Su Yu naturally understood this and smiled.

"It's hitting and hitting, and it will ride for me."

Manager Liu: ...

In the live broadcast room, countless audience members laughed.

[Manager Liu: Actually, I just wanted to ask you, how do you treat a tigress? 】

【How to treat? ride! Look at the fat tigers, how good they are now]

[Laugh to death, fat tiger is male]

[Xiao Taotao: What? I'm not public? 】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences couldn't laugh.

And on Su Yu's side.

The two quickly arrived at the crocodile pool.

Saying it is a crocodile pond is not true.

What we have here is a man-made river.

The river is stocked with crocodiles, piranhas and many other species.

The entire man-made river runs through the park, along with the hippo habitat, around the river.

And now, the two came to the vicinity of the crocodile habitat.

"Mr. Ouyang, that's it."

Manager Liu pointed to several crocodiles lying on the beach a hundred meters away.

At this moment, these saltwater crocodiles with a body length of more than 4 meters are basking in the sun.

Two of the crocodiles were supposed to be males, going into heat.

There is a fierce battle at the moment for the right to a spouse.

The fighting momentum of the two crocodiles was astonishing.

There are many tourists around to take pictures.

And after Su Yu stood on the shore and watched for a while, he nodded.

"no problem."

"Is it okay to cancel?"

Manager Liu had a happy expression.

"I'm saying the show is fine."

Manager Liu: ...

"It's not Mr. Ouyang, this crocodile is really dangerous." Manager Liu couldn't help but said.

without him...

Crocodile is a real underwater killer!

Not to mention that this is a saltwater crocodile in the park!

Among these crocodiles, the lightest one.

The weight is 700kg!

What is the concept of 700kg?

If the tiger king is caught by it under the water, it will be a dead end!

However, Su Yu waved his hand.

"I know, but no, that's fine."

Su Yu looked at the two crocodiles with interest.

to be honest……

In fact, there is not much sense of achievement in fighting Tiger King.

After all, someone in history has done it.

But underwater fighting saltwater crocodiles, it seems that no one has done it?

At most it's just a lucky escape.

What is a challenge?

That's called a challenge!

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers were also boiling when they heard Su Yu's words.

【My grass! God Su did not disappoint me]

[Su Shen Niu beeps! ! 】

【Absolutely! Underwater fighting saltwater crocodiles, no one should have done this? 】

[Some people have done it, but they were all pulled out by the crocodile]

[Shen Su: I **** thank you]

【Grass! look forward to! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences were excited.

And on the spot.

Manager Liu was dumbfounded.

After a while, he said this.

"Well, Mr. Ouyang, pay attention to safety."

In this regard, Manager Liu can only say so.

People are working so hard, and they don't agree, what should they do if they just quit?

Let's contact the picture of Su Yu playing Tiger King before.

Manager Liu suddenly felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart.

Maybe...he can really put down a saltwater crocodile? ?

Manager Liu felt like a dream.

On Su Yu's side, he had already returned.

Everything is confirmed, now just waiting for the show to start tomorrow.

In the park, Su Yu walked the tiger and teased the lion.

Then he took the tiger king and the lion king to chase the leopard, and fed the panda some bamboo.

One day, just like that.

As night fell, Su Yu lit a bonfire in front of the villa again.

There were many guests this time.

The tiger king and the lion king, and the bruised leopard next to him, and so on.

They all came over and waited for Su Yu's barbecue.

At this moment, the entire park was originally a scene of separatist overlords.

It seems that because of Su Yu's arrival, he temporarily shook hands and made peace.

Even the antelope dared to walk slowly under the gaze of the tiger king and the lion king.

This scene made countless viewers feel the contrast to the point of being ridiculous.

And when Su Yu was already having dinner.

Hunter Command.

A cigarette was lit.


Chapter 0262 The plain is the truth, entering the park


Wang Tao sat down on a chair, blowing the air conditioner, sweating profusely.

There was even a layer of salt and alkali behind the clothes.

All tired today!

The others were nowhere to be found.

Today they will take the entire Nanhai City.

Everything I could think of, everything I could find, I searched for it all!

No trace found!

Su Yu was completely hidden among the tens of millions of people in Nanhai City.

It feels like a dream!

One person just disappeared!

Disappeared without a trace!

Wang Tao smoked heavily, and the others were silent.

Zhang Mingshan and the others also lit cigarettes.

Shangguanyue frowned, quite helpless.

Beside her, Little Loli yawned and said lazily.

"Sister, if you continue like this, the frown lines will come out."

Shangguanyue was silent for a while, and subconsciously rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a headache.

What my sister said was really good.

I've been worried every day since I came here.

Disordered work and rest, anxiety.

I feel like I'm about to have a mental problem!

Every night when you close your eyes, it's Su Yu.

Open your eyes, it's still Su Yu!

So annoying!

Shangguanyue took a sip of ice water and forced herself to calm down.

And beside...

A few men are also not going anywhere.

These two days have made several people haggard.

I don't have time to fix my face.

Wang Tao was already unshaven.

Match it with wrinkled clothes and messy hair.

Light another cigarette.

An air of decadence came to me.

The same is true for several other people.

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