Chapter 107

Although Lu Xiaofeng’s words are questioning, Yipin knows that he has affirmed that Wen Renjie is here to participate in the conference.

He even felt that Wen Renjie Wen Renjie must be able to leave a mark on the sword test stone, which is still a few inches deep.

You must know that most swordsmen in the world can’t leave any traces on them, let alone a few inches deep.

Obviously Lu Xiaofeng is very optimistic about Wen Renjie.

But Wen Renjie, although I have always heard about how amazing the sword test stone is.

But he really hadn’t seen it.

“I haven’t tried the sword yet, I don’t know where to test the sword stone?”

Ximen Chuuxue, who had always been cold and unwilling to speak, took the conversation at this moment.

“Outside the palace, where the imperial army guards.”

“Oh? It turned out to be outside the palace, I really haven’t seen it!”

Wen Renjie didn’t care much about the traces left by this sword test. Anyway, he only needs to be able to participate in the Lun Erqi Seven Sword Conference.

He didn’t believe that he could not leave his mark on the sword test stone with his sword intent that could provoke ten thousand swords and cicadas.

And this time the night of the full moon, the mission of the top of the Forbidden City.

That is a chanting task.

Wen Renjie said that everything must be done.

It is difficult for more than 90% of the swordsmen to recognize his kendo in the mission.

After all, the swordsman who can enter the imperial city to participate in the sword conference, who is not a strong-minded, clear-cut master of swordsmanship?

Want them to identify with other people’s kendo, unless that person’s kendo is very brilliant.


Only prepare in advance!

Wen Renjie glanced at the situation on the desktop.

It is clear.

A Fei should be the one who participated in this conference on swords.

Li Xunhuan was just accompanying him as his friend.

On the other side, Lu Xiaofeng and the three of them don’t need to say, it must be Ximen Chuuxue to participate in the sword conference.

Among the three brothers of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu naturally went to participate in the sword conference.

His Six-Medition Divine Sword can naturally be counted inside.

But it is estimated that other than that, he has no kendo insights.

So to be honest, Wen Renjie is not optimistic about whether Duan Yu can get a good name.

Even if his realm is superb.

So if you can let these people have some understanding of his kendo now, if you can accept it.

When it comes to the sword conference, he will be more relaxed.

After all, he didn’t rush to the first place, he just wanted to complete the task.

Just imagine.

If the kendo masters in the world, the sword god in white, and Ximen Chuuxue, all agree with his kendo philosophy.

Then at the sword conference, wouldn’t it be easier to accept his swordsmanship?

Therefore, Wen Renjie began to pave the way.

“It happens that the swordsmen are here today, and we are here again. Why don’t we hold a small meeting in advance to warm up the sword meeting?”

“Hahaha! That’s a good idea! Now there are many swordsmen on the first floor, so it’s appropriate to say that it’s a small swordsman.”

Lu Xiaofeng first agreed.

He himself is a lively temperament.

After drinking so much more wine, it’s even better.

Ximen Chuuxue hadn’t agreed yet, so he made an advocacy to help him agree.

But Ximen had no objection to blowing water.

He also thought it would be better to warm up in advance, and was about to see Wen Renjie’s kendo.


“You want it, you want it! I can’t think of a few heroes who have to drink with us!”

“Yes! It’s possible that we won’t be able to enter the palace or see the sword conference, but it’s worth seeing a small conference on swords!”

The people at the other tables were listening attentively, the words of the literati and others at this table.

Hearing Wen Renjie mentioned this idea, they couldn’t help but agree.

Originally, ALFY wanted to leave here.

He is a quiet temperament, does not like to talk more, only likes to use hands.

But Li Xunhuan grabbed him and cast a look at him slightly.

This is a good opportunity to get to know your opponent!


Finally he sat down.

For others, A Fei is not very obedient, and even his parents’ words sometimes he will not fully believe.

But don’t know why, he and Li Xunhuan hit it off right away.

Also willing to listen to his preaching.

It made him feel a little weird.

After understanding Li Xunhuan’s eyes, A Fei sat down and looked at Wen Renjie sharply.

He also had a grudge about his defeat by Wen Renjie.

If you can understand his kendo, it seems pretty good.

The movements of A Fei and Li Xunhuan naturally couldn’t escape Wen Renjie’s eyes.

It seems a mischievous smile.

If you don’t like talking, I just want you to talk!

Wen Renjie raised his glass and looked at A Fei.

“Tsk, A Fei, I met again, why don’t you say a word? I will respect this cup! You are free!”

Wen Renjie, raised his head and drank it.

And ALFY was really casual and didn’t touch the wine glass in front of him at all.

It’s just that Wen Renjie doesn’t care, he knows that A Fei doesn’t drink under special circumstances.

Facing his cold eyes, Wen Renjie calmed down.

“Since you don’t drink, you have to say something?”

“This is the first person to talk about Kendo, so you start!”


A Fei was taken aback, looking at the wine glass in front of him, wondering if he wanted to take a sip first.

He doesn’t like talking, one is because he is not good at speech.

The other is that he feels that speaking will consume energy…

The swordsman should remain at the peak state, without any flaws.

With a few words, Wen Renjie pushed A Fei to the front and shook his head when he saw Li Xunhuan.

My little brother still looks a little tender.

Swordsmanship really made him look at him with admiration, but this emotional intelligence…

Li Xunhuan looked at Wen Renjie.

There is indeed a big gap between the two.

The focus of the audience focused on ALFY.

This is an experience he has never had before.

Although he always thought that he could become famous.

But in his vision, it shouldn’t be so famous.

Seeing that he has been silent.

The people around started whispering a little.

“What’s the matter? Can’t it be, this person just makes up for it?”

“How is it possible! People are sitting with Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan, and drinking at the same table with Wen Ren Shaoxia, how could they not have the ability?”

The surrounding sounds were not loud, but A Fei felt a little harsh.

I have to say that these diners have a good yin and yang.

A Fei is still young after all.

No matter how quiet and steady his temper is, he is still a young man after all.


The “iron piece” on his waist was inserted on the tabletop in an instant.

The surrounding discussion stopped abruptly.

A Fei’s voice came out coldly: “Quick!”

Then he bowed his head and said nothing, only his iron piece was stuck on the table, and he couldn’t help shaking.


“What does he mean?”.

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