Chapter 136

“Zhao Keman and Hu Ying, Wu Goushuang Xueming.”

Wen Renjie shook his hand.

A silver light appeared in Wu Gou.

The cold attributes that belonged to the meteorite outside the sky were activated, and a bright silver light continued to flicker.

The purple golden crown of hair on the top of his head kept him awake at all times.

Not at all, feeling desperate and panicked because so many people rushed towards him.

They are afraid that they don’t know.

The current Wen Renjie is not a little sheep, but a big demon!

“The silver saddle illuminates the white horse, rustling like a meteor~”

The sound remained in place.

People are already like shooting stars-and rushed straight to the crowd.

This abnormal operation immediately made those people a little dazed.

It’s not just the swordsman who rushed towards him.

Even the audience exclaimed.

Isn’t this going to rush to die?

The foreign swordsman and the audience had this idea in their hearts at the same time.

But no matter what they think.

Wen Renjie has rushed into the crowd.

And the poems containing killing intent and invigorating free and easy, continue to chant from his mouth.

“Kill one person in ten steps, don’t stay for a thousand miles!”

This sentence came out.

Everyone felt a powerful killing intent.

And this killing intent came from Wen Renjie!

He rushed into the crowd and met another person.

I didn’t even lift the hand holding the sword.

Wen Renjie wiped his neck with a sword!

“Rewind! He hasn’t been injured yet!”

The swordsmen are not stupid either.

Seeing Wen Renjie killed a swordsman neatly.

Knowing that their previous wishful thinking was wrong.

Want to run?

However, this is what they want to come and leave?

Wen Renjie wiped a man’s neck with a sword and didn’t stop.

The whole person turned into a blood-red phantom.

Every time you catch up with a person, you can solve it with one sword.

Give them no chance to surrender.

Like an assassin harvesting life, more than like a swordsman.

Even some swordsmen still want to try to fight back.

But in front of Wen Renjie who has internal power, plus they themselves are blocked by internal power.

How can one stop Wen Renjie’s sword?

Even ALFY can’t stop it!

Let alone them!

Killing one person in ten steps is considered light.

Almost every one or two steps, Wen Renjie swings a sword.

And every time he swings a sword, one person loses his life.

The only thing left in place was the blood red phantom on the retina of those people.

“How is it possible?! Isn’t he blocked by internal strength?”

“Come on some more people! Don’t stay here! Even if you rely on the number of people, you will have to pile him up!”

These alien swordsmen were too much to be killed.

They hug each other and want to counterattack.

But just at this moment when they are assembled.

Wen Renjie almost killed these thirty or forty swordsmen.

for him.

It’s like playing Wushuang among the minions-no one can stop it!

One sword!

One sword!

Wen Renjie defeated the entire team of swordsmen.

Killed from one end to the other.

Behind him was full of stumps and corpses.

Looking at the swordsmen who started to gather again, Wen Renjie let out a sigh of foul breath.

He took another deep breath.

Tai Xuan Zhen has an endless source of energy, turning his skills.


“He is practicing knighthood!!”

“This guy actually cultivated knights’ exercises!!”

After listening to several poems, many warriors screamed.

That’s a knight!

This is a shattering level magical skill that many people in the world know.

But up to now, no martial artist can practice successfully.

Even the few island owners on Xia Ke Island only know that.

But now look at Wen Renjie’s fluency and application…

He clearly became a knight!

Throughout the ages, he was the first besides the creator! !


Even after knowing that Wen Renjie has practiced a knight-like exercise.

They can’t do anything.

Because Xia Ke Xing has almost no shortcomings in this exercise!

When he has internal strength, he can leapfrog the challenge.

Not to mention that they have no internal power yet.


If you go again, isn’t it going to die?

Many people began to retreat.

But there is never a shortage of people who are obsessed with self-confidence and people with ulterior motives.

Finding that the alliance has not been formed yet, it means breaking up.

Whether it was in the swordsman camp or in the alien mission, some people started to stun them.

“Don’t be afraid! He has no internal strength now!”

“We have so many people, tired can make him tired!”

···········Ask for flowers·······

“Yes! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

“If we don’t take action to kill this enchanting evildoer now, after he grows up, we…”

Heard these words.

Although these alien swordsmen know, this is for them to die.

But they still rushed towards Wen Renjie without hesitation.

Just like those people shouted.

Originally, the Central Plains Wulin was already so powerful.

Emperor Xiang Wu overwhelmed an era.

If now let the next generation of Zhongyuan grow up.

Their country will be crushed forever, unable to get ahead!

This is not what they expected.

And their mission here.

In addition to investigating the situation at this time.

Another task is to obliterate as much as possible the talented young talents.

.. ……… 0

They were all ready to kill Chen Shixing, A Fei.

As a result, Wen Renjie was crossed…

Both let them exit the game unharmed!

Now Wen Renjie dares to attack so many of them alone, how can he tolerate it? !

Therefore, there were nearly 300 alien swordsmen in the arena, and half of them went to besiege Xie Xiaofeng.

The other half rushed to Wen Renjie again.

Only after Wen Renjie adjusted his breath briefly, he spoke again.

And sat down on the spot, Wu Gou placed on his lap.

He took out a jug of wine from his arms and drank happily.

“I’m free to drink Xinling, take off the sword knees and cross.

Will Zhi Zhu Hai, hold on to persuade Hou Ying. ”

Strong liquor enters the throat.

Wen Renjie only felt hot in his heart, and three flowers gathered on top of his head.

The surrounding swordsmen exclaimed: “The Realm of Three Flowers Gathering at the Top!!”

“This son must die today!”

The siege is getting stronger and stronger.

The audience squeezed their hands with sweat.

“Get up and fight!”

“Don’t chant poems! People are coming!! Wen Renjie!”

The foreign missions also watched nervously, and kept shouting in their hearts.

“Kill him! Kill him!”

“Hurry up! Don’t give him a chance to adjust his breath!”

Even Emperor Xiang Wu leaned forward slightly, as if he wanted to look more closely.

As for him to cheer there, it means that the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

Under the attention of everyone.

Wen Renjie calmly opened his eyes.

Nothing happened!

At the same time, the three flowers on the head began to change…Zhang.

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