Chapter 156

The streets of the capital are obviously crowded.

The people in the rivers and lakes who come and go are all hot-tempered.

If there is a slight collision, they will fight in the ring area.

But the strange thing is that there is no one near Wen Renjie at a distance of one meter around them.

In this crowded crowd, it seems very abrupt.

This is not a situation caused by Wen Renjie’s own internal force to drive everyone away.

It’s just that these people don’t know why, they just don’t dare to approach him.

But they didn’t dare to get closer, which made him feel that his breathing was much easier.

After all, wearing a mask is quite boring.

The reason why these people dare not approach Wen Renjie is not because of the uniforms of the Qinglonghui they wear.

Coupled with Wen Renjie’s deep and domineering, high-ranking aura without anger and might.

How dare these ordinary people in the rivers and lakes approach them?

If it annoys the people of the Blue Dragon Society, it would be uneasy to sleep.

I dared to tentatively surround Wen Renjie and move with them.

I want to see what these three Blue Dragon Club members are going to do.

After all, the people of the Blue Dragon Society usually go straight to the task, and rarely see such a big shake in the street.

Pacing, walking slowly in the street.

Wen Renjie silently estimated the time in his heart.

“The capital is so big, the news of Shi Feixuan, should you soon reach them, right?”

Behind her, Wan Wan and Shi Fei Xuan were like sisters who were in love with each other.

Wan Wan put her arms around Shi Feixuan’s arm, smiling like a flower.

No one would have thought that she held Shi Feixuan’s hands with her arms inside her, but she kept the Master Fairy in their minds tightly controlled.

After walking for a while, Wen Renjie found that the people he was waiting for had not come yet. Wen Renjie was a little impatient and began to think about the Yinkui Sect and Cihang Jingzhai in this world.

If you want the Yin Kui Sect to annex Ci Hang Jing Zhai, it must be the heads of the past and the outstanding disciples who can’t get around.

People in the Yinkui School, Wen Renjie also heard Zhu Yuyan and Wanwan tell him something.

It can be said that there are so many talents.

The reason why the Yin Kui Sect is unsatisfactory now is entirely because the masters of the magic path don’t know where to hide to practice.

Of course.

Cihang Jingzhai is not much better here.

Many masters are invisible, and they are pursuing a higher realm.

Just leave these chickens pecking at each other…

Does he have to find them all one by one?

This is too much trouble!

And these masters are so irritating, can they be called out at will?

Wen Renjie thinks of this world, not only A Qing, Xiao Feng Hong Qigong, but also Guo Jing Huang Rong, and Wudang Zhang Sanfeng.

It can be said that almost all people from all ages of the Jin Yong series are coming together.

Then presumably the people of the Huang Yi series will also have strong people from various dynasties before and after.

For this, Wen Renjie has been mentally prepared.

What he needs to consider is how to solve these masters…

Thinking of Wen Renjie, he suddenly stopped.

The person he was waiting for finally came!

The crowd in front of them unconsciously gave way to a passage.

At the end of the passage, there were a few beautiful women, looking at Shi Feixuan with complicated eyes.

There were also a few men on the side, who seemed to be in a group, but they didn’t get too close.

Fan Qinghui!

There are also several of her disciples.

But Wen Renjie’s focus is on the man who is next to them.

The figure is slender and magnificent.

Seeing him, Wen Renjie only came up with the word “perfect” in his mind!

He really is Wen Renjie, the most perfect man he has ever seen.

Whether it is tolerance or looks.

No matter who sees him at the first glance, he will only think of the word perfect.

Song Que!

Daganling Nansong valve master!

He is also a famous sword master in the arena.

It was also a peerless figure who competed with Emperor Xiang Wu many years ago, but only lost half of his moves.

There is no doubt that he is also a strong man in the fusion spirit realm.

But today is different.

Looking at it like this by a strong man in the spirit of fusion, Wen Renjie is no longer at a loss as he faced Emperor Xiang Wu at the beginning.

He walked this way and faced a lot of masters.

He had felt the momentum of the Rongshen Realm several times.

He even felt the aura of the Broken Realm, and he could withstand it!

What’s more, he now has a place for summoning in the spiritual realm.

Full of confidence.

Don’t persuade!

So despite being stared at by Song Que.

Wen Renjie seemed to not feel it at all, standing there motionless.

···········Ask for flowers·······

Just look at Fan Qinghui and Shifeixuan, what good show will they perform?

“Disciple! Could it be that you also joined the Blue Dragon Club?!”

Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan looked at each other for a long time, and asked these words in a complicated tone.

I heard that Wan Wan had joined the Blue Dragon Club before, and she had laughed at Zhu Yuyan, even her disciples could not manage her well.

Now this is my own retribution.

Her disciple Shifeixuan, will he join the Qinglonghui too?


Shi Feixuan wanted to answer, and wanted her master to explain her current situation.

But at the arm, a trace of internal force was introduced into her body, directly threatening her heart.

He stopped talking immediately.

She was not afraid of death, but she didn’t want to die so useless, so worthless.

So she closed her mouth.

And because of Wanwan’s internal force, she kept chaosing in her body, her own internal force was suppressed again, and there was no way to resist.

Shi Feixuan’s body skin was bright red.

These are all caused by the Wan Wan Tian Mo strategy exercise method.

However, in the eyes of outsiders.

Shi Feixuan, this is embarrassing to face her master.

Shut up in shame.

Even his face blushed.

Seeing Fan Qinghui’s eyes full of disappointment.

She couldn’t think of the peerless genius she had carefully cultivated.

Actually joined other organizations.

And still in the same organization with her former enemy!

“Qinghui, the authorities are a fan!”

A magnetic voice came from Song Que’s mouth, making Fan Qinghui stunned.

It’s just that when she looked at Song Que, he didn’t speak anymore.

Of course Song Que wouldn’t speak much anymore.

This is after all the housework of their Ci Hang Jing Zhai.

As an outsider, it is good for him to be able to remind him.

Talking too much will be criticized.

Moreover, he only cares about Fan Qinghui, not Cihang Jingzhai.

There is no reason to be nosy.

But if Fan Qinghui asked him for help, it would be another matter.

Fan Qinghui is also very smart.

In other words, she actually believed in her disciples in her heart.

Regardless of whether it was something or not, it was really as I guessed it.

The two of them had a good chat, it should be right.

“Disciple, do you have something unspeakable? You can tell the master!” Zhang.

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