Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 275 Ruan Zhengdong, the gambler! 【Please order and customize】

Maybe the person who lends money knows about Ruan Zhengdong's anomaly.

Ning Cheng thought so, his eyes searched around unconsciously.

"Sister Leopard, it's not right for you to do this. How can you force people to borrow money."

A sloppy-looking man said dissatisfiedly to a woman in fur.

Even if the casino was noisy, Ning Cheng Korean heard this sentence immediately.

The man's emotions looked very excited and danced.

The woman on the other side just slapped the melon seeds in her hands unresponsively, and threw the melon seed skins under her feet. The melon seed skins had already piled up a hill under her feet.

"No, I'm not doing this for your own good. You've already lost all your money tonight, and it's impossible to stay here any longer. I'm not here for you to continue playing."

Sister Leopard said with a bewitching look.

Hearing what Sister Leopard said, the man immediately hesitated.

"I'm charging less interest this time. If you turn around, won't you earn back all the principal and interest?"

Found it!

Generally, like this kind of casino, there is no more than one person who lends money, so maybe this person knows Ruan Zhengdong.

Ning Cheng hurriedly walked to Sister Leopard without caring about the others.

But you can't directly say that you are the police. Otherwise, Sister Leopard can directly tell the guards and send them out.

Ning Cheng's eyes rolled: "Sister Leopard, I finally found you!"

Sister Leopard was still eagerly persuading the man to borrow money, but was interrupted by Ning Cheng's shout.

She turned her head a little displeased, wanting to see who was so blind.

"Sister Leopard, I heard that you have some money on hand? Don't know?"

As soon as she heard the word money, Sister Leopard's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Of course there is, of course there is."

Ning Cheng looked around the noisy surroundings, and there was a chicken thief in his eyes: "Let's go out and talk?"

Sister Leopard's "office" is in a small corner of the casino. She took Ning Cheng with her, and asked some small questions from time to time.

"How did you know me?"

"Sister Leopard's name is known to everyone in the field."

"Then when did you come here?"

"Just come over here."

As soon as he entered the office, the first thing Ning Cheng did was to let the system block all signals from the office, and he looked at the woman in front of him with a grim expression.

Ning Cheng's sudden face change caught Sister Leopard by surprise.

"you you."

"Sorry, I'm Ning Cheng from the Criminal Police Brigade of Jiangcheng Police Station. I'm here to investigate something."

Sister Leopard's first reaction was to pick up the phone at hand and prepare to find someone to drive Ning Cheng away.

But Ning Cheng wasn't in a hurry, and didn't even step up to stop the already terrified woman.

Sister Leopard anxiously pressed a series of familiar numbers, and then heard the busy tone on the other end of the phone, so she could only put down the phone.

"I'm not here for your loan shark business, I'm here for Ruan Zhengdong."

Sister Leopard will calm down if she is not calm now.

It turned out that this handsome looking man was here for the gambler.

She raised her eyebrows and took a deep breath: "Sit down."

"Have you met Ruan Zhengdong recently?"

"Yes, he still owes me a lot of money."

"Then is there something wrong with him recently?"

Facing Ning Cheng, Sister Leopard didn't dare to eat melon seeds anymore, she was as quiet as an obedient elementary school chicken.

"There's nothing wrong with him, he's always been like this."

A trace of contempt appeared on Sister Leopard's face.

"This gambler is a real scum. I haven't seen anything in the casino for so many years? But he is really rare to see in a thousand years."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"He's been able to gamble until now, just relying on someone to pay him the debt."

Sister Leopard narrowed her eyes as if recalling something long ago.

"He has a sister who is literally his ATM. Every time he owes a debt, his sister will come to the casino to pay him the debt, which is absolutely incredible."

"anything else?"

"Ruan Zhengdong owes tens of millions to me, both big and small. I really don't understand why his sister hasn't given up on this gambler."

younger sister?

Ning Cheng frowned, thoughtful.

It is certain that this so-called younger sister is definitely not Ruan Zhengdong's younger sister, it is just an identity disguise.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, I see."

Ning Cheng smiled: "Do you know his sister's phone number?"

"Of course, we will call his sister when he owes a gambling debt." Sister Leopard let out a sigh of relief.

It looks like this interrogation is about to end.

"Please give me her cell phone number."

Sister Leopard wanted Ning Cheng to leave quickly, so she gave the man in front of her her cell phone number without hesitation.

Ning Cheng smiled and turned to leave.

It seems that physical evidence still has to be found on the spot.

After Ning Cheng left the casino, he went straight to the place where Ruan Zhengdong's body was found, and the other two followed behind him.

Police are still guarding the place where the body was found to prevent evidence from being destroyed.

"Find a few colleagues and look for them together. You shouldn't find anything."

Ning Cheng's intuition has always been scary.

Mu Xiaoyu nodded and dialed her own phone immediately, while Ning Cheng helped the safety rope to the place where Ruan Zhengdong was found before.

There is not a trace of popularity at the foot of the mountain, and the grass has grown to the height of Ning Cheng's calf. Although it is very sparse, it will still affect Ning Cheng's search.

Something flashed in the distance.

Ning Cheng was keenly aware of this gleam of light and looked over there.

With a pick of the wooden stick, it turned out to be a lady's bracelet.

This bracelet is made of silver and is embellished with stars and flowers, 403 is delicate and lovely.

But Ning Cheng has no intention of appreciating this bracelet at all. He is curious as to whose bracelet it is.

At this moment, his cell phone rang: "Where are you, Captain Ning, another murder happened!"

Mu Xiaoyu's anxious voice rang from the other end of the phone.


Ning Cheng felt a little overwhelmed in an instant. Why did the "No. 2 case" appear as soon as this case started.

By the time Ning Cheng hurried back from the black casino, the police had all returned from the crime scene.

They were sitting in the conference room, waiting for Ning Cheng and the others.

Ning Cheng sat down panting and looked at the PPT in front of him.

"The deceased, Pu Xiaotao, is twenty-three years old this year, and his occupation is a wine escort."

Xiao Xue on the table introduced the situation of the deceased in detail.

"Pu Xiaotao doesn't usually socialize, except for her sisters in the clubhouse, and she hardly has any big expenses, not even a boyfriend."

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