Xian Ao

Chapter 639 The Secret of the Demon: Friends turn against each other

Yu Zecheng was very puzzled. What were they looking at? Suddenly, he remembered that when he left the Xian Qin Ruins, he had left his name in the Xian Qin Ruins. Could it be that they saw the name he left at that time, so they did this?

With this thought, Yu Zecheng's heart moved immediately. It was probably so. They were friends of Brother Pobai, but not necessarily my friends. The treasures in the Xian Qin Ruins were dazzling. Could it be that they were tempted by the money?

Yu Zecheng's heart moved immediately. He was afraid that it was so. He was about to think hard about countermeasures. Suddenly, someone sat down beside him, sitting next to him and looking at him with a smile.

That person sat here, naturally, Cheng Lan, Gu Lun Qi Wen and others at Yu Zecheng's table, just as if they didn't see her.

Yu Zecheng looked back and was immediately surprised. This person was Jia Lan, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon. She was still so beautiful, but this time she was dressed as a man, wearing a scholar's scarf on her head and holding a folding fan in her hand. This handsome dress was even more coveted and showed a little more beauty.

She looked lazy. Her skin was as white and tender as jade, her facial features were delicate, especially her eyes that looked around with spirit. When she smiled faintly, she was calm and casual, with a certain dignified and majestic power of superiority.

She smiled at Yu Zecheng and said:

"Do you remember our agreement at that time? I have finished my work, let's go."

Yu Zecheng looked at Jia Lan and said:

"Where are you going? Why do you have to let me lead the way? Is there any place you can't go? Why do you have to let me lead the way?"

Jia Lan said:

"Da Zizai Tian, ​​maybe others have been there in the past five thousand years, but you are the only one who came back alive."

Da Zizai Tian? Yu Zecheng suddenly remembered the old Po Ju Luo demon god, the round worlds, and the endless dreams. He shook his head vigorously. He really didn't want to go back to that place.

Jia Lan said slowly:

"The Lord of the Heavenly Demons has come to the human world. I, the Lord of the Heavenly Demons, was a demon for seven years, and sank in the six reincarnations for a thousand years. After thousands of battles, I defeated countless Heavenly Demons and became the Lord of the Heavenly Demons and returned to the human world.

The Lord of the Heavenly Demons wants to ascend to the immortal world in this world of the sky, or return to the demon world to be the emperor. There are only three ways to ascend.

The first is the art of the formless Heavenly Demon, which transforms into a shadowless and formless body, assimilates and merges with the world. I am the world, and the world is me. Then, after breaking through, The second is the technique of the outer demons, which is to constantly lure the outer demons here, devour them, absorb their power, accumulate the power of the demons, make the heaven and earth hate them, and repel the original force, so as to ascend. The third is the technique of the great free demon, which is to find the great free world, integrate into it, and then get out of it, become the great free supreme demon, and ascend to leave this world. Of these three methods, the first one integrates the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth become one, which is very easy. Lost himself, forgetting everything, and finally being assimilated by the heaven and earth, leaving only one demon alive.

The second method is to devour the outer demons. Although this method is likely to succeed, it will change the body and mind completely due to the increase in the number of outer demons devoured, and turn into the outer demons, which are extremely ugly and crazy, which I don't want.

Only the third method is the safest and most convenient, but the way for the demon to sneak into the Great Freedom Heaven has been blocked, and it is difficult to enter, but it is also the most difficult.

I didn't expect you to be able to enter the Great Freedom Heaven and return safely, so when I smelled the smell of the Great Freedom Heaven on you, I almost went crazy, so you are mine, and you must take me to the Great Freedom Heaven. "

The Lord of the Heavenly Demons, Jia Lan, slowly, talked to Yu Zecheng in detail, one sentence at a time, and spoke very clearly, telling all the methods of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon to ascend. She explained it in such detail, which shows the importance of this matter to her. In other words, she must get this matter, and she must not violate it at all, so she said so.

Yu Zecheng took a breath and said:

"Okay, no problem, I'll take you to the Great Free Heaven, but what's the benefit?"

The Lord of Heavenly Demons, Jia Lan, replied:

"What benefit do you want? I'm leaving this world soon. If I succeed in the Great Free Heaven, I'll ascend. If I fail, I'll never come back. So whatever you want, I can give you everything."

Yu Zecheng said:

"What will happen to my younger sister if you leave?"

The Lord of Heavenly Demons, Jia Lan, said:

"You don't have to worry about that. I've left everything to her. She's much better at controlling others than you are. There's absolutely no danger. But your sister is arrogant and loves shortcuts. I'm afraid she won't be able to persist in her hard work. She might follow my old path and enter the six reincarnations. , vowed to become the Lord of the Demons. "

Yu Zecheng was shocked and said:

"No, we can't let her..."

The Lord of the Demons, Jia Lan, said:

"Your sister is free. She will not be bound by me or you. She will not be a puppet of you or me. Her life is chosen by herself. You and I can only give her the greatest help. The rest depends on her. "

Yu Zecheng suddenly felt very familiar with the words of this puppet. That's what he said to his grandfather. His father didn't want his life to be controlled by his grandfather, so he left home angrily. He didn't want to be controlled and arranged by his grandfather. Then the same is true for his sister. She will not obey his arrangements. She has her own life and her own beliefs.

Yu Zecheng sat on the chair for a long time without saying a word. Jia Lan said:

"You, don't think about your sister first, think about yourself first. Your ruined brother is about to betray his family and leave. This means that we can share the adversities, but not the blessings. They entered the ruins of Xian Qin together, exchanged the treasures, and now they start to divide the spoils. If you are not equal, someone is trying to make trouble with you to stir up trouble.”

Yu Zecheng said:

"How do you know they entered the Xianqin ruins?"

Jialan, the Lord of Demons, replied:

“I have been following you to protect you, lest my key to the Great Freedom be lost.

The fluctuations in the sky and the earth came, and I went over in an instant. I happened to see the seven of them working together to collect the Immortal Qin Ling Yin. The seven Nascent Souls took action together and collected the Ling Yin instantly, so it only triggered one heaven and earth phenomenon. What a good plan. The fit is just right without causing any surprises.

I know that you brought this ruin, so I didn’t take action to snatch the spirit guide, and asked them to come here to help you. I listened to their conversation along the way, and then I realized that you had also entered the Xianqin ruins.

True Lord Jiuxiao, True Lord Gushan, and True Lord Qiyuan planned to ask you to hand over the treasures obtained from the ruins of Xianqin. True Lord Ruin, True Lord Gulan, True Lord Tingbai, and True Lord Shuirun disagreed. They were talking. , the talks are about to collapse.

In fact, what they are looking for is not the Immortal Qin treasure on your body. The main thing is that the Immortal Qin Lingyin is in the hands of True Lord Jiuxiao. The Immortal Qin Lingyin is the seal of wisdom of the ninety-nine heaven and earth seals of Immortal Qin. It can be said that it is the most powerful one. A good innate magic weapon, this time they got the method of sacrifice and refining. They can't share wealth and wealth, and the spoils are unevenly divided. They want to break up and go their separate ways, so they use this as an excuse.

Your broken brother is the most loyal person. They used you as an excuse to force him to turn against him. This broke the oath they made at the beginning and Jiuxiao didn't have to hand over Xian Qin Lingyin. "

Yu Zecheng gradually recognized what Jialan said. Listening to Jialan's magnetic voice and looking at her delicate face less than half a foot away from him, Yu Zecheng suddenly had an impulse in his heart. The impulse came quickly, and he kissed Jialan fiercely on the face.

After the kiss, Yu Zecheng was stunned. He couldn't control himself. No, it wasn't that he couldn't control himself. This was a kind of temptation, the confusion of the devil.

Jialan smiled at Yu Zecheng. This smile was charming and her beautiful eyes were full of hope. She said:

"Do you really like me? But it doesn't matter. When Xiong ascended, I said that I would give you a child. Do you still remember?"

Yu Zecheng nodded, and Jialan continued:

"If I, the Lord of Demons, ascend, I must not owe anything to this world, so that it can go smoothly. You assassinated Li Daguan, the last member of my family's bloodline, so you must repay the blood debt, but I still have something to ask of you, and you are kind to me, so I can't Kindness will be repaid with evil, so I figured out a way to not owe anything to this world.

I give you a child, and you compensate for the things you did back then, killing one person and giving birth to another. In this way, my family's bloodline will continue, and I don't owe you anything. "

After saying this, Yu Zecheng was dumbfounded. It was hard to believe the logic at this time.

Suddenly Tianmo Jialan frowned, looked into the distance, and said:

"Things got big and a lot of people came."

Just as Yu Zecheng was about to ask, there was a roar from the rostrum on the other side, and a ray of light flew up. True Lord Ruined and True Lord Jiuxiao broke completely. The two sides did not agree with each other and started to fight.

True Lord Jiuxiao, True Lord Gushan, and True Lord Qiyuan were on one side, True Lord Ruined, True Lord Gulan, True Lord Tingbai, and True Lord Shuirun were on one side. The two sides stood in the air, facing each other, and their momentum was soaring. ,

The True Lord Jiuxiao shouted:

"Brother Ruined, are you really going to ignore our relationship for many years for him? The treasure is only for the virtuous..."

Ruined cursed:

"Bah, why did I get to be such a white-eyed wolf like you? Don't I know what you are thinking? You just want to occupy that thing, and you are looking for this excuse."

True Lord Jiuxiao said:

"Broken Broken Brother, the pain of breaking an oath must be very painful, but don't blame our brothers. Why should I hand over something? I found it. I am the one who opened the door. You just used my light to get here. Why? What to share with you.”

Lord Shuirun said:

"Jiuxiao, Mingren don't tell secrets. Before entering, we all swore a contract. That thing belongs to everyone. We take turns to take care of it. You stimulate the broken brother just to make him break the oath."

True Lord Jiuxiao said:

"Yes, that's right. I just forced Po Po to break his oath. Don't think he is so loyal. He is also trapped by his own skills. How good it is now. He was the first to break the oath of the contract. I have that thing. Not only does he belong to me, but I also want to snatch away his treasures from this boy. Those who are virtuous will take possession of the treasures, and they are all mine."

After saying that, he stared at Yu Zecheng, his eyes full of desire.

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