silently around the Sword Heart Tongxuan elixir in the dantian.

As soon as the Milky Way appeared, with the golden elixir as the center, it was far away from the false baby generated by the Way of the Morning Sun. The Milky Way continued to rotate, and the ancient demonic writings on Yu Zecheng's body all gathered together with the endless power of the stars. To this galaxy.

The Milky Way continued to rotate in the dantian. As it rotated, the rays of light gradually gathered together and slowly transformed into a human form, turning into a baby. This is the transformed Nascent Soul. Unfortunately, this Nascent Soul is between half reality and half illusion. This is just a fake baby.

However, as soon as the fake baby was ready, Yu Zecheng's body emitted countless strong lights. This strong light began to twinkle correspondingly with the many stars that appeared in the sky during the day. There seemed to be a channel between them, and the endless power of the stars flowed smoothly. Following the passage, it flows into the false baby on Yu Zecheng's body. As the power of the stars flows in, the false baby becomes more and more real and clear.

At this moment, the Xuanyuan Sword Peak in the distance roared, and began to absorb the power of the day star appearance. The day star appearance began to expand again, this time spreading thousands of miles, one hundred thousand miles, the entire Xuanyuan All hills are covered by this coverage.

The Xuanyuan Sword Peak absorbed the power of the daytime star, but it did not affect Yu Zecheng. All his energy and energy were absorbed by the fake baby. Feel the power of the stars. The power of this star contains the aura of ancient times, powerful power, and endless mysteries.


Finally, the Nascent Soul's ability to absorb the power of the stars reached its limit, and the connection was immediately broken. As it cuts off the connection, no star power falls, and the stars floating in the sky naturally disappear. During the day, the stars appeared in the sky and dispersed.

With this interruption, Xuanyuan Sword Peak also stopped absorbing the power of the stars, and everything was at peace.

Yu Zecheng opened his eyes and saw that the false infant in his dantian did exist. He was located in his dantian. He and the Nascent Infant formed by the path of morning sun were opposite each other, and they were silently rotating around his first-grade golden elixir.

Yu Zecheng exhaled and inhaled, and the fake baby suddenly started to absorb the spiritual energy. In the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, there was also a spiritual vortex formed, which spread for a hundred miles, but it only covered Tiandao Peak. This Xuanyuan Sword Sect had countless spiritual energy. , unlike that day, Zhushan’s spiritual energy was thin.

With a fierce breath, the spiritual energy entered the entrance, and the Nascent Soul was shocked. As it shook, Yu Zecheng's whole body once again heard the sound of cracking joints, this time it was a full hundred times. Zero eight sounds, then Yu Zecheng opened his mouth and roared, a long cry, like the sound of a dragon roaring, resounding throughout the sky, and the color of the world changed.

Yu Zecheng slowly opened his eyes. The six great ways of heaven and the false baby became two. He was one step closer to becoming a baby himself.

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