Chapter 116

Beijing has been very lively recently, and Wen Renjie has always known about it.

But when Wen Renjie, Lin Xian’er and Bai Qing’er came to the Imperial City, they were still shocked by the scene in front of them.

The 4 urban areas in the southeast, northwest and northwest are already full of warriors.

They are all here to participate in the martial arts conference in half a month.

And now outside the inner city gate of the imperial palace, there are full of swordsmen.

Of course, the crowds of melon-eaters watching the show nearby are also indispensable.

There are also news spies planted here by various forces.

It can be said to be overwhelmed.

This is Wen Renjie’s second visit to Huangcheng~.

Last time, it was not far away.

Ten days ago, he entered the palace treasure house and entered from here in a carriage.

He didn’t look at the scenery outside at the time.

But when he came out of the palace treasury and left the palace, he didn’t see the current scene.

In other words, in just a few days, this has become the current situation.

The reason for the overcrowding here is naturally not because the warrior wants to see the palace.

It’s the huge boulder standing in front of the side entrance of the Imperial City!

It was a gray-white boulder that was three feet tall, and it could be said to be a huge object.

When Zhu Yuyan and others talked about sword testing to themselves before, they always couldn’t do without the whetstone.

The name whetstone, in Wen Renjie’s mind, is just a small piece of stone used to sharpen knives.

Even with that, he didn’t expect much of the image of Test Sword Stone.

At most, I am interested in the magical effect of the sword stone.

But at the moment.

I saw the huge boulder almost two or three stories high standing in front of the city gate.

He was still a little shocked.

One foot is about three meters three.

The test stone is three feet high, which is close to ten meters in height.

If it were just huge, it wouldn’t make Wen Renjie so shocked.

This sword test stone is not only huge, but also shaped like a huge sword!

Standing in front of the city gate, it was like a huge sword stuck in front.

Makes the city gate and the sword test more grandiose and domineering.

And, around this strangely shaped stone.

It is also about three feet three feet in radius, and it is extremely empty.

Only a few swordsmen entered this range intermittently.

Close to the test stone with difficulty, it seems that he wants to leave a mark on the test stone.

Just look at these people, their difficult steps, and their legs shaking like a beat, Wen Renjie. It is estimated that their success rate is not high.

Even so, every person who enters the range of the test stone will cause a burst of exclamation and applause.

If someone can be taken a step closer after entering, the surroundings will be full of praise.

“Is it so difficult?”

Wen Renjie took Lin Xian’er and Bai Qing’er to find a place with a fairly good view and observed the situation.

Hear what Wen Renjie said.

Bai Qing’er was about to answer, but was snatched away by a gangster next to him who wanted to show off.

Looking at his eyes, he knew that he was fascinated by the faces of the two women and wanted to show off.

In fact, many people around Wen Renjie are fascinated by the two women.

However, Wen Renjie and Bai Qing’er’s aura is both masters with clear meaning, and they dare not make any mistakes.

But if you show off what you know, there is no problem at all.

“This young hero, you don’t know anything…”

“Oh? What?”

Wen Renjie took it up funny, but didn’t interrupt him. Who should listen to it?

The man cleared his throat and coughed.

“Everyone knows that this sword test stone is a rare treasure from the outside world, and it can reflect the depth of the swordsman realm of a swordsman.”

“The sword test stone itself has no sword intent, but it can communicate with the sword intent of every swordsman. It seems that there is nothing, but it is all-encompassing.”

“Interesting, but does anyone know why?”

Wen Renjie asked.

The man stopped and said, “Who knows this? But there are rumors that there is a peerless sword in the test stone. It may be caused by that sword. Otherwise, why is this stone so shaped like a sword? ?”

“Anyway, there are different opinions, and no one has a definite conclusion.”

“Oh, you go on!”

Wen Renjie did not ask why no one split the test stone.

Because since no one has split it up until now, it must show that there are many factors in it.

The man looked at Wen Renjie for a while, looking at his clothes, the sword at his waist, and the two beauties around him.

The look was a little suspicious: “This young man is a little familiar, have we met somewhere?”

“Of course not, I am a popular face, many people say that I am like his friend.”

“Oh! That’s it! Maybe I admitted it wrong!”

The man scratched his head and continued to show off the rumors.

Being a good teacher is the inevitable psychology of everyone, and he is no exception.

···········Ask for flowers·······

“According to Ye City Master Ye Gucheng, who is most familiar with the sword test at present, he has classified the swordsman realm given to the swordsmen by the current test stone…”

This time Wen Renjie was also interested, and listened carefully.

His understanding of kendo is only contained in the two exercises, the kind of artistic conception of using this sword technique.

Unexpectedly, someone has summed up the kendo realm classification.

Although it was Ye Gucheng’s kendo realm that he summed up based on the test of sword stone.

But for most people, it is enough.

“How did City Lord Ye divide it?”

“Hey! This…”

The man suddenly laughed treacherously, stretched out his right hand, and squeezed his index finger and thumb.

.. …….. 0


Wen Renjie waved his hand, and a hundred taels of silver slip appeared in his hand.

Let the talent continue to speak with satisfaction.

“Don’t mention those swordsmen who can’t get close to testing sword stones at all. Ye Chengzhu said, these people are either on a whim to learn swords, or they are fame and reputation and don’t participate in the classification.”

“And the swordsman who can enter the test stone range is a real swordsman.”

“Within one foot of the test stone, but did not touch the test stone, the sword aura is strong.”

“When you touch the test stone, the sword’s power is clear.”

“Leave an inch of mark, the sword intent is bright, also known as the sword heart is bright.”

“Leave a mark three inches, the sword heart becomes a domain.”

“Leave five inches of marks, the sword domain enlightened, it is for kendo!”

“Swordsmanship…returning to basics?” Wen Renjie muttered to himself, and then asked: “Doesn’t anyone leave a deeper sword mark?”

You must know that the test stone is three feet high, but the thickness is not low, and Wen Renjie’s visual inspection is also about one feet high.

But Ye Gucheng just ranked the realm by inch!

This let Wen Renjie know how difficult it is to leave marks on the sword test stone.

No wonder Lu Xiaofeng asked himself how many marks he left on the sword test stone.

I thought he underestimated himself before.

Only now I know that they are all great swordsmen when they encounter the sword test stone.

Let alone leave a trace.

“Hey! There will be deeper sword marks, naturally, but well…”

The man stretched out his fingers and squeezed again.



It feels so familiar.

PS: The author stretched out his fingers and squeezed it, I hope you heroes don’t know how to praise o(〃▽〃)o.

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