Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 288 Difficult female students! 【Please order your own order】

The girl who took the lead thought to herself why Dong Niannian took all this good thing, and he was no worse than Dong Niannian, so she thought about asking for Ning Cheng's contact information.

She thought that Dong Niannian couldn't be cheap with such a handsome guy, so they had someone behind to chat with Ning Cheng.

She looked at Ning Cheng and didn't speak, and thought that she had nothing to ask. She must ask for this handsome guy's contact information today.

"Little brother, I still know a lot of things about Niannian. You are a friend of Niannian, why don't we add a contact information, before Niannian was in our school~ went to school,

If you want to ask Niannian about anything in the future, it is convenient to ask me directly. We all have a very good relationship with Niannian. "

Ning Cheng looked at these little girls with a smile, the smile with the slightest warmth and tenderness has melted these little girls, and these little girls have fallen into this smile.

The girl who took the lead felt that there was a drama and the success rate was very high, and she thought what if the family had money, I was much better than Dong Niannian.

Ning Cheng knew in his heart what these little girls were thinking. He thought in his heart that he could bring these little girls back to understand things, so he replied with a gentle smile, "Okay."

The girl who took the lead was not to mention how happy she was. She looked at her friend excitedly with a smug expression on her face, not to mention how beautiful she was. She happily took out her mobile phone and prepared to add Ning Cheng.

The girl took the mobile phone and asked, "Does the little brother leave a phone number or add individual contact information?"

Ning Cheng smiled and said, "None of them." Then he took out his police card.

"Ning Cheng, captain of the Jiangcheng Criminal Police Brigade, this is my siren and my contact information."

The little girls listened for a while and didn't understand what was going on. Ning Cheng went on to say, "A few of them have something to do with one of Dong Niannian's cases. Come with me."

At this time, Ning Cheng has long lost the gentleness he had just now, like a fox tricking a group of little white rabbits into his hands and revealing his true colors, several girls were scared and stupid, they were all still students, in their world, murder cases Anything is far from them.

Several little girls were still trembling when they were caught at the police station.

Because Zhou Ziyan left because of the matter during the investigation, she and Ning Cheng investigated separately. Zhou Ziyan returned to the police station to follow the forensic doctor to study the body, while Ning Cheng was investigating in the mall.

When she came back, she found that Ning Cheng came back with a few little girls with a puzzled face, and asked, "What's the situation? Didn't you go to the mall to investigate, what's the situation with these girls."

Ning Cheng said: "The people who are related to this case, these little girls are Dong Niannian's roommates, they should know something."

Zhou Ziyan looked at these trembling students and couldn't help frowning. These little girls were so frightened that they had to appease these little girls well before they could begin to understand the case.

Ning Cheng is still busy investigating, this kind of work must fall on her head, and she has a headache just thinking about it.

Ning Cheng smiled at Zhou Ziyan and said, "Sister Zhou, you know these guys, I'll go to work first, I'll leave it to you." After finishing speaking, she threw a wink at Zhou Ziyan.

Zhou Ziyan looked at the cheap Ning Cheng but had to communicate with these little girls again. She thought, her head was big, and she rolled her eyes at Ning Cheng.

After Ning Cheng arranged these to Zhou Ziyan, he went to investigate another matter by himself.

He drove a police car to Dong Niannian's house. The house was clean and spotless, exactly as Zhou Ziyan described. Everything in the house was neatly arranged and strangely clean.

And the whole family can't see the trace of falling in love with Fang Mo, and this clean one seems to have a cleanliness addiction.

According to the information he knew, Dong Niannian did not have this kind of cleanliness in Dong's room, and he had seen Dong Niannian's room in Dong's house, and it was not so neat at all, it was just clean.

And all the things in this room are placed according to certain rules, just like an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient.

He looked at the house carefully, and basically he could tell that it was not Dong Niannian but Pu Xiaotao who lived in this house, all of which required evidence that Mu Xiaoyu searched.

When he was thinking about the loopholes in this case, a ringing of mobile phone interrupted his thoughts. It was the police station who called, saying that the little girls had finished explaining.

They didn't know why Dong Niannian didn't come suddenly, but later when Dong Niannian came back to school, it was the day he went through the withdrawal procedures. The Dong Niannian they saw was a little different from the usual Dong Niannian.

· · · Flowers · · ·

To be precise, it should be completely different from usual. The usual Dong Niannian has a good temper. Even if they bully her, Dong Niannian will not say a word, but only on that day, she looked very strange.

Her expression was never fiercer than before, and Dong Niannian and the others didn't say a word that day and they thought she was a little weird, but they couldn't tell what was wrong with Dong Niannian. In short, Dong Niannian had been wrong since that day.

They haven't seen Dong Niannian since that day. Dong Niannian came that day to clean up the things in the dormitory and to go through the withdrawal procedures.

They only later heard that Dong Niannian had gone to study abroad, and they didn't know anything else.

Ning Cheng listened to the report from the police station. These were basically the same as what he had guessed. Things changed on the day Dong Niannian went to the mall. That day Dong Niannian must have seen some kind of forbearance, and that person might be Pu Xiaotao.

.... .. 0

Ning Cheng thought about looking at Dong Niannian's room, wondering if he could be transferred to the surveillance at the mall that day.

On the other side, Zhou Ziyan had scolded Ning Cheng many times at the police station. She had been comforting these little girls before investigating them, and they could not tell them about the case.

I can only tell them gently that they need to cooperate with the investigation because they are roommates with Dong Niannian. After the investigation is over, the police will send them home.

The little girl who took the lead was almost scared to tears, and cried to Zhou Ziyan: "We really didn't hurt Dong Niannian, I admit that I bullied Dong Niannian, but I really didn't do anything else. "

Other girls heard the same reaction from the beast, but Zhou Ziyan wanted to comfort them one by one, telling them not to worry, it took a long time to comfort them.

When she collects evidence, the one who hates interrogation the first is the elderly who are not articulate, and the second is the trembling person who is frightened, which is very detrimental to her investigation.

...................................................... ...................................................... ........Ding.

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