Chapter 137

Facing the swordsmen who came around, they could feel the strange fluctuations.

“He broke through the internal force blockade?”

“Hurry up! He seems to have broken through!”

These swordsmen, like locusts, crowded towards Wen Renjie.

“Three cups of Turanuo, Wuyue is light.”

Wen Renjie felt like he had entered a strange situation again.

The 50% savvy bonus brought to him by the organization is playing a role all the time.

The three flowers on the top of the head slowly split.

Following Wen Renjie’s verse, he breathed out again.

This tone is like a sharp sword.

The swordsman who came from the front of him didn’t react at all, and was directly stabbed in the opposite direction!

And this is not over yet.

The three lotus flowers condensed on the top of his head have now become five groups of white air lingering on the top of his head, constantly rotating.

“After the dazzled ears are hot, the mood is born.”

The verse chanted again.

The color of the five groups of white gas on the top of the head changed from two to ninety zero to purple.

As if the morning glow rose, the swordsmen who watched were even more murderous.

“He… he has advanced to the Five Qi Dynasties Yuan Realm!”

Not only these swordsmen were surprised.

The audience was also shocked.

In the martial arts.

The Sanhua Juding and the Five Qi Dynasties are a kind of martial arts realm.

This represents the degree to which a certain individual understands his martial arts.

Only those who truly master a martial arts can achieve the Five Qi Dynasties.

Integrate everything into oneself.

Only in this way can we smelt one’s own martial arts, innovate through the old and create new martial arts.

They couldn’t think of it.

Wen Renjie, who is only in his 20s, has reached such a point!

You know in the martial arts.

There are very few people who can reach the top of Sanhua.

And those who can achieve the Five Qi Dynasties are all contemporary masters.

And from what he has shown, Wen Renjie cultivates the legendary, it is difficult to practice the knightly exercises successfully.

But it is this kind of peerless exercise that no one can successfully practice in the ages.

Wen Renjie actually cultivated to the realm of Wuqi Chaoyuan!

Such an enchanting talent…

“Kill him at all costs!”

This is the only thought in the minds of those in foreign missions.

“Let him grow up at all costs!”

This is the thoughts in the hearts of many great warriors who have their homeland in their hearts.

As for Emperor Xiang Wu sitting in the middle.

The look and heart are more complicated.

In his own country, there are people like Wen Renjie, he is naturally very happy.

But Qinglong will exist separately, and it makes him feel like there is a thorn in his heart.

feeling bad!

Compared to other people, Wen Renjie was surprised that he actually advanced to the realm of the Five Qi Dynasties.

Emperor Wu Xiang was not surprised at all.

In his opinion.

Wen Renjie is a strong man who likes to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

I always like to reveal my strength little by little.

This is also what makes him a little speechless.

Maybe this is the quirk of the strong!

Just like he likes…


The screen returns to Wen Renjie here.

Said so much.

In fact, it only takes a few seconds.

Wen Renjie’s five-qi dynasty is 10% of Yuan’s realm, and he feels the heat is spreading all over his body.

The spirit, energy and spirit are highly unified.

I just feel refreshed, and the colors of the world are a little bit more.

Facing the rushing swordsman.

Wen Renjie smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to flick Wu Gou on his lap.

“Handan was first shocked to save Zhao with a golden gavel.

Qianqiu two strong men, Xuhe Daliang city. ”

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Wen Renjie’s Wu Hook suddenly unsheathed!

It is like a wandering dragon surrounding Wen Renjie.

At this moment, it is like having life, like a newborn child playing around Wen Renjie.

The five qi has been achieved, and his realm has been raised again.

Although it will not directly break through the artistic conception of Ming.

But it also reaches the perfection!

At the same time, the realm of kendo is improved simultaneously.

Advance to the sword realm by the sword intent.

It can be said that whether it is above the realm of skill or above the realm of kendo.

Wen Renjie has reached his true peak at this moment.

The indifferent momentum is not as mighty as dominating the world.

However, these swordsmen who rushed over were hesitated for a moment.

Can they really kill Wen Renjie?

Just like the poem sung by Wen Renjie.

His sword and him.

Shocked the entire capital!

Even Xie Xiaofeng suffered the same treatment as him-more than 150 swordsmen swarmed towards him. .

But the most eye-catching is still Wen Renjie.

This conference on the sword is like his personal show.

No matter who he is playing against, he will do something.

Wu Gou, who hovered beside him, was lightly flicked by Wen Renjie!

Turn faster and faster!

Turn faster and faster!

Almost formed a sword blade storm.

Both the audience and the swordsmen couldn’t believe it.

Is this really what a swordsman without internal strength can achieve?

In fact…

Yes.. ……..

There are still many people on the court who can do this with the realm of kendo alone!

It’s just that there is no time left for them to explore.

Wen Renjie’s clear voice, with a sense of grandeur.

From the center of Blade Storm.

“It’s not ashamed to be a hero in the world.

Who can book your Excellency, the Baishou Taixuan Sutra. ”

The voice did not fall.

Wu Gou goes first.

He is like a sickle that reaps life.

The storm directly swept the entire swordsman brigade.


“Do not!”


These people couldn’t resist a single move, so they were crushed directly!

The audience were all trembling.

Looking at the figure in the green robe sitting on the martial arts field.

Secretly swallowed.

It is the Taoist language of quietness and inaction.

What I did was to kill the boundless demon!

The voice fell off.

The enemy army is wiped out!

Wu Gou’s fiber is not stained with dust and blood is not stained.

Only the broken limbs all over the floor witnessed the cruel scene just now.


Wu Hook fell and sank deeply into the ground.

At the same moment, Wen Renjie let out a breath slowly, and the light flickered in his eyes.

It seems a bit exhausted.

But what is the real situation?

Only he knew it.

After all, ALFY and the others under the audience suddenly flashed a strange idea in their minds.

Wen Renjie is not pretending again, is it?

Just like he was on the ring, pretending that he was going to die, seduce a group of people to be fooled, and challenge him…

In addition to these people.

More people saw one, killing more than a hundred people.

The devil who still doesn’t change his face!

Wen Renjie seemed to feel this atmosphere too.

But he didn’t care at all.

At least in his mind.

Everything he did was right.

After all, the best proof is that the knights are the best proof!

This shows that he has not violated the true meaning of the kung fu.

These people are not great people.

And enter the big work with a variety of purposes.

Either take the opportunity to do damage, or dig the foot of the wall.

Killing them, there is no guilt in my heart.

Although the method is violence.

The purpose is the right way.

Go over and pull out Wu hook slowly.

Wen Renjie muttered softly and looked towards Xie Xiaofeng.

“If you kill one, you can’t warn the world, Tu Wan has proven to be a knight!”

“Three young masters…it’s our turn!”.

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