Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 282 The adopted child! 【Please order and customize】

Although the Dong family does not seem to have the style of the Zhou family, the quaint villa is also very spectacular.

Zhou Ziyan had been to Dong's house when she was very young, so she had some vague impressions.

The housekeeper of the Dong family followed behind them, very respectful.

"Zhou, Officer Ning, our grandfather and wife have been waiting for a long time, please."

Even though Ning Cheng had handled so many cases of famous people in Jiangcheng before, he was still not used to it at this time. He stood there with stiff hands and feet, like a puppet.

Zhou Ziyan nodded and walked in first.

The Dong family's husband and wife have nothing in common with Dong Niannian.

Mr. Dong is tall, with handsome facial features, one can see the style of his youth, his jet-black hair is properly combed behind his head, and he wears beige cotton and linen home clothes.

Mrs. Dong has a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets, and her lake-green eyes sparkle like jewels. At first glance, she is not Chinese. She is leaning on the back of the sofa, her eyes are very sad.

"Zhou, you are here."

Mrs. Dong stood up and nodded towards Ning Cheng and Zhou Ziyan, her Chinese language was not very standard, with a little weird articulation.

"Yes, we are here to learn about Dong Niannian's situation. There are too few traces of her 410 activities in the outside world, so."

Mr. Dong also nodded, indicating that he knew.

Since she came to Dong's house as a policeman, Zhou Ziyan didn't want to talk nonsense with the two of Dong's family.

But before she could speak, Mrs. Dong spoke first.

"You must have seen it. We are not like Nian Nian. We brought Nian Nian back from the Jiangcheng orphanage fourteen years ago."

Zhou Ziyan couldn't react, but she didn't expect Mrs. Dong to be so straightforward as soon as she came up.

"And then we don't know much about what happened before Nian Nian."

Mr. Dong stroked his wife's shoulder with a very sad tone: "My wife once couldn't get pregnant because of an accident, so we went to the orphanage to take Nian Nian back, but we always love Nian Nian as our own daughter. of."

Mr. Dong said very emotionally: "I hope you can find Niannian Zhou, we are all worried about her."

"Then why didn't you call the police?"

Zhou Ziyan didn't believe what the couple said. After all, the Fang family entrusted her to find Dong Niannian, and Zhou Ziyan still had doubts about their words.

"We discussed this matter with the Fang family. Once the disappearance of Nian (cdbc) is made public, it will cause a lot of negative things, so we chose to do it secretly."

The husband and wife both spoke slowly and seemed to be well-mannered people.

"How much do you know about Dong Niannian?"

"We only know that when we were in the orphanage, Niannian had a twin sister named Ziyi. She was called Ziran at the time. She already had a memory when we selected Niannian."

"Yes, Nian Nian is very well-behaved since she came, but she has never been integrated into the Dong family, so our relationship is not as good as you think."

Zhou Ziyan also expected what the Dong family said. Dong Niannian's autism has a lot to do with her family's environment.

"By the way." Mr. Dong suddenly seemed to remember something: "We have the adoption information about Nian Nian here. You can take it back if it is useful."

Ning Cheng nodded: "Then trouble Mr. Dong."

After coming out of Dong's house, Ning Cheng looked at the garden of Dong's house in the distance and sighed.

"This Dong Niannian doesn't seem to please the Dong family's husband and wife, or else she would not have given her so little attention."

Zhou Ziyan sneered: "Isn't this normal? Rich people have more secrets than their wealth."

Next, the two were going to go to the orphanage to investigate whether what the Dong family said was true.

Jiangcheng Orphanage is located in the center of Jiangcheng City, and it is also an orphanage with a long history.

Ning Cheng looked at the dilapidated building in front of him, feeling a little weird.

"Is this the orphanage?"

"Yeah, it stands to reason that we didn't go wrong. What's going on?"

Zhou Ziyan also felt that her eyes were dazzled. Although they didn't pay attention to these things often, they also knew that the Jiangcheng government would allocate funds to the orphanage to subsidize it every year.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Until the cry of the child interrupted the stunned silence of the two.

"President, Bao bullies me!"

A little girl rushed out of the small building and shouted towards the courtyard.

"Okay Jiajia, Bao didn't do it on purpose."

Then, an old man in an ill-fitting suit walked out of the kindergarten.

Jiajia had a yellow bow on her head, and she threw herself into the old man's arms: "Dean, you said you like me the most."

Ning Cheng reacted immediately. Nine times out of ten, this person is the director of the orphanage.

The dean also noticed the young men and women standing outside the door: "Do you have anything to do here?"

"We are from the Jiangcheng Police Department. If we want to investigate something, can you let us in first?"

What was different from the indifferent expression in Dong's house just now was that Zhou Ziyan was very gentle at this time, as if she was afraid that she would scare these children.

The dean nodded and opened the door of the orphanage.

Although the orphanage looks very dilapidated from the outside, it is completely different after entering.

There are all kinds of flowers and plants in the small orphanage. Ning Cheng is very happy to see it, but why is the orphanage so simple?

Ning Cheng was about to speak, but thinking of the purpose of his coming today, he closed his mouth again.

He is here to do business, and the orphanage can be dealt with later.

After Zhou Ziyan showed her credentials, she looked at the gentle old man in front of her: "Dean, did you have twin sisters named Ziyi and Ziran before?"

After hearing Zhou Ziyan's words, the dean thought for a moment, then nodded: "It is true that there are such a pair of twin sisters, but it was more than ten years ago, and they were adopted away a few years after they first came to the orphanage. already."

Ning Cheng took out the photo of Dong Niannian from Dong's family when he was young: "Is it her?"

The dean nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"The girl suddenly disappeared, and we were looking for her everywhere, so we wanted to come to the kindergarten to find clues."

A worried expression appeared on the dean's face immediately: "What, what do you mean?"

"We just want to confirm their identities so that we can do the next investigation."

"Alas, Ziyi and Ziran were often bullied by other children when they were in the orphanage. I was taking special care of them at the time. I was very happy when someone came to adopt them."

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