Xian Ao

Chapter 399 Willingness Three Roses

Everyone retreated silently, and suddenly four people slowly stood there, facing each other.

They looked at each other. Lei Wanjun looked at Mu Siyi and Yu Zecheng, with an unspeakable fire in his eyes. Bao Yining looked at Mu Siyi, and then seemed to lean towards Lei Wanjun specially. Damn, show your current status.

Mu Siyi looked at Lei Wanjun and Bao Yining with an indescribable look in her eyes. Yu Zecheng's eyes were cold and expressionless.

Gradually, the flames in Lei Wanjun's eyes dissipated. For him, the past has passed. Now he likes Bao Yining. As he interacts with Bao Yining, he gradually understands this misunderstood girl and slowly falls in love with her. she.

Mu Siyi's eyes also became calm. The past things have disappeared, the past feelings have been wiped out, and now she is like this. There is no way out, she can only obey her fate and look at the other person with the eyes of a normal passerby and friend.

Yu Zecheng's eyes were still so cold, but he seemed to be sizing up Bao Yining's figure secretly, and did not realize that he had become the protagonist of everyone's attention.

Everyone else said nothing. They were all watching the excitement. Some were looking forward to a fight, some were looking forward to a farce, and everyone was staring at it.

Lei Wanjun said first:

"Siyi, I wish you all the best, as long as you live a better life than me."

Mu Siyi lowered her head and said:

"Thank you, sorry."

The two looked at each other, and their eyes suddenly turned red. Their past feelings suddenly came to mind at the same time, but the past has passed. The former lovers have completely broken up now, and all the tenderness before today has completely disappeared.

Lei Wanjun said to Yu Zecheng:

"Yu Zecheng, you must take good care of Mu Siyi from now on, otherwise don't blame my sword for being ruthless."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Wait a minute, Siyi and I are just ordinary friends, don't talk nonsense."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him looked at Yu Zecheng with contempt, thinking that he was afraid of Lei Wanjun and was now beginning to draw a clear line between him and Mu Siyi.

Yu Zecheng continued:

"Liu Shiyun of Wuliang Sect is my unmarried wife, so fellow countrymen, please don't say this nonsense. It will not be good for everyone if it spreads."

Suddenly, everyone around was dumbfounded, and the gazes they looked at Yu Zecheng changed. They no longer looked at him with disdain, admiration, surprise, admiration, surprise, and so on.

Discussions all around suddenly started:

"He was the one who overcame everyone and won the heart of the alluring Narcissus Liu Shiyun. In the end, the Wuliang Sect was forced to send Liu Shiyun away. It turned out that that person was him, Yu Zecheng."

"This guy has two boats on his feet, hugging Aomei here, soaking in daffodils there, and he even pointed it out to his face, I admire him."

Suddenly, discussions started to sound, and flames gradually appeared in Lei Wanjun's eyes, and he shouted:

"Yu Zecheng, what are you talking about? What are you talking about in front of Siyi?"

Yu Zecheng said:

"She knew about me and Liu Shiyun the day I met her. If you don't believe me, ask her."

Suddenly Lei Wanjun was furious and said

"It's too much for you to bully Siyi like this."

After saying that, he will condense the air-cutting blade and attack Yu Zecheng.

Mu Siyi suddenly raised her eyebrows and said:

"Lei Wanjun, it's none of your business to care about me. I'm willing to do it. Even if he sells me, I'll be his concubine and maid. I'm willing to do it. You can't control it."

Lei Wanjun was immediately stunned, and Yu Zecheng said:

"Lei Wanjun, this is our business, you can't control it. Also, don't make any gestures at me. It's not good to hurt you. For the sake of my fellow countrymen in the past, I will forgive you this time. If you ask me again Draw your sword, I'm going to take action. You alone are not enough, not even all of you disciples of the Misty Sect combined. I don't want to kill anyone today."

As soon as he said this, all the other disciples of the Misty Sect became excited.

"It's a shameless talk."

"You're so good at pretending."

Countless words rang out, and Yu Zecheng looked at them with a contemptuous smile and said:

"Dog rubble."

Immediately, curses broke out from the opposite side, and they all used Vacuum Slash, preparing to take action.

Yu Zecheng looked at them with a smile, showing no fear when facing more than a dozen people. Mu Siyi took out the Hundred Flowers Sword Rain picture in her hand, stood next to Yu Zecheng, and looked at him. As long as Yu Zecheng made a move, she would immediately follow suit, but her eyes were full of tears, and she held them back. It didn't fall off.

Yu Zecheng glanced at her and said:

"I'm sorry, Siyi, I have wronged you. If you are willing, then stay with us, and I will come back to find you."

The meaning of this is that one man marries two women. Although this is a normal thing in the world of immortality, these are two of the ten flowers in Luzhou. In the eyes of others, the women are like gods, and everyone is stunned.

Mu Siyi said firmly:

"Okay, I will wait for you forever, and I can recognize her as my eldest sister."

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar. Yu Zecheng laughed, hugged Mu Siyi, and suddenly opened his mouth and sang:

"I hold a three-foot sword of justice at my waist, and I have thousands of tender feelings in my heart. I travel freely through the mountains and rivers, and my two feelings are lingering for thousands of miles. A hero emerges from a young age, and his heroic appearance sweeps away the waves. His heroic spirit reaches the sky, even if the world's people are dangerous. Gratitudes and resentments are transformed into Flying smoke, talking and laughing, the rivers and lakes are far away.

Lei Wanjun glanced at Yu Zecheng and the two, turned around and shouted:

"Unreasonable, let's go."

Bao Yining immediately turned around and left without even looking here. Bao Yining immediately followed behind him. Before leaving, he glanced at Yu Zecheng with an uncertain look in his eyes.

All the other disciples of the Misty Sect also left, leaving Yu Zecheng and others here. The disciples of the Fire Cloud Sect immediately started talking about it. This time it was so worth it, seeing such a good show.

Yu Zecheng turned around and walked towards Jingxiang Tower. Mu Siyi followed him closely. The boy from the Su family who went to invite Lei Wanjun opened his mouth to say something. Su Lun pushed his son aside. said:

"Come in quickly, come in quickly, thank you all, come in and have a cup of tea to quench your thirst."

After speaking, he led everyone into the building, then grabbed his son and said:

"Don't talk too much."

The boy from the Su family said:

"If he enters, we will offend the Wu Miaomiao Sect."

Suellen said:

"He has murderous intent. My intuition tells me that he is not lying. He can kill all the disciples of the Misty Sect. Don't mess with him."

Yu Zecheng and everyone entered the Jingxiang Building. Tea and cakes were immediately served, and Mu Siyi said:

"Where's Sister Su? I'll go over and see her."

Suellen said:

"You might as well go and see her. Ever since I finished arranging flowers three months ago, Ayan has had no inspiration. She hasn't rested for three days and three nights. She cried several times and her coughing got worse and worse. I tried to persuade her countless times. , she doesn’t listen to me either. Go and persuade her to stop interfering, otherwise she will die.”

Mu Siyi nodded and walked inside. Yu Zecheng immediately followed behind him. Su Lun wanted to stop him, but he swallowed his words when he reached his lips and watched Yu Zecheng walk in behind Mu Siyi. That lobby.

It was still the same place where the flowers were arranged last time, but this time there was no audience. Su Wanyan was the only one arranging flowers there, with her nanny standing behind her, constantly holding flowers for her.

The current flower tree has been filled with flowers, but some of the flowers have withered. Su Wanyan spent three days and three nights planting them this time, and only three roses were missing, but Su Wanyan just couldn't put them in.

She suddenly raised her head, tilted her head and said:

"Sister Mu, are you here? It seems like you. I've been so stupid lately, and I'm getting worse and worse, and I'll never be able to reach perfection."

After saying that, she started crying. Only then did Yu Zecheng notice that Su Wanyan was blind. Her eyes were no different from those of normal people, but she had no pupils and could not see. This girl was really pitiful. Paralyzed and blind, Yu Zecheng suddenly felt extremely sorry for this little girl.

Mu Siyi said:

"Sister, you haven't rested for three days and three nights. Don't interrupt me yet. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Su Wanyan said:

"Sister Mu, you brought someone here. Who is this? It's not Brother Wan Jun. Don't pity me. I'm very happy. I have a lot of good friends. I can see things that you can't see."

This means that a ruler is short and an inch is long. When God closes a door, he opens another. That's why her flower arrangements are so perfect and contain the way of heaven. ,

Yu Zecheng said:

"My name is Yu Zecheng. I'm your sister Mu's friend. I like your flower arrangement very much. It's so beautiful."

Su Wanyan said:

"I know you are the one who bought my flower tree for one million spirit stones. Thank you. Although the spirit stones have no meaning to me, they are very useful to my father and my family. Thank you. ”

Yu Zecheng said:

"I also want to thank you. You promoted me to the first level, which at least saves me ten years of practice. Your flowers are worth millions of spiritual stones."

What Yu Zecheng said was true. Su Wanyan seemed to be able to tell the truth of what others said. When she heard Yu Zecheng's compliment, a smile appeared on her face and she said:

"Thank you Brother Zecheng for the compliment, but I'm very stupid with polite words. What's left are three roses. I couldn't get them for three days and three nights."

After saying that, she started to cough, coughing loudly and hoarsely. The nanny next to her said:

"To put it mildly, to put it mildly, please don't fuck me. You haven't slept for three days and three nights. You are not in good health. Please stop fucking me."

Su Wanyan shook her head and said:

"No, I will never rest until I have inserted the flower. I must finish it absolutely perfectly, but, but, how can I achieve it absolutely perfectly? I can no longer insert it well, and I can no longer find that inspiration. , I will be a useless person from now on, and no one will come to see me again.”

After saying that, Su Wanyan actually started crying again, her cries were so sad and pitiful.

Yu Zecheng took a look, stepped forward, picked up the three roses, closed his eyes, and immediately inserted them into the flower tree.

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