Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 224 Leave with love! 【Please order and customize】

"The scene of Mrs. Hua's death is obviously that the toxicity of phenytoin has occurred, and one of the side effects of phenytoin is that it will cause dizziness to the ingested.

And the old lady's dinner was smoked duck breast, which the nurse also said was salty.

Ingesting more salt will only accelerate the body's absorption of phenytoin, and then the attack will occur earlier. Old Mrs. Hua may not have thought that she did not count this.

But even if she fell, she still had to climb to her lover's painting. "

Ning Cheng sighed: "Die with love."

Zhou Ziyan is okay, Zhou Muyan is a little girl, this kind of thing is rare, and tears came down instantly.

The office was silent except for the faint sobbing of the nurse.

"Well, then she."

The nurse couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"She has calculated everything, she doesn't want to live in pain in this world anymore, so, she." "Three Seven Zeros"

Ning Cheng really didn't know what to say.

This case is outrageous.

How desperate is the old lady Hua to commit suicide?

"Xiao An, send the nurse back."

As Ning Cheng said, he winked at Zhou Ziyan and asked her to comfort Zhou Muyan.

After the nurse left, Ning Cheng looked at Mu Xiaoyu with a lost expression: "What's wrong, your face is stretched so long?"

"I was thinking, if Mrs. Hua could be with Afan back then, would the ending be different."


It seems that after Mu Xiaoyu came back, she read Madam Hua's transcript, otherwise she would not have said these words.

"No ifs, they have always been people from two worlds. Since old lady Hua has enjoyed the glory and wealth, she must take her responsibilities, just like the ancient and pro-princess."

Facing Mu Xiaoyu, Ning Cheng at this time was like a big brother: "But the old lady has never forgotten Afan, so she may have already thought about it, but she just missed an opportunity."

"I don't know if Mrs. Hua will jump. She only gets 10% of her inheritance. If she sits and waits to die, it won't be enough."

After Zhou Ziyan sent Zhou Muyan out, she came in again.

"If you don't give it to the little nurse, Mrs. Hua's paintings will be handled by Mrs. Hua in all likelihood. Their mother-daughter relationship will be like that."

Ning Cheng couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at it now, the distribution of Mrs. Hua's inheritance is completely reasonable.

It can not only ensure that Mrs. Hua will not starve to death, but also will not let her have the mind to interfere with Hua Zhen's love, and A Fan's paintings have also been preserved.

"In the Moon Art Museum, the most valuable thing is their treasure."

"Although Afan may not be as famous as those painters, he is always a famous artist in Mrs. Hua's mind."

Zhou Ziyan's tone had indescribable envy.

"Okay, okay, the case is over, why are you so sad."

Ning Cheng broke the silence.

He is even more uncomfortable now. The holiday he had planned for was just gone. It seems that he is far away from the day when he can lose sleep.

His latest wish is a little more simple, that is, to be able to sleep in.

It may be that God heard Ning Cheng's voice and ordered him to take annual leave after Ning Cheng's case in the Hua family was over.

For this order, Ning Cheng just wanted to say that the superior is wise.

You can finally enjoy your hard-earned vacation!

At seven in the morning, Ning Cheng opened his eyes.

Damn it, why do you still follow your work schedule after taking a vacation?

He wanted to take a nap, but couldn't sleep.

"Gan, what's going on!"

Ning Cheng got up from his bed with swearing in his mouth.

In his eyes, the big bed that was soft and comfortable in his eyes didn't look good now.

But go back to work?

Impossible, how is it possible, the annual leave that I finally won, is wasted like this, it's a waste to open the door for the waste, and it's a waste to go home.

As a result, Ning Cheng fell into a very tangled state.

If he went to work, he would not be reconciled, but if he did not go to work, he would be idle and bored.

"Brother Ning Cheng, you are on vacation today, let's go out and play."

Zhou Muyan's phone call came at this time.

"Aren't you going to class? Every day, you either run to the police station or find me out."

"Where, this is the first time I'm looking for you. Let's talk about the summer vacation now, what class will I be taking?"

To solve a case is to solve a case, but in daily life, Ning Cheng definitely doesn't want to be with such a difficult little girl.

The way Zhou Muyan looked at him made his scalp tingle.

If this girl really wants to chase her in the future, won't Zhou Ziyan chop herself up?

"No." Ning Cheng answered Zhou Muyan without thinking.

"Come on, let's go, I'll take you to a good place today."

"The only good place for me is my soft bed. Aren't you tired, little girl? I just closed the case yesterday and went out to play today..."

"What are you tired of, shouldn't it be you who are tired?"

Zhou Muyan was right and confident, but Ning Cheng had no way to refute it for a while.

"Okay, okay, enjoy your summer vacation, I'm going to bed."

Before waiting for Zhou Muyan to entangle any more, Ning Cheng hung up the phone.

He turned his head and turned on the TV, which was playing entertainment news.

"Position Group Ertian Yu will marry his boyfriend next week. According to Tian's family, Tian's boyfriend is a British noble..."

Ning Cheng turned off his TV.

The gossips of these high-class people are broadcast every day, are these media not saying something?

Ning Cheng just wanted to say a word to the upper class after solving the old lady Hua's case.

"The circle is really messy."

No matter, let's clean the house first, just like the pig's kennel.

Inside the Tian family's mansion, Tian Yu hugged his fiancé's arm with a sweet smile on his face: "Daddy, don't you have any regrets?"

Opposite them, stood Tian Qing, chairman of the Position Group.

Tian Qing is in a good mood recently. After all, the Fahrenheit Group has become a mess because of the will of Mrs. Hua, who is in power.

He had been the second child under Fahrenheit for so long, and now he was finally able to turn over.

The second daughter, whom his son loves the most, is about to get engaged recently. Tian Qing's face is full of spring breeze, with a smile on his face more than ever.

"Of course I can't bear to part with my little princess 1.2, but there's no way, you always have to get married."

Saying that, Tian Qing looked at his son-in-law with satisfaction.

Tian Yu's fiancé is an Englishman with long brown hair tied up and looks very charming.

At this moment, his deep eyes were also staring at his fiancee: "Xiaoyu, I'm looking forward to our engagement."

"Me too."

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