Chapter 108

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Even if the people present here are not superb swordsmen, they are also warriors of advanced realm.

A Fei’s short hand, revealing the sword, made their eyes shine.

The speed of this hand-bright sword, no other bells and whistles, just fast!

Just like ALFY said.

One word already represents his kendo.


Purely fast!

Soon anyone can stop it!

This is A Fei’s kendo.

Even Ximen Chuuxue couldn’t help but really look at the silent boy again.

The young man’s kendo is somewhat similar to him.

But it is only somewhat similar.

Their kendo is still different.

The only thing worthy of his attention is that the young man put a lot of effort into the “fast” he saw.

There is this fast sword that people can’t see clearly.

I only evaluated it in my mind.

Ximen Chuuxue thought.

Among the younger generation, few people can resist it with a quick sword of the young man A Fei.

No matter how complicated other people move.

He only needs 28 to shoot faster than others and kill others faster.

A Fei’s sword is a practical sword.

Perhaps many people who are higher than his realm can’t pick up A Fei’s fast sword.

One trick, eat all over the sky!

Let you do everything.

I broke it with a single sword!

There is quite a feeling of using a fast sword to break through the world with a single sword.

But it’s still too immature.

If the realm is far beyond him.

A Fei’s fast sword will fall into the control of others, and its lethality will rapidly decrease.

However, for ALFY, who is still relatively young, this is pretty good.

Ximen Chuuxue tapped his scabbard lightly to express his approval.

It’s just that Tsundere didn’t speak.

It was his good friend, Lu Xiaofeng understood the mind of this ice cube.

You know what he thinks by seeing his little movements.

On behalf of his friend, he said his evaluation of A Fei Kendo.

After some explanation, the other people in the lobby suddenly realized.

Turns out it’s just this hand, there are so many news in it? !

Even Wen Renjie nodded secretly.

Because I want to talk about kendo theory.

He didn’t persuade him at all, he even knew more than these people.

In any case, it is a person who has been in the Internet age.

In addition, I spent a few days in the palace treasury and memorized a lot of swordsmanship.

If you really want him to say some theoretical things, with the blessings of the two phases, it is simply too simple.

It is certain that these people will be crippled.

But in fact, he only understood these theories.

He didn’t understand the true meaning of it.

Knowing and understanding are two different things.

Otherwise, relying on these understandings, he would have been able to break the shackles of the realm long ago and reach the kendo scene.

With sword intent alone, you can fight against people of all realms.

But he just didn’t have the feeling of epiphany.

At present, he only has the awe-inspiring free and easy sword intent of a knight, and the naturally shattered sword intent of breaking the invisible sword aura.

Therefore, being able to participate in the On Sword Conference is also a kind of growth for him.

“Unexpectedly, A Fei, you still have such a hand! Why didn’t you show it in the ring that day?”


Which pot is this? Which pot is not opened?

Although his sword was fast at the time, it was still not as fast as it is now.

It’s not because after losing to Wen Renjie, he went down and worked hard.

This is how amazing it is today.


Wen Renjie also found out that he had said something wrong, took a sip of wine in embarrassment, and stopped talking.

Lin Xian’er, who was sitting next to him, served him thoughtfully.

At the same time, he was secretly observing the situation on the table.

She felt that she did not choose the wrong person.

Those who can sit on the table are all outstanding people.

But they seem to have a different kind of politeness towards Wen Renjie.

I have to look at him well, and I can’t let the Hu Meizi next to snatch him!

Lin Xian’er glanced intently, Wanwan and Bai Qing’er.

Feel a sense of crisis.

She obviously just slept.

Another beauty appeared next to Wen Renjie…

. . .

Everyone’s eyes were on Ximen Chuuxue’s body.

Who told Lu Xiaofeng to help him just now?

Even Lu Xiaofeng wanted to see how his friend with facial paralysis would show his kendo.

However, what everyone did not expect was.

Facing everyone’s gaze, Ximen Chuuxue just coldly put his black long sword and scabbard on the table.

“Sword out, see blood!”

The cold words are the snow in the cold winter.

Ethereal and cold.



The people who had been looking forward to it for a long time suddenly felt uncomfortable.

But I don’t know how to vent it.

Above the rivers and lakes, the sword god in white, Ximen Chuuxue.

This is a deeply rooted image.

But what made them remember Ximen Chuuxue more than this image was.

Every time he drew his sword out of its sheath, there must be ghosts under the sword.

Now he comes to such a sentence.

Who would dare to let him draw his sword out of the sheath?

Isn’t that looking for death?

The atmosphere solidified a bit for a while.

Watching Ximen Chuuxue calmly drinking tea.

Wen Renjie thinks he shouldn’t be stingy with his kendo knowledge.

It’s simply not good at speech, not like talking.

Fortunately, he has a Lu Xiaofeng who has made many friends.

A Lu Xiaofeng with a very high EQ.

First, he laughed, which eased the awkward atmosphere.

Then he arched his hands to apologize to the swordsmen around, and the warriors.

“Don’t be offended by everyone, this ice cube face is like this. I can’t jump a word for a long time. It’s really hard for him to make him speak!”

“But when he meets an opponent, he will definitely say a few more words. Although everyone is looking forward to the sword conference, let’s see what he says!”

When Lu Xiaofeng said so, Ximen Chuuxue didn’t say anything.

Those audience members are even more afraid to say anything.

After all, you just talk about kendo, and you can’t force others to talk about it if you don’t like it.

I really want to hear the swordsmanship of this white sword god.

Then you have to enter the imperial city with strength to watch the sword conference.

It’s useless if you don’t have the strength.

I have to say that this is a warrior mentality.

Duan Yu also lived a few dozen years old, and he naturally understood a little bit of human affection and sophistication.

It is natural to take over the topic.

“When it comes to the true meaning of kendo, I have nothing to show for my ugliness. I only have a six-channel magic sword. Please taste it!”

Duan Yu stood up with a smile and rolled up his sleeves slowly.

And at this time Wen Renjie also spoke out.

“Six-Maid Sword?! I have long heard that there is a martial arts of invisible sword aura. It just so happens that I also have a similar swordsmanship martial arts, and I would like to ask Prince Duan for advice!”

With that, Wen Renjie stood up and looked at Duan Yu with a smile. .

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