And to know.

when they just came here.

Who is not a high-spirited social elite?


"It's **** outrageous, you said that guy should not really return to the basics, is it true?" Wang Tao said after smoking a cigarette.

This made the others silent for a while.

It seemed impossible before.

Now it seems……

It's really possible!

That guy might be back to basics!

This is really troublesome.

If Su Yu gave up the high-quality life he always pursued, and chose to become an ordinary person and hide.

With his ability, Nanhai City with a population of 10 million.

As for his pursuers, he can't even find the dead!

For a while, several people were quiet.

Only the little loli laughed while watching the anime.

"I'll just say it, how good it would be for you to go to the show with me, relax, maybe Su Yu will pop out by himself?"

Shangguan Yun said with a smile.

In this regard, several people did not refute.

It is also the default.

I couldn't find it for two days in a row.

Either this guy Su Yu really disappeared.

Or, there is a problem with your own thinking.

Have to reorient.

Going to a show to relax is actually a kind of relaxation.

"Alright, since we promised Xiaoyun before, let's go to the show tomorrow."

"By the way, Xiaoyun, when will the performance start?"

Shangguanyue looked at Shangguanyun.

Shangguan Yun said quickly.

"The performance is at 1 pm, but we can go in in the morning, stroll around the park, and go directly to the performance at that time."

"Okay, in that case, everyone should rest early tonight." Shangguanyue glanced at the time and said.

Hearing this, several people nodded.

Everyone is so tired today.

Now I want to take a hot shower and sleep on the bed.

Soon, several people left.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers became more and more excited.

【Good guy! Is this really going? ! 】

[Can they recognize Su Shen? It's funny if you don't recognize it! 】

[hhhhhc, if they can't recognize it, Su Shen sends a video back, and their mentality will collapse! 】

[No way, I always feel that the purpose of Xiao Loli's passing this time is not pure. 】

[I thought so too, didn't you see that Little Loli was so diligent in fishing recently? 】

[God knows if the little loli found something, I will know tomorrow. 】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences were discussing.

And on Su Yu's side.

He had also finished the bonfire dinner and went back to his room to rest.

Glancing at the park outside, Su Yu turned off the lights.

"Goodnight, everyone."

[Good night Su God, Makabaka]

【I rely on! Tomorrow is a performance, why can't I sleep? 】

[Me too, I hope it's just acting now! 】

[Thank you, I can't sleep after hearing you say that]

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences spoke up.

And the night passed slowly.

early morning……

Su Yu woke up.

The first thing to solve is the breakfast problem of Tiger King.

This guy seems to be very obsessed with eating barbecue now, and keeps purring to express his desire to eat.

Su Yu could only put his own ingredients into the microwave.

After he finished his breakfast, Su Yu threw the roasted leg of lamb into the tiger king's mouth.

Afterwards, Su Yu wandered around the park while riding the King Tiger who was eating the leg of lamb.

Today is Beast Day.

Therefore, various decorations are being carried out throughout the park.

In the same way, at eight o'clock in the morning, Su Yu saw quite a few tourists entering the park.

When these tourists saw Su Yu riding the Tiger King, they exclaimed and wanted to take a photo with Su Yu.

For these requirements, Su Yu did his best to meet them.

No way, who made himself a migrant worker now.

This made many viewers couldn't help but laugh.

[I really want to take a photo with Su Shen! 】

[Yes, so do I, now Su Shen’s autographed photos have sold tens of thousands online! 】

【I rely on! Then if I tie up God Su and let him write every day, wouldn't I make a fortune? 】

[Upstairs, are you sure it was you who tied God Su? ? 】

[Laughing to death, but the pursuer seems to be here? 】

【true and false? 】

[The pursuers are here, I have seen them at the gate of the park! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences chatted and chatted.

After seeing the arrival of the pursuer, everyone became a little excited.

And at the same time.

Park gate.

Shangguanyue and his party have arrived.

Come and play in Happy World today.

In fact, it is almost a team building activity.

After all, it is impossible to hunt down the officer by yourself, and the other hunters have to work hard, right?

That doesn't make sense.

So a few people discussed it together and simply brought all the pursuers.

Just give everyone a vacation, after all, chasing Su Yu for so long.

Everyone is always tense and tired.

And now, at the gate of the park.

The little loli held an ice cream bought at the door, and couldn't be excited.

"Hurry up, hurry up and go to the Happy Forest. If we are lucky, we may be able to see that animal master!" Shangguan Yun said happily.

In this regard, several people are a little helpless.

But in this atmosphere, the mood is actually quite relaxed.

After the ticket was checked, several chasing officers entered the park very soon.

And a group of pursuers also scattered in the park and moved freely.

The arresting officer is here.

Shangguan Yun walked happily in the front.

Walking and talking.

"The Tiger Garden is in front of us, and we should meet that animal master." Shangguan Yun said.

Several people heard the words, and finally came to a little interest.

They don't have much enthusiasm for looking at animals.

I came here mainly out of curiosity.

Who is the **** who can fight tigers?

And soon, several people finally saw a figure riding a tiger in the distance.

far away……

Su Yu is taking a group photo with many tourists.

But unfortunately there are too many people.

Su Yu could only retreat and take a group photo with Tiger King.

Even so, after several rounds of filming, the filming is still not finished.

After the group of people who saw them left, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief and was about to continue.

However, his eyes noticed several pursuit officers walking in the distance.

Chapter 0263 The hunter is coming, do you want to ride the tiger king?

Shangguan Yun? ?

In an instant, Su Yu recognized the little loli at the front.

Looking behind her, I saw Shangguan Yue Wang Tao Zhang Ming Shan and several others.

Six hunters!

Su Yu's brows were raised indistinctly.

Has it been discovered?


If found, they came straight to themselves.

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