Chapter 115

Wen Renjie is undoubtedly in a good mood for advanced Ming artistic conception.

Even the sky felt clearer.

The sky is bluer and the trees are greener.

Wanwan is more beautiful, and even Zhu Yuyan seems to be younger.

Wen Renjie’s happiness is visible to the naked eye, and Zhu Yuyan will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

Take advantage of the trend and put forward the request to join the Blue Dragon Association.

This time Wen Renjie finally did not make things difficult for her.

Let her get her wish and joined the Blue Dragon Club.

Just like Yaoyue, she joined the Blue Dragon Club in her personal capacity, and she still managed the Yinkui faction under her hands.

Only after that, everyone in the Yinkui faction agreed to join the Blue Dragon Association.

The Yinkui faction is regarded as a sub-organization of the Blue Dragon Association.

There are undoubtedly some difficulties.

Don’t look at Zhu Yuyan’s desire to join the Blue Dragon Club. He doesn’t look very good.

But in fact, there are many fierce people of the Yinkui faction.

For example, the magician Pangban who doesn’t know where, and the various evil emperors…

There are many more detailed branches, and the elders in the school have their own minds.

Far from being as unified as Cihang Jingzhai.

But even if he could join the Blue Dragon Club as an individual now, this would be quite good for Zhu Yuyan.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step.

She didn’t believe that with the power of the Azure Dragon Society, she couldn’t completely unify the entire Yin Kui Sect.

It was after Zhu Yuyan joined the Blue Dragon Club.

Her own daily blessings-benefits appeared beside her.

Exclusive costumes, exclusive pill every day…

And all kinds of information in my mind.

Obviously he did not see Wen Renjie speak, nor did he see anyone showing up to give her anything.

But these information and these items just appeared by her side inexplicably.

It’s horrible.

This also made her more sure that Wen Renjie is a person who likes to behave like a pig and eat a tiger…

Otherwise, why do you pretend to be a young man who has just entered the arena?

It’s just that Zhu Yuyan doesn’t have the interest to take care of these things!

She felt that after joining the Blue Dragon Club, her brain was clear and her thinking about problems was much more agile than before.

“Is this the mysterious power of the organization?”

Zhu Yuyan looked surprised.

There are many strange things in this world, but she doesn’t have much contact with them.

In Zhu Yuyan think about it, this kind of ability. The mysterious thing to cide for those who join the Blue Dragon Club should be a rare treasure like a sword stone or a sharpening stone.

It’s just where he was, he knew he was not qualified to ask.

“After Yin, your number in the Blue Dragon Club is February 3, and you are also a rudder master. As for you with a lot of staff, you can figure it out by yourself!”

“Understand!” Zhu Yuyan picked up a lot of things, and seemed to ask smoothly: “However, I heard that Wanwan is February 1st, so who is February 2nd?”

“Hehe! February 2nd! The swallow steals Yan Sanniang.”


“Any questions?”

“She is a yellow…no problem!”

Wen Renjie smiled, “If you have no problem, just do your thing! If you want to know more about Qinglonghui, you can go to Wanwan, or you can go to the people in the small courtyard in the north of the city.”

“But if I go like this, who knows who I am?”

“Hmm? Didn’t I send you the uniform of the Blue Dragon Club?” Wen Renjie pointed to the clothes in her arms, “The clothes of the Blue Dragon Club are specially made, which conform to everyone’s body habits and cannot be copied!”

“Um… then I will step back first!”

Zhu Yuyan’s face suddenly became ruddy, and she didn’t know what she thought of.

Seeing her leaving behind, on Wen Renjie’s system panel, Zhu Yuyan’s information appeared.

[Name: Zhu Yuyan (Qinglonghui Spring Management February 3, current head of the Yinkui faction)

Gongfa: Tianmo Ce (Rongshen level)

Realm: Late Stage of Syndrome Void Realm

Jane: The hard-hearted man who is thinking about the unification of the magic door and overwhelming Cihang Jingzhai.

Now, finally got his wish and was tricked into the Blue Dragon Club step by step by someone. 】

Wen Renjie felt that there seemed to be a problem with the system’s perception of him.

What is cheating? !

Isn’t he called a strategy?

Obviously Zhu Yuyan wanted to join the Blue Dragon Association a long time ago.

He hasn’t agreed yet!

Things that are too easy to get will not be cherished.

He just procrastinated a little longer!

How can it be called a scam?

Can the matter of the warrior be called a lie? !

Bai Qing’er didn’t Zhu Yuyan take the initiative to send it up? !

“Really, it humiliates me!”

Wen Renjie stunned the system in his heart for a while.

Witnessing her master from beginning to end, Wan Wan, who was tricked by Wen Renjie into the Blue Dragon Club, finally smiled.

Seeing that Lin Xian’er and Bai Qing’er hadn’t come out yet.

She leaned to Wen Renjie’s side: “Longshou, the master goes to the small courtyard in the north of the city. If you are unfamiliar with the place, I will help her. How about asking for a leave?”

“Go! I don’t need you to do anything for the time being!”

Wen Renjie waved her to help herself.

The Blue Dragon Club is not a real killer organization.

He didn’t want all the members to circle him all day.

When there is no system task, these people just do what they should do.

Greatly hidden in the city.

As long as they show up in time when he needs these people.

“Hey! Thank you Dragon Head!”

Wan Wan tapped her happy toes and followed the master.

“Hehe, Master, now we are colleagues…”


Silently watched Wan Wan leave.

Wen Renjie didn’t know what moth she was going to do, but she summoned it by herself. She would not do anything that would harm the Blue Dragon Society, so she didn’t need to care too much.

There is still some time before noon.

Wen Renjie went back to the room and looked at Lin Xian’er and Bai Qing’er.

The two also slowly ended their luck.

Opened his eyes.

Seeing Wen Renjie sitting next to the round table in the room, drinking tea while looking at them, he was not shy.

Dressed up in front of him generously.

Dressed up.

I simply ate a few pieces of pastry to fill my stomach.

Lin Xian’er carefully observed Wen Renjie’s appearance.

Energetic, his eyebrows flashed.

what’s the situation? !

Is it true that Elysium has no effect on Wen Renjie?

For a while, Lin Xian’er was a little skeptical, that Bliss Pill was real.

Bai Qing’er didn’t have as many thoughts as Lin Xian’er.

Now a person of Wen Renjie, naturally everything is towards Wen Renjie.

Hold Wen Renjie’s thigh well.

It’s better than let the master give her to other men.

“Brother Jie~ There is still one day before the Sword Conference, what are we doing now?”

Bai Qing’er is very charming, it can be said that it is a natural beauty, and coupled with the bonus of the girl’s heart, it really seduce people.

It’s not enough to describe it with all kinds of amorous feelings.

But Wen Renjie is now…sage time, very calm.

“Naturally go to the gate of the imperial palace and take a look at the magical sword test stone!”

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