Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 223 The final result! 【Seeking complete order and customized order】

Hua Zhen is now in the house where Liu Qianmeng lives together.

After Zhao Xiaoan knocked on the door, a haggard-faced woman opened the door.

She was obviously stunned when she saw two tall and handsome guys standing in front of her.

Hua Zhen's speech was similar to Liu Qianmeng's, and everything matched.

But compared to Liu Qianmeng, Hua Zhen is clearly sad and sad.

"You must find the murderer." Hua Zhen's tears never stopped when he opened his mouth.

Her voice was so choked that she couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"She promised me to go to our wedding, and she promised me to name our child."

Zhao Xiaoan is as dumb as he is, and seeing this scene can't help but feel a little moved.

"Hua Zhen, my condolences, we will definitely find out the murderer."

After the two came out of Hua Zhen's house, Ning Cheng sighed.

"If you say this, it's back to the original point. None of these suspects are eligible for the crime. This case is really strange."

Zhao Xiaoan responded to Ning Cheng's concerns with silence.

He didn't even know what to say.

Who is the murderer?

Just when Ning Cheng was looking sad, Zhou Ziyan called.

Ning Cheng answered the phone, and it turned out to be Zhou Muyan's voice: "Brother Ning Cheng, we found that the set of Swarovski crystal cups in the lounge is missing one!"

Ning Cheng was a little sluggish at first, but when he heard this, he immediately regained his spirits: "Muyan, hurry up and go back to the police station first, I seem to know what's going on, I just need a proof."

Ning Cheng turned his head and glanced at Zhao Xiaoan again, and beckoned to him: "Let's find that cup now."

After speaking, the two of them walked towards Hua's house.

Old Mrs. Hua also gifted her house to the nurse who has been with her for many years, so in all likelihood, the nurse is now in the Hua family's mansion.

As soon as I got to the door, I saw the nurse really walking out with a bunch of flowers.

"Officer Ning, why are you here?"

The nurse was obviously stunned when she saw Ning Cheng and Zhao Xiaoan.

"Nurse, we will not delay your business. We just want to ask, where did the old lady go before she died?"

Next to the nurse was a handsome little maid, and the nurse handed the bouquet to her.

"Go and put it in the car."


"Before the old lady passed away, she went to the edge of the bridge, stood there for a long time, and then returned to the lounge."

"Then what was her means of transportation?"

"It's the car I'll be in later."

The nurse pointed to the extended Lincoln parked at the entrance of the mansion: "This is the one."

Ning Cheng didn't have time to explain: "Nurse, you still have to go back to the police station with us, but don't worry, we're just investigating something."


The nurse was very cooperative, nodded and followed Zhao Xiaoan into the car.

Ning Cheng got on the extended Lincoln in three steps and two steps.

He was really lucky that he had brought gloves, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bring back the cups he found.

When Ning Cheng returned to the police station, Zhou Ziyan and the others also came back.

"Brother Ning Cheng, what did you find out, why are you so excited?"

Ning Cheng handed the cup to the police officer of the identification department who was waiting on the side: "You will find out later."

The inspection of phenytoin was very fast, and the report could be issued in ten minutes. During this period, Ning Cheng asked the old lady again what she had done before the banquet.

"The old lady ate apple wood smoked duck breast for dinner that day. I also advised her not to eat so salty, which is not good for her health."

Ning Cheng nodded: "Then she went to the bridge, didn't she?"

"Yes, but she didn't let me follow, so I stayed in the lounge."

The nurse's expression was a little sad: "The old lady is such a good person. After her death, there may be no one who is really sad."

Zhou Ziyan looked at the nanny and didn't seem to be fake, and patted her on the shoulder: "Sorry, to manage the rest of Mrs. Hua's business is the greatest respect for her."

"Yes, yes." Zhou Muyan also interrupted: "Moon Art Museum, you must manage it well."

It seems that Mrs. Hua finally gave the art gallery she built for her lover to her most trusted nurse.

"I will, it's all the old lady's memories."

Just as a few people were talking, the report came out.

Sure enough, there was phenytoin residue on this cup. If we tested it according to the proportion, when the toxicity occurred, it happened to be the beginning of the dinner party.

"now it's right."

Ning Cheng looked at the report and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Mrs. Hua committed suicide."


Everyone present except Zhao Xiaoan cried out in surprise: "How is it possible, why did Mrs. Hua commit suicide?"

· · · Flowers · · ·

"It is reasonable to say that the old lady Hua was murdered, but the most suspicious thing is that there are no suitable criminal suspects around her, and when the old lady was drinking from this cup, no one was present except the driver."

"But that doesn't mean the old lady committed suicide."

Zhou Ziyan was the first to refute, she couldn't believe that an old lady who was not worried about food and clothing would commit suicide?

"I looked at the report, and the phenytoin dose was calculated, and the attack started just half an hour after the banquet started.

When I first learned that Mrs. Hua had epilepsy, I guessed that she was treated with phenytoin. After the report of Mrs. Hua came out, I began to wonder if Mrs. Hua had murderous intentions.

But Mrs. Hua has already distributed her inheritance, so Mrs. Hua has no reason to kill her at all. Instead, Mrs. Hua is alive, so Mrs. Hua can maintain this superior and luxurious life.

...... 0

So Mrs. Hua's suspicion was lifted.

And a cup in the lounge was missing. Nine times out of ten, it was taken by the old lady to drink water. Except for dinner at night and a small amount of water in the car, the old lady Hua did not have any chance of ingesting phenytoin.

The plate she eats on has been cleaned, and there is no evidence. In fact, I am just gambling, betting that the old lady was drinking water in the car, and she happened to be under the phenytoin in the water. "

Ning Cheng said so much in one breath, he couldn't help but gasp.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Everything is too coincidental, the designed dose of phenytoin, and the traces of crawling in front of Afan's works when he died.

And the old lady Hua is suffering from cancer, and even if she survives, she will not have a comfortable life for a few days. "

Ning Cheng now feels that he has a thousand words stuck in his heart, and he doesn't know which one to say first.

"Although you understand luxury, Muyan Ziyan, you probably don't know much about this medicine."

His tone couldn't help being a little sad, even if he was used to seeing the world, he couldn't help but feel a little sad at this moment.

...................................................... ...................................................... ..............................................Ding.

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