Xian Ao

Chapter 643: Heavenly tribulation roars and five thunders strike (Second update, please vote for mon

Jialan smiled and said:

"They can't see anything. This Ten Thousand Demons Devouring and Refining the Divine Sword, apart from you and me, is just a thick fog in their eyes and they can't see anything."

The various demons on the earth are still killing each other. These demons are devouring each other, and their numbers are decreasing sharply. The surviving demons have begun to evolve in form one after another, making the demons all kinds of strange, with all kinds of shapes.

Some are like mummified fat men, with round bellies that are as big as one foot. They are like meat balls. They are devouring other demons crazily. In fact, they are not walking, but rolling. They are completely rolling meat balls. Roll to other demons and suck them directly into the meat ball.

Some demons start to burn inside their bodies as they move, and their skin cracks and cracks reveal the burning flames in the filth. This burning has no end. Gradually, some demons' whole bodies turn into a ball of flame, and then they are like a ball of flames. A ball of flame, or thick smoke, becomes an energy demon,

Some of them were burned with flesh and blood, or burned and scattered, or fell in pieces, turning into a kind of skeleton-like demon. This demon's bones are like iron and extremely hard, making it difficult for other demons to swallow them.

Others look like babies, one foot in size, suspended in the air, with eyes like two mung beans, a huge mouth without lips, and teeth that look like they are made of steel bars.

Others directly turned into three-foot-sized skulls, flying in the air, biting them down, and swallowing everything. Yu Zecheng recognized this form as the heavenly ghosts, and he still owned eighteen of them.

There are also the tails of devil wasps, the wings of flies, the heads of spiders, the front claws of mantises, and the limbs of centipedes. They are as big as a six-foot eagle, and they make a buzzing sound like mosquitoes when they fly.

These demons were all kinds of strange, fighting, devouring and absorbing each other. Jialan watched from the sidelines, then suddenly looked up at the sky in the distance and said:

“We’re running out of time, we need to speed things up.”

After saying that, she pointed, and a drop of blood came out of her hand. Then the blood flew up and fell into the formation. Suddenly, blood began to rain in the formation. In this rain of blood, those demons started a new round. mutation, the battle became more intense.

The battle became extremely bloody, and the area where they could fight became less and less, shrinking a little, forcing them to get closer to each other, and they could only fight.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer demons, and there were only a hundred demons left in the field. At this time, the remaining demons lost their original terrifying appearance and all took on a humanoid appearance.

Some of them even become as strange as priests, wearing sacrificial robes and strange judges with high beams on their heads. The front and back of the robes are embroidered with starry patterns with unknown luminous silk threads, and the whole clothes are emitting radiance. With a natural and mysterious shimmer, the original terrifying appearance can no longer be seen.

As soon as Tianmo Jialan stretched out his hand for a mutated demon like this, the demon immediately disappeared from the scene and was collected and kept by her.

Gradually the battle continued, and in the end it became a battlefield ten miles in size, with only twelve demon heads surviving.

Tianmo Jialan nodded, that's all. She began to recite the incantation, and then began to worship, southeast, northwest, heaven and earth, kneeling and kowtowing continuously while reciting the incantation.

After the worship was over, she stretched out her hand a little, and blood suddenly flowed from her fingers. This time, she put a drop on each demon head, and then recited the incantation.

How can the spell that can be recited by the True One God Lord be ordinary? The demon that was touched immediately began to twist and burn, and began a new round of evolution. This evolution is mandatory, and the evolved demon is also fixed.

In the end, twelve groups of twisted demon heads emitting various kinds of light flew up into the air and flew in front of Jialan. They emitted various kinds of light. As long as this light found its expression, it would make people shocked, desperate, and lost.

These are the four thousand monks in the field, as well as the nearly ten thousand extraterrestrial demons, who have gathered together to form these twelve demons. They are the product of countless resentments and pains. After Jialan's treatment, they have only one ability, which is to attack and kill with souls and souls. No matter whether you are a real one or a transcendent immortal, if you are targeted by this demon, you will inevitably take a blow. Then you can only endure the invasion of their souls and souls and rely on your own soul to purify them. Those who cannot be purified will surely die, and may even turn into mutated demons.

After getting these twelve demons, the demon Jialan was still not satisfied, and continued to cast spells. Gradually, the twelve demons merged into one, and turned into a sword. This sword was one foot and seven inches long, half a finger wide, and the blade was Purple-red, there are countless purple-red starlights flashing faintly inside. As the sword body shakes slightly, countless stars shine and jump out of the sword body, slowly dissipating in the air. Its beauty is incomparable.

Yu Zecheng looked at the sword, suddenly shuddered, and said:

"What a terrifying sword. How was it made?"

"Gathering, devouring, superimposing, this is the Sword of Ten Thousand Demons, a sharp sword that can easily kill Zhenyi." Tian Mo Jialan said to Yu Zecheng:

Jialan continued:

"No one would have thought that this extremely beautiful sword was forged by thousands of demons. Under this beautiful appearance, there is the spiritual invasion of the soul that will kill. No matter what the Return to the Void True One is, when I send out this sword, the opponent will He must be struck by a sword. Even if he can purify his soul and drive out all demons, I will not give him a chance. Being struck by the sword means his exile. Maybe death is his best way back.

It’s a pity that this sword can only attack once. After using it once, all the demons will disappear and everything will return to its original state.”

This sword, the peerless divine sword, the sword of all demons, is indestructible and sharp, shining with a cold light, looking down at all things in the world proudly and alone. There is no clue that it is such an evil thing.

Jialan, the Lord of Demons, continued:

"Okay, the sword has been practiced, it's time to pay the price."

Yu Zecheng asked:


Jialan, the Lord of Demons, replied:

"Yes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Refining such an evil sword has killed thousands of people. Summoning demons from outside the realm will inevitably lead to disaster. Yu Zecheng, you are so lucky. You will be the first one." Master Jin Dan who controls the demons and is struck by lightning."

Yu Zecheng said with a residual smile:

"Can we separate? Wait until you are struck by lightning?"

Tianmo Jialan shook his head and said:


In the process of speaking, the sky suddenly changed, dark clouds rolled in, and a sign of disaster appeared. In the distant sky, a piercingly cold wind roared up. The dark clouds were like the roaring waves of the angry sea, and like thousands of horses galloping. The clouds were undulating, and in the blink of an eye, The space has filled the sky. The layers are rolling endlessly in the sky.

As soon as these visions of heaven and earth appeared, all the creatures on the earth felt an indescribable feeling of fear in their hearts, and they all felt a sense of awe in their hearts. The heavy rain poured down in torrents.

Tianmo Jialan looked up at the sky and shouted:

"Come on, you thief, come and hack me."

A bolt of thunder and lightning fell from the sky and struck Jialan. The three demon infants flew into the air and faced the thunder of the tribulation. Suddenly there was a clear sound in the air and all the thunder and lightning Nascent Infants dissipated.

The second thunder and lightning struck across the sky, and the thunder and lightning struck Jialan at once, but was turned by Jialan and turned onto the magic array. The magic array immediately roared and shattered into pieces.

The shadow vortex on the ground and the demonic energy were all cleared away under this thunder.

The heavy rain fell violently, and all traces of the battle were washed away. Only the incomplete buildings on Shuiyun Sect's floating island were still there, but they were all turned into broken bricks and tiles.

Yu Zecheng's heart moved. This was obviously Tianmo Jialan. He used thunder and tribulation to destroy all traces so that no one could tell what happened here.

At this time, the third thunder struck Jialan hard. She did not dodge this thunder and was forced to bear it.

Then, the fourth thunder and the fifth thunder fell suddenly, and she endured them all without evading them. After the five thunders, the tribulation thunder dissipated, and the matter was not serious. This day's tribulation thunder was only of such a large scale. The sky returned to normal, cloudless, pure and natural, and no one could tell what had happened here.

The triple tribulation thunder gathered on Tianmo Jialan's body. She endured the power of the tribulation thunder, and the thunder and lightning creaked on her body. Tianmo Jialan is using a strange technique to absorb and fuse the tribulation thunder, turning these three tribulation thunders into one for her own use.

The Heavenly Dao controlled by the Lord of Heavenly Demon is the Heavenly Dao of Power. This Tribulation Thunder is also a kind of thunder and lightning power. It is also controlled by her and can be absorbed and launched.

The demon Jialan was preparing for war. She deliberately caused the calamity thunder to appear. When Shinichi, who had been spying on her, saw the calamity thunder appear, he thought that Jialan was hurt and would definitely come to take advantage. However, what was waiting for him was the energetic Jialan. , and the triple tribulation thunder that was absorbed by her, half of the battle was won from the beginning.

If the Tribulation Thunder can't kill you, then use the Sword of Ten Thousand Demons. Even if it can't kill you, you still have to purify your heart. Then it will be meat on the chopping board. That's why Jialan arranged so many things so that before the battle begins, she will Victory has been achieved.

All of this was what Yu Zecheng thought of at the moment he was struck by lightning, but when he thought of all this, it was already too late. Yu Zecheng had no thoughts at this time. He was completely speechless and unconscious after being struck by lightning. , in a strange state.

Maybe this is also a part of Tianmo Jialan. Yu Zecheng's body is controlled by her, and the thunder baptizes Yu Zecheng. If Yu Zecheng can't resist the baptism of thunder and lightning, then his soul will be scattered, his body will be intact, and his memory will still be intact. Now, then Jialan can easily occupy Yu Zecheng's body and find the way to the Great Freedom, which will be even easier.

General methods of seizing souls and enchanting souls are in danger of failure if resisted. If Yu Zecheng develops resistance, this young man who once entered the ruins of Xian Qin must have his own trump card when facing anyone who is neither humble nor arrogant. If it doesn't go well, it will fly away. Even if it doesn't happen, there is a one-in-a-ten thousand danger, and Jialan will not take the risk.

And if this thunder of heavenly calamity can be withstood, it will benefit Yu Ze a lot. In this way, Tianmo Jialan will help him with good intentions. If you can't withstand it, then don't blame me, it's your own fault.

The devil is the devil, there is never a time for mercy, there is never a time for emotion.

But this time the Heavenly Demon Jialan made another miscalculation. Yu Zecheng could have opened his Immortal Eyes of Ten Thousand Thunders to absorb the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder. However, he did not do that. Instead, he was feeling the power of the divine thunder, the power of the sixth heavenly path. force.

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