Chapter 155

Standing in the yard, Wen Renjie heard Shi Feixuan’s exclamation constantly coming from the room.

“What are you doing?!”

“Go away!”

“Wanwan! Demon girl!”

Wen Renjie heard it with a cold sweat, he really didn’t know what Wan Wan was doing inside.

You can even hear a little bit of crying from Shi Feixuan’s voice…

Sitting at the stone table, waiting leisurely.

Wen Renjie did not interfere with Wanwan.

Wanting the Yinkui faction to annex Cihang Jingzhai is not something that can be achieved by force alone.

They must break through their psychological defenses step by step and change their minds.

Obviously, Shi Feixuan, who fell into their hands, became the subject of Wen Renjie’s experiment.

If it can break this sword-hearted genius state of mind.

So he was willing to be annexed by the Yin Kui Pie.

Then the other people in Cihang Jingzhai, he can do the same, and complete the task is not a problem.

Cang Dang!

The door was opened.

Wan Wan walked out with a smile on her face.

Shi Feixuan followed behind her, her face flushed, and it is estimated that Wan Wan had not been teased.

Wen Renjie found that the clothes she was wearing were a bit of the uniforms of members of the Blue Dragon Association.

The clothes of the sub-rudder members under each rudder master hand are pure black.

The lower-level members of the outer 300 circumference, the clothes are pure white background, with dragon patterns.

The clothes on Shi Feixuan didn’t seem to fit well, they were a little bit big.

But she can barely see it when she wears it, and there is even an inexplicable delicate feeling in it.

Wen Renjie did not ask Wanwan where she got the clothes.

The psychological line of defense is broken step by step.

Shi Feixuan is now forced to put on the clothes of the outer members of the Blue Dragon Association.

Maybe you will be able to wear black, purple and cyan in the future?

The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant’s nest.

As long as there is a breakthrough, there are endless possibilities.

Send a message to Gong Ziyu from the bottom of my heart.

Wen Renjie stood up and walked outside the door.

Wan Wan glanced at Shi Fei, and the two followed Wen Renjie step by step.

In fact, Shi Feixuan wanted to escape too.

But no way.

Had just been tapped by Wanwan, the internal force couldn’t work at all.

If she ran directly, she would obviously be caught back, and she would not do such a stupid thing.

I had to follow them while in the body, constantly awakening the internal force, preparing to break through the acupuncture points.

After leaving the small manor, walk out of the (cide) trail that belongs to this manor.

There are more people outside.

At this time, it was gradually approaching noon.

Whether it is the sun in the sky or the capital on the ground, it is very hot-hot.

People in martial arts coming and going, all kinds of strange costumes.

Wearing hats, veils, and masks are countless.

Some wear mink clothes and some wear mink fur.

Some wear monk robes and others wear Taoist robes.

As a result, Wen Renjie’s style is relatively normal inside.

However, in the capital, the Blue Dragon Club has the most frequent activities.

Many people know Wen Renjie, they are wearing special uniforms of the Qinglonghui.

It’s just that now I don’t want to explore the details of the Blue Dragon Association as crazy as I did at the beginning.

Because words have already been released from the small courtyard in the north of the city.

As long as they have the ability to enter the small courtyard, they will be given a chance to learn about the Blue Dragon Club.

In addition, from time to time, there are also members wearing the black robes of the Blue Dragon Association who are doing tasks.

Many people are not surprised.

It’s all regarded as the feeling of seeing the high-ranking children of the famous sect in the arena.

Now I see Wen Renjie wearing a grimace mask and two beauties behind him.

At most, I feel a little envious and jealous, but also a little surprised and curious.

Envy and jealousy is that this guy is followed by two beauties.

Surprised and curious, they hadn’t seen anyone in the Blue Dragon Club wearing such pale blue robes!

What’s even more curious is that behind her is a demon girl wearing a purple-cyan robe, the big disciple Wanwan of the Yinkui faction.

The other is a Taoist fairy wearing a white robe, Shi Feixuan, the disciple of Cihang Jingzhai!

Although these people did not surround themselves, they were still talking about them.

Wan Wan and they knew that they had joined the Blue Dragon Club.

What’s the matter with this Shifeixuan?

Is it possible that Master Fairy also joined the Blue Dragon Club?

Or maybe he was also a member of the Blue Dragon Association? !

Many people in the world who listened to the “rebroadcast” throughout last night thought of what happened last night.

Shi Feixuan and Fan Qinghui, who were hit by the rising star of Kendo Wen Renjie and flew above the audience with a sword, were picked up by Wanwan and Zhu Yuyan of the Yinkui School.

Their Cihangjingzhai and Yinkui faction have always been enemies. If there is no trickiness, how can they be next?

Now Fan Qinghui is missing.

Only the fairy Shifei Xuanshi left here.

Is it true that Cixing Jingzhai is also the same as the previous Yinkui school?

The big disciples in the sect were all dug away by the Azure Dragon Society? !

Many people were whispering, and the sound of the discussion reached Shi Feixuan’s ears, and she couldn’t help but want to explain to these people.

But Wan Wan, who was walking beside her, looked like she was holding her arm and loving each other.

In fact, she used internal force to control her, if she did something out of the ordinary.

She had no doubt that this enchantress would do something to her.

Because she looked at the dragon head of Wenren who was shopping slowly in front of her, and it seemed that she didn’t mean to stop it at all.

So Bingxue, who was smart, didn’t say much at all, and just followed without talking, letting others guess.

However, Shi Feixuan’s expression fell into the eyes of others.

Just sit down and confirm their conjecture.


We discussed so loudly, Shi Feixuan did not refute it.

Isn’t it true that what we guessed is true? !

After a while.

Shi Feixuan, the eldest disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, was also a member of the Blue Dragon Society, and the news spread slowly.

And it spread more and more, reaching the ears of a man and a woman who were talking in the Qiankun Building…

Shi Feixuan, who was following Wen Renjie, naturally heard this outrageous rumor.

But she can’t say it!

His face can only keep the expression of a cold goddess with no joy or sadness.

The baby feels bitter, but the baby can’t say it!

This is probably the true portrayal of Shi Feixuan’s heart at this time.

As if shopping, Wen Renjie in front of him heard the rumors spreading slowly around him.

Under the mask, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, everything is under control.

He is so upright and arrogant.

It was intentional!

After all, if you want to break through a person’s psychological defense, many times you can’t just look at one aspect.

Family, love, friendship, mentor and apprenticeship, fellowship…

It’s just too much.

I just don’t know how long Shi Feixuan can hold on.

But don’t be like Lin Xian’er, who has been applauded by him all the time, but still complacent, thinking that you haven’t been discovered.

Then he would have to look down at this teacher fairy. .

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