Xian Ao

Chapter 638: Strange Fluctuation and Coercive Battle

Bai Hexi held the grand announcement in his hand and walked step by step to the stone platform. According to the ceremony, he would recite the grand announcement, and then asked the people present if anyone objected, and then a fierce game began.

Before Bai Hexi reached the stone platform, he suddenly frowned and looked into the distance, which was the direction of the West Ridge. He hesitated for a few breaths.

At this time, a crisp sound came from the distant Xiling direction. All the Nascent Soul Lords stood up and looked over there, because there were strange fluctuations coming from the Xiling side.

This fluctuation happened once before, that is when Xian Qin Ling Yin appeared in the world. Someone opened the ruins of Xian Qin and attracted Zhenjun Wuliang and Zhenren Taxue. The two fought, and the sky appeared, and the Xiling area became three-dimensional. Hundreds of miles of lakes.

Later, a war broke out, and in the end the Immortal Qin Lingyin disappeared completely. Today's fluctuations are very similar to those before. Could it be that the Immortal Qin Lingyin has appeared again?

Everyone looked at it, but there was no beam of light that shot straight into the sky like last time. There was no response from there, it was extremely calm, just a clear cry.

This place is only three hundred miles away from Xiling. Immediately, some Nascent Souls cast spells and released water mirrors that allow heaven to hear and see the earth. Or people from the five sects flew talismans to pass messages, asking the disciples guarding Xiling if anything unusual happened.

But in the water mirror, Xiling was extremely peaceful, and there were still idle people hanging out on the ridge. Fei Fu replied quickly and there was nothing unusual.

All Nascent Soul Lords, you look at me, I look at you, everyone must have heard that clear cry, but why didn’t anything happen? How weird.

Forget it, the conference will continue. All the Nascent Soul Masters immediately hope that the conference will end soon, so that everyone can go to Xiling to see what is going on.

Bai Hexi continued to walk to the stage, picked up the good news, finished reciting the good news, and then asked:

"Who objects?"

One of the three major alliances, Nascent Soul Lord, shouted:

"We object, Shuiyun Sect He Dehe can become the middle sect, no, absolutely not."

He shouted these words loudly, and with the endless pressure of Nascent Soul, he wanted to teach Bai Hexi a lesson and make him make a fool of himself on the spot.

But this Nascent Soul pressure came towards him, and Bai Hexi responded with a smile. There was nothing wrong with it, and it had no impact at all. The coercion of one Nascent Soul Lord was ineffective, and the second man immediately issued a coercion, and the two combined to press towards Bai Hexi.

Immediately, Songquan Zhenjun here could not watch Bai Hexi suffer a loss, so he also unleashed pressure to fight.

Then two more people showed their power here, Beidou Zhenjun and Yunfan Zhenjun took action, and then both sides took action one after another, twelve versus five, and immediately endless pressure spread across the entire field.

This Yuanying's coercion immediately showed its effect. Twelve to five, the Shuiyun Sect was forced back by the pressure, and the last five Yuanyings could only protect themselves.

On the Shuiyun Sect side of the field, almost all the disciples were suppressed and unable to move, except for Yu Zecheng's table and Wang Shuyuan's table.

This Yuan Ying pressure is too trivial for Yu Zecheng. Almost all of these Nascent Soul Lords are casual cultivators, and their cultivation levels are all at the primary stage of becoming an infant. Only two of them have reached the intermediate stage of becoming an infant, although they all have a few skills. Unique skills, in Yu Zecheng's eyes, are not scary at all. He even began to think about whether to kill all these people here so that Shuiyun Sect could dominate Gunzhou.

The disciples of the three sect alliance over there started laughing. Some people talked about rumors and laughed at Shuiyun Sect for not knowing their own capabilities. It's a good thing now. They don't even need to take action. They are going to be finished.

Suddenly someone in the east shouted in the sky:

"Qingfeng sends you off affectionately."

With his voice, the huge pressure of Yuanying came down. He fought against the twelve people on the opposite side. With one blow, all the pressure of the opponent's Yuanying was shattered. Then the pressure of the True Lord Yuanying disappeared. .

Someone from the south followed and shouted:

"The fragrance of orchid will last forever."

This loud shout also erupted with a powerful Nascent Soul pressure. It was so powerful that it replaced the pressure of the first Nascent Soul and suppressed the twelve Nascent Souls of the three major alliances again. Then the pressure disappeared instantly.

Then a voice came from the west:

"Looking back and reminiscing about the past."

With this shout, the third powerful Nascent Soul replaced the second one and pressed against the twelve Nascent Souls again. These twelve people were unwilling to be defeated again and fought hard, but they were still beaten. subdued.

Another soft shout came from the north:

"The sword, the gall, the harp and the heart accompany the asceticism."

The pressure of Nascent Soul emerged again, this was the fourth person. The twelve people worked together this time, trying to use group power to resist this pressure, but to no avail.

Someone in the crowd responded:

"Persistence in overcoming dangers."

This man's coercion was overwhelming and powerful. With just one blow, the opponent was completely scattered and knocked down.

Under the earth, there was a muffled voice:

"Han Jian silently listens to the gentleman's wishes."

A person appeared in the middle of the air and shouted:

"Look down on the world and laugh at the mortal world."

Until the seventh person, the True Lord of Destruction appeared in the air. Each of the seven people said one word, each one struck with one blow, seven times against twelve, and suppressed the twelve Nascent Souls of the three major alliances seven times in a row. Everyone in the audience was all colorless. Change.

In the crowds of people from southeast to northwest, these seven Nascent Souls surrounded the venue. If the seven of them took action, perhaps no one would be spared.

Whether it was the five Nascent Souls of the Shuiyun Sect or the twelve Nascent Souls of the three major alliances, they were all stunned. These seven people were too powerful, so powerful that one person might be able to massacre all seventeen of them.

Suddenly these seven Nascent Souls shouted together:

"Congratulations to Shuiyun Sect for being promoted to the middle sect and becoming one of the eight hundred side sects. Congratulations, congratulations."

These seven people said this sentence together. They used their own unique skills, and the heaven and earth resonated for a while. The shouts of congratulations and congratulations echoed between the heaven and the earth, causing the heaven and the earth to resonate. Within three thousand miles, this sound Throughout the heaven and earth, after hearing this, the ordinary people, village women and urchins thought that heaven had sent a message, and they all knelt down and shouted after them. Suddenly, there was only one voice in Gunzhou.

The Twelve Nascent Souls of the three major alliances, you look at me, I look at you, they are all pale, they are too powerful, these seven Nascent Soul Lords are too fierce, I am completely unable to fight against them, Shuiyun Sect has this strong support , the promotion will succeed.

Some people looked at the Broken True Lord in the sky and gradually recognized him. Back then, the Broken True Lord was an unparalleled expert who snatched the ten immortal scriptures and restored the true way from the hands of dozens of Nascent Souls. He killed thousands of golden elixirs in Huadu in one fell swoop. The name of the true man's cruelty resounded throughout the world, and he was immediately frightened and extremely frightened.

Bai Hexi looked at the seven of them and said:

"On behalf of Shuiyun Sect and Yu Zecheng, He Xi would like to thank the seven seniors for coming here to congratulate me. Please take your seats quickly."

After speaking, seven golden chairs immediately rose up on the rostrum, which seemed to have been prepared for a long time.

The Broken True Lord nodded and glanced at Bai He Xi. It was very difficult for this boy to resist all the pressure of the Nascent Soul. His voice and expression remained unchanged, and his brows did not wrinkle. Moreover, the blood in his body was tumbling, implying tyrannical power. This boy would have a bright future. Unlimited.

Immediately, seven people, including True Lord Ruined, appeared one after another, namely True Lord Ruined, True Lord Gulan, True Lord Tingbai, True Lord Shuirun, True Lord Jiuxiao, True Lord Gushan, and True Lord Qiyuan.

A total of seven people were sitting there. Yu Zecheng had never seen True Lord Jiuxiao, True Lord Gushan, and True Lord Qiyuan among them, but the three of them were much more famous than True Lord Gulan, True Lord Tingbai, and True Lord Shuirun. .

I saw seven of them sitting down, and two of the twelve Nascent Souls stood up immediately, walked quickly to the True Lord Jiuxiao among them, bowed as disciples, and said together respectfully:

"Meet Uncle Master."

Jiuxiao glanced at them and said:

"So it's my mistress, my mistress. Why do you want to act opposite your uncle and me?"

The two men immediately said:

"Don't dare, don't dare."

True Lord Jiuxiao said:

"Then go back quickly and say hello to your master for me."

The two men bowed immediately, turned around and left without even looking at the friends who invited them here.

In addition, Gu Shan and Qi Yuan were also strong men, but the Nascent Soul Lord across from them did not even dare to look at each other. Immediately, the three major alliances were suppressed and had no power to resist.

Yu Zecheng looked at the broken brother and felt really inspired this time. The seven of them came out and immediately suppressed the three major alliances. They no longer dared to have evil thoughts. This conference was considered a success.

Suddenly, Yu Zecheng found that the seven broken people were all smiling. The smile was uncontrollable. Even if the Nascent Soul Lord Yuan Ying was a man of ten thousand people, the smile could not be controlled.

This kind of smile is a smile of joy, a smile of satisfaction, a smile of wish fulfillment.

Something that could make the seven Nascent Soul Lords so happy. Suddenly Yu Zecheng remembered the fluctuations on the West Ridge just now. The fluctuations were exactly the same as the fluctuations when he entered the Xianqin ruins. Suddenly Yu Zecheng had an idea. , did the seven of them enter the Immortal Qin ruins?

The ceremony of the door-raising ceremony continued. Bai Hexi once again recited the good news. The ten Nascent Soul Lords across from him did not say a word. The three major alliances that invited them here also knew that the Shuiyun Sect had greatly improved in strength and could invite such strong support. The promotion is bound to be successful. Instead of offending them now, it is better to go over and build some friendship to avoid trouble in the future.

This time, after the happy announcement was finished and there was no one to stop it, the meeting continued. The next step was simple. The banquet was started and the guests who came here were invited to have a drink.

The remaining ten Nascent Souls from the three major alliances began to leave silently. At this point, it would be a shame for them to be here anymore.

However, after the ten of them left, they were not in a depressed mood, but wiped away their sweat. It was a great blessing that they did not get to fight against demons such as True Lord of Desolation, True Lord of Nine Heavens, and True Lord of Seven Yuan this time. They should leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. .

Ten of them left, but the real people in power of the three major alliances did not leave. They began to deliberately make friends with Bai Hexi. Since they could not prevent Shuiyun Sect from becoming the middle sect, they reached a non-aggression agreement with them to ensure temporary peace. .

As the banquet of the conference began, Yu Zecheng suddenly discovered that several Nascent Soul Lords who were with Broken Body looked at Yu Zecheng from time to time, as if they were all staring at Yu Zecheng, their eyes flickering.

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