Xian Ao

Chapter 642 Demonic Formation Sword of Ten Thousand Demons (First update)

A huge magic word was written in the air, spread all over hundreds of miles. This magic word was the magic baby transformed by the three great Nascent Souls. They used their own flesh and blood to clothe and write the magic word. Immediately, the three great devil babies disappeared from the world. Invisible in the formation.

Jialan, the Lord of Heavenly Demons, looked at the Shuiyun Sect disciples at his feet and said:

"Yu Zecheng, tell your friends that those who want to survive should return to the Shuiyun Sect's cave. I will leave a mark there and will not turn them into demons. I can save their lives.

But this place is about to become a battlefield. I don't know if they will be accidentally injured during the fight. I hope they can survive this disaster. "

Yu Zecheng asked:

"Battlefield? Who wants to fight?"

The Lord of Demons said:

"I don't know, but among them there should be Miaoyu Zhenyi, the True One God of Miaohua Sect. After the Immortal Qin Lingyin wave broke out in Xiling, he has been locking me with his remote consciousness. The Immortal Qin Lingyin appeared. They missed it last time. I don’t know how long they paid attention this time, and they thought it was me who collected the Immortal Qin Lingyin so quickly, because I am the only True One God Lord in Gunzhou.

In fact, I really didn't do it, but this Immortal Qin Lingyin is already in my hands. It doesn't matter anymore. How dare I peek from afar and find that it's me. I still don't stop. I have to fight to let him This old guy knows how powerful I am. "

In an instant, Yu Zecheng was on the ground, and the demon clone sent a message to Bai Hexi:

"Brother Bai, the war is about to start here. Let the Shuiyun Sect's disciples and allies enter the Shuiyun Room of the Shuiyun Sect's cave. There, Jialan, the Lord of the Heavenly Demons, has set a mark and will not be demonized."

Then he paused and said:

"Then the other disciples from the three major alliances in Gunzhou should not be brought into Shuiyunjian. They should all stay here."

Bai Hexi nodded and started to transmit the message. Suddenly, the disciples of Shuiyun Sect disappeared one by one. The disciples of the Five Sects Alliance of Xiling and the guests who were really here to help also disappeared one by one. They all automatically teleported back to Shuiyun, the underwater cave. between.

Yu Zecheng walked up to Po Po. Po Po didn't agree with Jiuxiao and others' proposal, and his friends turned against him. He was immediately hurt by the oath of contract that the seven people had made while exploring the ruins of Xian Qin.

Yu Zecheng walked up to him, and the other three True Lords looked at him. He stretched out his hand, and suddenly a blood light entered his ruined forehead. This blood light was Jialan's use of the flesh and blood of the three Nascent Souls. The refined oath-breaking talisman was immediately broken. True Lord opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and then the backlashed oath immediately dissipated.

Yu Zecheng said:

"Brother Ruined, you should go to Shuiyunjian quickly, there is going to be a real battle here."

True Monarch Ruin shook his head and said:

"The appearance of these real people is probably because of the ruins of Immortal Qin. Let's leave immediately. Shuiyunjian here cannot withstand the impact of the war. Brother, please come with us."

Yu Zecheng shook his head and said:

"No, I have other things that I can't get away from."

The Ruined True Lord said:

"Okay, I'm sorry, brother, for helping me to be like this. I'm sorry for you. I'll make up for my mistakes in the future. Let's go. If anything happens in the future, just send me a message and I'll never give up."

After saying that, he glanced at Shuirun Zhenjun and others, and the four of them immediately rose into the air and flew away into the distance.

The other three major alliances realized that something was wrong and left one after another. However, after they flew hundreds of miles away, they were bounced back by an invisible seal. A restriction appeared in the sky, and everyone was trapped here.

The four broken people passed through the seal instantly without any hindrance. Some monks who were sincerely here to help also passed Yukong smoothly, but those with evil intentions were bounced back by the seal, making a huge noise and shouting for a while.

Cheng Lan, Gu Lun Qiwen and others who were sitting with Yu Zecheng entered the water and cloud room, while Wang Shuyuan and other five people stood up with their swords and wanted to leave.

Yu Zecheng suddenly heard Tianmo Jialan say:

"How about I make five of them, grab those two ninth-level flying swords, and give them to you? Those are ninth-level flying swords. This boy is a stupid boy who sleeps on a cold bed and only relies on his firepower. He is a three-foot-long boy. Carrying a heavy treasure, walking through the busy city, not knowing whether to live or die, I was extremely greedy when I saw this ninth-level flying sword.

Yu Zecheng shook his head and said:

"Brothers from the same sect, if this is not the case, let them go."

Immediately, Wang Shuyuan and the other five broke through the seal and left. Yu Zecheng, the demon clone on the ground, disappeared and returned to his true form.

At this time, there were a total of 2,000 people from the three major alliances in Gunzhou left on the ground, as well as 2,000 guests who came here with malicious intentions. They saw the disciples of the five sects of Xiling and those guests disappearing and flying away. Walk.

Suddenly, there were more than 4,000 of them on the stone platform. The Lord of the Demon in the sky was floating in the sky, looking at them like looking at a pile of cattle and sheep. Suddenly everyone was sweating and felt like Disaster is coming.

Tianmo Jialan suddenly said:

"That's it, kids, let the feast begin."

After saying this, the magic word in the sky appeared, and a large amount of demonic energy erupted, filling the world.

Someone in the crowd immediately absorbed the demonic energy, began to tremble, and then suddenly changed his body shape, as if the demonic energy entered his body, his body became larger, and his appearance became extremely ugly, like a flying yaksha or Shura god and demon.

These people began to bite their companions violently, and with one bite, their companions howled and blood spattered.

Then they began to suck blood violently. In just three or four breaths, the blood would be absorbed by them. Then they put down the target they had bitten and began to look for the next target. Those corpses that had been bitten to death slowly... He also got up and began to transform into other ferocious demonic forms, joining in the biting procession.

The bodies of these mutated demons are extremely strong. Whether it is a flying sword, a magic weapon, or a talisman, after being struck, the demonic energy spreads, but the demons are unscathed, and they chase and bite the other people.

Those monks flew into the air, but the wings on the backs of these demons also flew up, and the Shuiyun Sect's floating island within a hundred miles suddenly became a Shura field.

The entire Baili was in a strange state of demonic energy. The monks who flew up to avoid the bites gradually became crazy in their hearts. They even bit the demons who were chasing them in turn. They began to spread demons in the air. Transformation, horns on the head, wings on the back, transforming into different gods and demons.

The magic word appeared in the sky, and the blood of countless dead people was absorbed by the magic word and integrated into the magic formation.

Jialan looked at the situation below and silently began to recite a mantra. Suddenly, the river water within a hundred miles seemed to have stopped flowing, began to turn over, and began to bubble.

Then on the floating island, in the Tianlan River, and on the land beside the shore, shadows appeared one after another. These shadows were like passages to the ghost world of foreign lands. In the shadows, they seemed to be viscous plasma pools. The blood tide fell back, and then gradually It started to stir, drum after drum, surge after surge, as if countless living people were struggling below.

A naked demon emerged from the shadow. His body was stained with blood, his skin was white and shriveled, but stained with water. His fingers were sharp and he was holding a long whip, which was seven feet long. They are all green flames, without body hair. On his head are two huge horns and a sheep's head. He walks upright, has two eyes and no ears. He has a big mouth with sharp teeth like blades, spitting out a foot-long forked snake core. , this is a sheep-headed man, looking extremely ugly and evil.

As soon as the first one appears, there will be the second, the tenth, and the hundredth. Countless sheep-headed men rushed out, and then ran out in all directions. They opened their mouths as if they hadn't eaten for hundreds of years, and rushed towards the demon-turned-devil and the remaining humans. This was all theirs. food.

In the next shadow, this kind of creature also began to appear, but this was not the kind of sheep-headed man, but a blood-colored demon. Each of them was like a ball-like life form, with a huge belly, squeezing all the limbs to the point of seeing. It's gone, without a head, but there is a huge mouth across the chest on its belly. The mouth is full of blade-like teeth, and there is a tongue that can stick out three feet away.

They look very springy, but their movements are so light. They jump very lightly and move forward quickly. They can even jump a hundred feet. Their biggest hobby is to nibble. They keep nibbling. Food, no matter what it is, even the earth and rocks on the ground, they will take a few bites, but what they like most is the flesh and blood.

What was picked out from the next shadow was a group of resentful spirits. They had no bodies and were suspended in the air, like light snakes, emitting colorful lights. All creatures bitten by them began to wither, and their bodies and souls began to grow larger. .

These demons appeared in batches, and there were ten thousand in total. They started fighting with the zombie cultivators and the demonized cultivators, killing each other and devouring each other at the same time. The monsters roared and accompanied by orders. The sour crunching sound of human teeth makes this place seem like a legendary hell, which makes people shudder.

This war is going on all the time. The number of demons is getting smaller and smaller, but the remaining demons are getting stronger and stronger, and they all begin to mutate. Their bodies begin to change little by little according to the number of enemies they have devoured. times of variation.

Seeing this scene, Yu Zecheng suddenly remembered something and said:

"This is raising gu. Are you raising gu?"

Tianmo Jialan replied:

"No, I'm refining a sword, the Sword of All Demons.

Your friends are very interesting. They leave one by one, but they are hidden in the distance one by one. No one really leaves. What do you think we should do? Do you want to protect them if a fight breaks out? "

Suddenly, dozens of figures appeared in Yu Zecheng's induction. They were all the people who had just left this place. However, whether it was Zhenbao Zhenjun or Wang Shuyuan, they all used their magic skills to hide themselves in the sea or hide in the sea. On the mountain peaks hundreds of miles away, no one left, they were all waiting to watch the excitement.

Yu Zecheng sighed and said:

"It's going to rain, and my mother wants to get married, let them be, and let each of them take care of their destiny."

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