Xian Ao

Chapter 400: The Beauty of Imperfection: Ghost Cage

Yu Zecheng closed his eyes and inserted the first rose into the flower tree. There was a strange power in the celadon vase, which immediately fixed the rose in the flower tree.

The first rose was inserted randomly, but the second and third roses were not like this. In the dark, Yu Zecheng used the Lingjiu Enlightenment Technique to absorb the power of the future, and used the induction of the Sky Demon Sutra to bring the other roses to life. two roses inserted on the flower tree

The first stroke is a fixed point, and the next two strokes imply the power of the future, the power of the sky demon, following the heaven and earth, and all laws are self-made. In an instant, the flower tree is planted.

Yu Zecheng opened his eyes and looked at the flower tree in front of him, and Su Wanyan also stared at it. Although she couldn't see anything, she still looked at it.

Mu Siyi looked at everything in front of her in shock, not knowing what to say. Suddenly Su Wanyan smiled and said:

"It's so beautiful. It's so good. This is something I can't do. Why is it so beautiful? Although it's not the ultimate perfection I imagined, it's more perfect than I imagined. Brother Yu, can you tell me How is this done?"

Yu Zecheng said:

"There are things in the world that are perfect. This kind of beauty is called imperfect beauty, because it conforms to the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is to make up for the deficiencies when there is more damage. Too perfect is the least beautiful."

Su Wanyan muttered:

"Incomplete beauty, incomplete beauty..."

Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep, with a smile on her face.

The nanny at the back said:

"Thank you both. I would like to say that this child is too horny. He didn't sleep for three days and finally slept."

Mu Siyi said:

"Wu Ma, thank you for your hard work."

The nanny said:

"It's not hard. If this child can live a good life, everything will be worth it. She was born with a disability and cannot see. It has been hard on her these years. In fact, she has been pursuing the perfection of this kind of flower arrangement. She just fantasizes about herself. To be able to become a normal person, hey, poor kid."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Wu Ma, don't be discouraged. There are several elixirs in the world of immortality that can whiten bones, regenerate muscles, and create broken bodies. As long as we find one, we can treat Su Xiaomei and let her play happily in the sun and see with her own eyes. Look at the world."

Wu Ma shook her head and said:

"It's impossible. She brought it during birth. There's no way to treat it, alas."

After saying that, he pushed Su Wanyan towards the back. Yu Zecheng saw the sleeping little girl Su Wanyan. Although he did not understand the way of heaven and did not have the same strange feeling as last time, he was able to help this poor little girl. Sister, this time is not in vain.

Yu Zecheng and Mu Siyi walked back to the front hall, where the disciples of the Huoyun Sect were chatting enthusiastically with the disciples of the Xieyu Sect. Huo Xingyun was completely attracted by the tall and slender beauty, bragging about himself and telling his glorious deeds. . He was completely intoxicated by the adoring gaze of the tall and slender girl.

Yu Zecheng and his two men returned, and everyone had almost rested, so they were about to leave. At this time, Su Lun appeared and said:

"Everyone, everyone, don't rush out yet. The group outside just now is back. Those disciples of the Green Demon Sect and the Ghost Shadow Sect who escaped have found their master and are now yelling and cursing outside the building."

As soon as these words were said, no one wanted to go out. If the Foundation Establishment disciples faced Master Jindan, they would only be massacred, and they could not go out no matter what.

Huo Xingyun said:

"It doesn't matter. I thought of this before I came in. I have already asked the fourth and fifth junior brothers to invite the master. The master and uncle Liu will be here in a while."

Suellen said:

"That's good, that's good. By the way, they are three Jindan Masters."

As soon as he said this, Huo Xingyun's expression suddenly changed and he said:

"I just went to find Master and Uncle Liu, and there was one less person than them."

If one person is missing, a lot of things will go wrong. With two against three, no one dares to say that victory is certain, and everyone's expression suddenly changes.

Suellen said:

"Everyone, please don't go out yet. Our Jingxiang Building was designed by experts. Not to mention Master Jindan. It is said that Master Yuanying is outside and cannot break through our formation defense. Let's avoid the sharp edge first."

At this time someone came to report:

"Master, master, there's a fight outside. Two real men from the Fire Cloud Sect are fighting against three real men from the Green Demon Sect."

Immediately, everyone stood up and went to the door of the building to watch together. They saw five real people fighting together in the air. Master Fenhua and another real person from Huoyun Sect commanded infinite flames. The flames soared into the sky and turned into various flaming beasts, heading towards them. The opponent launches a strong attack.

The opponents were two real men from the Green Demon Sect. They were surrounded by green energy and flashing green light. They were fighting fiercely, but they were surrounded by countless fire cloud beasts transformed by the two real men from the Fire Cloud Sect.

The two real people of the Fire Cloud Sect have endless advantages. They are bound to win this battle, but they do not have the upper hand because they dare not attack rashly. There is also a real person on the other side, hiding in the shadows, transforming into various shadow beasts from time to time. Launching an attack on the two of them, with this restraint, the two sides fought to a draw, with no winner or loser.

The two sides were in a stalemate. Yu Zecheng looked at it for a while and said:

"Open the restriction and I want to go out and help?"

Suddenly there was a look of surprise again, looking at Yu Zecheng. He, a small foundation-building monk, actually wanted to intervene in the battle of the Jindan Master. Did he not want to live anymore? Was he bragging? Really? Do you think you are invincible and want to go out and die?

Yu Zecheng stared at the real Jindan of the Ghost Shadow Sect walking in the shadows and said:

"Open the ban, I want to go out."

What did Su Lun want to say? Yu Zecheng let out a sigh of relief. He merged his body and sword fiercely into one, turning into a sword light. He rushed out of the building door and rushed into the large array of restrictions. This large array of restrictions The main purpose was not to attack the outside world, but to defend against the invasion of outsiders. There were not many formation restrictions inside. Yu Zecheng used his air magic power and used his sword technique. He instantly found the weakest point, pierced the restrictions with one sword, and rushed out of the formation. Join the battlefield instantly.

Entering the battlefield, Yu Zecheng felt the supreme pressure. The overlapping pressure of the four Jindan masters in the air made it impossible for ordinary foundation-building disciples to wield swords here, let alone fight.

Yu Zecheng turned his sword in an instant and turned his sword skills into a golden-winged sword, cutting through thorns and thorns, rushing through everything, and immediately returned to normal. The endless pressure disappeared immediately. Yu Zecheng was wielding a sword in the sky and shouted:

"Yu Zecheng of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect is here. It's up to you to decide the outcome of the injustice. The devils should come and find me."

Standing in the distance outside were several Demon Sect disciples who had escaped last time. When they saw Yu Zecheng, they shouted:

"Master, master, it's him. The senior brother was killed by him with one move."

Yu Zecheng stood motionless in the air, and suddenly the world seemed to be surrounded by shadows. The Ghost Shadow Sect Jindan Master immediately attacked Yu Zecheng.

His attack was different from the demonic attack of other Ghost Shadow Sect disciples. He directly transformed Yu Zecheng into a boundless shadow with a radius of a hundred feet. There was no sky, no ground, and all things were colorless. He used his yin and conspiracy to carry away all kinds of weapons. The power surrounded Yu Zecheng, trying to swallow him up and dissolve him, and imprison him in his ghostly shadow cage forever.

This ghost shadow surrounded Yu Zecheng from front to back, but did not rush to devour Yu Zecheng. Countless figures appeared in the ghost shadow. These people cried and wailed and rushed towards Yu Zecheng. They were all trapped by Yu Zecheng. This golden elixir master is a resentful spirit trapped in his own ghostly prison.

These ghosts are light blue mist-like ghosts filled with extreme resentment, anger, and fear. They roared, twisted and swelled, filling the world with boundless sorrow, sorrow, hatred and abandonment. They pounced on Yu Zecheng, and all their life experiences were immediately passed on to Yu Zecheng.

Some of them were childhood friends of Master Jin Dan and had given him a lot of help since he was a child. The man's reward was to have sixteen members of his family practice ghosting, and they practiced each one in front of him. Each of his family members howled in pain for seven days and seven nights after being haunted by a ghost, and then were eviscerated alive by this person to observe the effects of the ghost. Some of the resentful spirits were the beautiful singers he loved, but suddenly one day they turned against each other and tortured all the singer's relatives in front of the singer. They chopped off their hands, stamped on their feet, cut off their hearts, and cut their bodies. Ji was forced to death.

Countless heinous acts of bestiality! It is unimaginable and unbelievable cruelty! In an instant, Yu Zecheng became angry, truly angry.

The Jindan Master had two purposes in slowly tormenting Yu Zecheng. One was to kill his enemy with a blunt knife, and to slowly kill Yu Zecheng, leaving him struggling and wailing desperately. The second one is to distract the two real people from the Fire Cloud Sect so that they can seize the opportunity and win the battle.

But the opponent remained motionless. No matter how the ghost of his wronged soul affected him, he remained motionless. The two real men of the Fire Cloud Sect also showed no reaction when they saw him being swallowed by their ghost. Suddenly, the golden elixir The real person cursed secretly, "You are an idiot, let's just kill him."

Suddenly, the ghost shadow stopped moving slowly and turned into an incomparable black mist, surrounding Yu Zecheng and swallowing him into his own ghost shadow cage.

The black mist merged into one, and the golden elixir master immediately appeared in the black mist. Yu Zecheng was pulled into his own ghost prison, and he could never stand up again. He looked at the battle in the distance and thought about how to join the battle.

Suddenly his ghost cage roared, and then his body slowly emitted various lights. He opened his mouth to shout, and wanted to turn into a ghost again, but it was too late. Yu Zecheng used his wings to Zhan, overwhelming the sky and the earth, emitted thousands of rays of light in his ghost cage, and immediately completely shattered his ghost cage.

The golden elixir master let out a scream, and his body instantly vaporized. Yu Zecheng rushed out of the ghost in his body and killed him.

Suddenly everyone looked at this place in surprise. Even the four real people fighting in the distance looked here. None of them believed that Yu Zecheng actually killed Jin Dan Zhenren, but that was the fact.

But Yu Zecheng was not happy at all. He said:

"Show up, Yu Fengxiao, you scumbag, no, you are not a human being. I know you are not dead. Stop playing and get on your way."

Suddenly, a laugh sounded from the disciple of Jindan Master Yu Fengxiao. The disciple's body slowly grew bigger, turning into a giant one foot tall, and then with a "swell" sound, it turned into blood mist all over the sky. In the blood mist, Jindan Master Yu Feng said with a smile:

"It's interesting to be able to break my ghost cage. It's hard to change Xiaosan and the others. They will die under your sword. Come and let me see your lightsaber technique again. By the way, as long as one of my apprentices survives my ghost technique, I will You can be reincarnated. I have brought twenty-one disciples like this to see how many times you can destroy my ghost prison."

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