Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 289 Arrest Pu Xiaotao! 【Please customize your order】

She patiently comforted a few girls, and after the girls were comforted, she could begin to investigate Dong Niannian's affairs when her emotions stabilized.

After the investigation of the matter is over, Zhou Ziyan has to appease these girls again to ensure that these girls will not leave psychological shadows.

Zhou Ziyan spent a lot of time completing these investigations, and she kept scolding Ning Cheng silently in her heart, knowing that she would leave these difficult jobs for herself.

After Ning Cheng came out of Dong Niannian's home, he went to the mall that Dong Niannian often went to, and went to the manager of the mall to get surveillance.

But the manager told Ning Cheng that the monitoring of the mall will only be stored for one month, and the monitoring that Ning Cheng said was many months ago, and there is no record at all.

Ning Cheng couldn't help frowning when he heard the news. Now all hope is pinned on Mu Xiaoyu. Dong Niannian has too few clues on the "420" side. I hope Mu Xiaoyu has some advantages. evidence of.

As soon as Ning Cheng thought of this, Mu Xiaoyu called and reported to Ning Cheng: "Team Ning, we found it. Pu Xiaotao also often goes to the coffee shop that Dong Niannian often goes to. The timeline of the two is basically It's all right."

Ning Cheng couldn't help feeling happy when he heard Mu Xiaoyu's report. Mu Xiaoyu told Ning Cheng that basically when Dong Niannian went to that coffee shop, Pu Xiaotao also went to the coffee shop.

The two often met before Dong Niannian went to study abroad, especially the period before Dong Niannian dropped out.

The number of times the two of them met at the coffee shop increased significantly, and for a while it was so frequent that they saw each other basically every day for a week.

Ning Cheng listened to Mu Xiaoyu's report and told Mu Xiaoyu to hurry back to the police station and call Zhao Xiaoan to gather at the police station for a meeting. He already had an idea.

Soon, several people gathered in the police station. Ning Cheng saw that everyone had arrived and said, "Everyone, now I tell you that the deceased is not Pu Xiaotao but Dong Niannian."

The underground police officers and leaders listened to Ning Cheng's speech, and there was an uproar, and they all started to discuss.

Ning Cheng explained to everyone why Dong Niannian was the one who died instead of Pu Xiaotao, and after Ning Cheng explained it, he continued.

Since the deceased lying in the morgue is Dong Niannian and the missing person is Pu Xiaotao, our priority now is to find Pu Xiaotao. As long as we can find Pu Xiaotao, most of our cases will be solved.

The police officers and leaders below listened to Ning Cheng's explanation and analysis and could not help but admire Ning Cheng. Is this a human brain hole? We can infer so much from these stories.

Ning Cheng looked at the police officers underground and said, "From now on, the focus of the case will be on finding Pu Xiaotao's whereabouts. As long as Pu Xiaotao is found, our case will be paid to the surface."

After the meeting, the police station began to get busy again, busy with searches, and they began to investigate and survey the area little by little.

Ning Cheng looked at the evidence on the table. He found that the most crucial storyline and the murder weapon were still missing. The key was to find Pu Xiaotao, how to find Pu Xiaotao, Ning Cheng thought.

He couldn't even think about it. At this time, Zhao Xiaoan came over to report that a lady's belongings had been found under the cliff, and he asked Team Ning to take a look.

Ning Cheng looked at what Zhao Xiaoan brought, which was the key evidence.

Zhou Ziyan has been taking calls from Fang's family these days, but she really doesn't know how to explain to Fang's family.

She was worried about this matter, and Ning Cheng told Zhou Ziyan that she could tell the Fang family that this was no longer a simple disappearance case, and it had officially risen to a criminal case.

Ning Cheng told Zhou Ziyan that she could take Fang Mo back to the police station for investigation. After hearing this, she couldn't help but relax, so that she wouldn't have to be bothered by Fang's family every day.

She immediately led the team to Fang's house, explained to Fang's family, and soon brought Fang Mo back.

Fang Mo was very flustered when he heard that he was going to be taken back to the police station. He originally thought that his family would ask Zhou Ziyan to investigate, so that the family would not find out about his derailment.

He knew that once his family found out about his cheating, he wouldn't even think about getting his living expenses. His father would beat him to death.

Fang's family listened to Zhou Ziyan's explanation, Fang Mo's parents looked at Fang Mo with dark faces, thinking that when the bastard came back, he must beat this little bastard to death.

Fang Mo followed Zhou Ziyan back to the police station tremblingly, thinking that this time was over.

Fang Mo was taken back to the police station and sat in the interrogation room honestly. It was Ning Cheng who tried him personally, because he knew that Zhou Ziyan would definitely hide the truth when he tried him...

Ning Cheng asked Fang Mo to explain everything that he had explained, and Fang Mo told Ning Cheng what he told Zhou Ziyan again. Ning Cheng saw that Fang Mo was dishonest and put pressure on Fang Mo.

Ning Cheng said: "Are you sure you want to be honest? It's about your future life. If we judge you to be the murderer because of your underreporting or lying, your parents won't be able to save you."

Fang Mo looked at the current Ning Cheng extremely terrified, he listened to Ning Cheng's words and looked at the terrifying Ning Cheng and finally said: "I move, I move, I admit that I concealed a part of Zhang Heng's time, but I really don't know about this case."

"I admit that my quarrel with Niannian was actually because of my derailment. At that time, I was still in Jiangcheng when I first remembered Niannian. At that time, I really liked Niannian, but Niannian always disagreed with my pursuit."

"Then one day, Nian Nian suddenly asked me out for some unknown reason and said that he agreed to date me. I was very happy at the time, the front of the relationship was very good, and I felt that there was still a big gap between Nian Nian before and after falling in love. of."

"Niannian always had a very cold attitude towards me before, but from the day she promised me, she became very enthusiastic towards me, and her previous Niannian was very conservative. After being together, I found that Niannian was very Unrestrained."

"I liked Nian Nian very much at the time, but after talking for more than ten days, I found that Nian Nian is not the same as before. I don't know why I don't have the feeling before 1.2 about Nian Nian."

"I want to break up, but people in my family like Nian Nian very much, because they think Nian Nian is sensible, smart, and an honest person. The most important thing is that our family has business dealings with the Dong family."

As long as Dong Niannian married into our family, it would be a very good cooperation for the two companies, and they didn't want me to break up in business.

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