Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 281 Parallel lines of intersection! 【For full order, please customize】

Mu Xiaoyu also opened the hidden folder in Hong Ye's computer.

The pictures above are all pictures of the crime scene.

Pu Xiaotao was lying in a pool of blood, her head was wrapped with thick tape, her corpse showed a very strange twisted posture.

It seems that the girl was in great pain when she died.

There are not only pictures of Pu Xiaotao's body in the computer, but also several pictures of her having a relationship with a man.

It's just that because the curtains are half closed, only the intoxicated expressions on the faces of the two people can be seen.

"Isn't this Ruan Zhengdong?"

The man's face was handsome and familiar, and the corner of his mouth had a faint blue purple.

Mu Xiaoyu had checked some information about Ruan Zhengdong before, and her unforgettable skills made her successfully remember this man, even if he didn't wear glasses.


"It's Ruan Zhengdong."

Mu Xiaoyu resisted the urge to speak foul language, and copied all the photos to her computer.

Ruan Zhengdong and Pu Xiaotao are not biological siblings, but this...

Zhao Xiaoan was also a little surprised.

His attention was slightly distracted, but he didn't pay that much attention to Hong Ye.

"You're right, Xiaoyu."

"Tsk, this man is really a beast."

A look of disgust appeared on Mu Xiaoyu's face.

Although Pu Xiaotao was the wine escort girl, no one was unaware of how she paid Ruan Zhengdong's gambling debts.

Ruan Zhengdong would actually attack his sister.

The impact of a few people is no less than watching a dog-blooded TV series.

"How long have you been spying on Pu Xiaotao?"

Ning Cheng is no longer talking nonsense with the man in front of him. He is sitting on a chair in the office, and he is still a little bit shocked by the shock.

"It didn't take long, and only about half a year. I promise that I'm really just peeping, and I don't have any other behaviors."

"Then did you find anything wrong?"


Hong Ye shook his head, his face was blank.

Zhao Xiaoan glanced at his idol with a complicated expression, but did not speak.

But this matter seems to be more than just a murder case.

How much do you hate this pair of brothers and sisters to kill them in such a cruel way?

Zhou Ziyan checked around and found that Dong Niannian wiped her traces cleanly, without any extra information.

Fortunately, the account of the remittance was found, and it belonged to a private detective agency.

Zhou Ziyan hurried to the detective office again, she had contacted in advance before, so this matter was resolved easily.

The boss of the detective agency is a middle-aged man who looks kind-hearted. After hearing about Zhou Ziyan's origin, he is not in a hurry to be sloppy.

"Zhou, of course we cooperate with your work, but you have to make sure that the Fang family will not trouble me.¨."

The man still had a smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"You can rest assured that nothing will happen to your office."

"That's good, I'm afraid the Fang family will embarrass us."

Speaking of which, the man gave Zhou Ziyan a stack of documents, with photos and texts in them.

"Dong placed an order in our office, saying that he entrusted us to find a girl. The girl's information is here. Before we could give it all to Dong, she disappeared."

The man sighed.

When Zhou Ziyan came out of the office, she kept holding this information in her hand.

The next stop is Dong Niannian's school.

Compared with other Jiangcheng University students, Dong Niannian is extremely inconspicuous, the kind that can't be caught in the crowd.

So her social life is incredibly simple.

There are few close friends and classmates, so no one knows Dong Niannian's state before his disappearance.

Zhou Ziyan could only go to the school's academic affairs office to investigate.

"Dong Niannian took a leave of absence from school a long time ago, so the last time we saw her was only half a year ago."

"Half a year ago?"

"Yes, she left a mobile phone number and contact address, and we don't know the rest."

Zhou Ziyan pinched the bridge of her nose with a headache: "Can you give me the address?"

"no problem."

Although Zhou Ziyan has ended her vacation, she has not actually gone to the police station to cancel her vacation, so Ning Cheng doesn't know what she is busy with recently.

My annual leave is gone.

She looked at the address, Yulong Community.

How could Dong Niannian, a lady from all over the world, live in a "chicken coop"?

And the information does not show that she has a house in Yulong Community.

Zhou Ziyan found the community with a question mark in her head.

Ning Cheng also happened to bring Mu Xiaoyu and Zhao Xiaoan to the scene. He wanted to find out if there were any more important clues, but the two just met at the door of the unit.

"Team Ning, are you?"

"Zi Yan, aren't you on vacation?"

The first person to open his mouth was not Ning Cheng who was greeted, but Mu Xiaoyu.

Zhou Ziyan sighed and simply told Ning Cheng about entrusting the Fang family to herself.

Ning Cheng looked at the unit door: "You said your address is also here?"

"¨々Yes, is it possible?"

"There was a recent homicide and the deceased was found in this house."

At this moment, everything intersects at one point.

After Dong Niannian disappeared, he left Pu Xiaotao's address, and Pu Xiaotao had a relationship with his brother.

The two things that had nothing to do with each other now became even more confusing.

Zhou Ziyan took out Dong Niannian's photo from the information she carried with her: "It's this girl, the big one of Dong's family."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."

Mu Xiaoyu and Zhao Xiaoan looked at each other, their faces filled with unspeakable shock.

"Well, why does this look so similar to Pu Xiaotao? They are almost exactly the same."

Mu Xiaoyu turned on the brain supplement mode.

"Is it possible that Dong Niannian is a double-faced girl, a good student during the day, and a drinking girl at night."

Zhao Xiaoan immediately denied Mu Xiaoyu's fantasy.

"Impossible. First of all, Dong Niannian is a big one. Why should he wrong himself to be a double-faced girl? And the DNA has not come out." (Zhao of you)

Zhou Ziyan also nodded.

Indeed, such speculation is completely unreasonable.

There is only one possibility, that Dong Niannian may be related to Pu Xiaotao, or even twins.

It took Zhou Ziyan and Ning Cheng to go to Dong's house to find out.

Since these cases have all come together, Zhou Ziyan is not so anxious.

She first went back to the police station to sell off her fake, and then went to Dong's house.

Ning Cheng also followed Zhou Ziyan here, but they wanted to see what secrets these two girls were hiding.

Zhou Ziyan has also become curious now.

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