Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 274 A trip to the black casino! 【Please order and customize】

The convenience stores, supermarkets, and even his own doorsteps he has been to are clearly monitored.

Although the workload is much smaller, it is still necessary to find the shadow of Ruan Zhengdong going to the casino from his intensive daily life.

For a few detectives, this is boring and tedious work.

Zhao Xiaoan was the one who needed to find someone. He was patient enough that Ning Cheng would never doubt that he would miss any clues.

"Xiaoyu, you can also take a look and see which casino Ruan Zhengdong appeared in."


The atmosphere in the office was very dull, and no one spoke, which caused Mu Xiaoyu to become drowsy after watching the surveillance for a long time.

"Team Ning, I found a clue."

It was Zhao Xiaoan's voice who woke Mu Xiaoyu: "He once appeared in a black casino in Jiangcheng."

The so-called black casino, as the name implies, is a "403" game that is opened without the permission of the government.

Generally, the owners of this kind of casino are all hands and eyes, so the Jiangcheng government will turn a blind eye.

However, in order to prevent accidents, the security measures and monitoring in black casinos are even more perverted than those in legal casinos, and state officials are prohibited from entering.

"Black casino?"

Ning Cheng's scalp was numb when he looked at the monitor himself, and when Zhao Xiaoan found out, he immediately leaned over.

Sure enough, it was the one on Huining Road. Outside was a seemingly unremarkable club, but it was actually a casino.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoan, let's go to the casino."

Ning Cheng turned his hand and picked up his jacket on the chair, and smiled at the two young people whose eyes could hardly be opened.

To be honest, if it were normal, Mu Xiaoyu would definitely say that Ning Cheng is an old scalper without feelings, but today is different from the past. When a murder case occurs, the most important thing is to solve the case first.

Huining Road is a bar street, and all kinds of strange bars are gathered together, so the casino is not so conspicuous here.

Ning Cheng made a special trip to a clothing store in order to make himself less like a police officer.

No matter how you look at it, a leather jacket looks upright and awe-inspiring.

Mu Xiaoyu was the youngest and knew the most about this kind of thing. Through her suggestion, Ning Cheng and Zhao Xiaoan became "fashionable people" from Banzheng youth.

This black casino is a club called "Yefei". There are two burly men in black suits standing at the entrance, which is in stark contrast to other lively bars at the entrance.

Ning Cheng and Zhao Xiaoan stood beside Mu Xiaoyu, just like bodyguards.

The three of them swaggered towards the door of the bar.

A sturdy arm blocked the way of the three people: "I'm sorry, this is a private club, and it is forbidden to enter casually."

Mu Xiaoyu's behavior was just like that of an ordinary little girl. At first, she had a confused look on her face, and then she stuck out her tongue: "I'm sorry, we don't know."

Seeing Mu Xiaoyu's expression, the black-clothed man stepped back and stood there motionless.

Ning Cheng was grinding his back molars. This kind of place is really inaccessible to ordinary people.

By the way, the reward system that solved the case before has not been settled yet, why don't you try to let the system give you a membership?

As soon as Ning Cheng's idea emerged, the system came out to show its magic.

"The task is now settled, one case is solved, the influence is increased by 3, and the reward skill "undead"

Ning Cheng found that since the system was updated, as long as he could not remember the reward, the system would never mention it.

"Now this club can't get in, can you give me a legal identity?"

Ning Cheng doesn't have any free time to care about the system, which is already in a state of half-break. If they stand here again, they will be discovered sooner or later.

Mu Xiaoyu was still coquettish with the bodyguard.

"Brother, we just want to go in and play, so let us in, okay?"

The black-clothed man glanced at Mu Xiaoyu, then remained unmoved.

Ning Cheng sat there as usual, but in his brain, he was discussing with the system about how to enter Yefei.

"Legal status requires point redemption."

"This is also exchanged?"

Ning Cheng was a little reluctant. Although he had enough points, if he kept spending it like this, sooner or later he would become a pauper.

You can't use points if you can prostitute for nothing.

"Can't you give it away? I've completed the task so many times before, and there are no hidden benefits?"

Ning Cheng's tone involuntarily softened.


The system responded to him with just a moment of silence, before hesitantly said for a while, "Give me fifteen seconds, I need to ask the above for instructions."

"go Go."

Ning Cheng felt guilty.

The superiors of this system do not know whether to speak well or not.

"The application for gifting legal status is approved, please accept..."

Ning Cheng's eyes lit up, and he looked up at a few burly men: "We are also VIPs here, you can go to the system to check."

The big man in black expressed some doubts, he just rejected these three people.

Although I don't believe it, the strong man in black still moved his feet. I'm afraid of this kind of thing. If I offend some big client, it won't be as simple as resigning.

He looked at his companion, and the two nodded to each other.

Mu Xiaoyu glanced strangely at Ning Cheng who was standing behind him: "Have you been here before, Team Ning?"

"No, it was given by a friend. It was useless before, I just remembered."

Ning Cheng just found a reason and put it off.

Mu Xiaoyu didn't pursue it too much, just smiled.

Several people entered the club smoothly, and a shrewd looking man in a suit was leading the way.

"Sir, are you going to drink or bet twice?"

With a smile on the man's face, flattering to the extreme,

"Gamble twice."

Ning Cheng's expression was rather grim now.


He led a few people behind him, and then opened a small door, Ning Cheng could even hear swearing inside.

"Sir, here is it, you are full of enjoyment."

After the man finished speaking, he left without waiting for Ning Cheng to respond.

"Go in now?"

Mu Xiaoyu was a little uneasy. Although this kind of place has strong security measures, it is also the place with the most accidents, in case something happens.

Mu Xiaoyu shuddered at the thought of this.

1.2 "Team Ning, be careful."

"it's okay no problem."

Ning Cheng looked at Mu Xiaoyu with a reassuring smile on his face.

Inside is a seemingly large space, full of people, with huge gaming tables.

Ning Cheng didn't approach the wine table, but searched for something in the room.

In a place like a casino, in addition to gamblers and dealers, they are also people who lend money. Ruan Zhengdong likes gambling so much, and it is estimated that he also knows money lenders.

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