World of Experts

Chapter 946: Falsehood hypothesis

The next day, Shi Hao came to Han Mansion, pretending to look bad. After Han Zhi learned about it, he personally greeted him. Han Zhi took Shi Hao to his study alone and sat down, and the two talked alone. But Han Zhi faced Shi Hao at this moment, smiled slightly, and said: "Mr. Ye Feng! You are finally here. My past events with Yin Xiu have been reconciled, so you can rest assured."

"Yeah! I know." Shi Hao nodded weakly on purpose. "But! Master Han Zhi can reconcile with Yin Xiu's boss. It's natural that the enemy should be settled and not settled. This is naturally good. But I think, it's about me and girl Han Li. It's not that I don't want to agree, but I have to delay it." Shi Hao sighed, revealing a very helpless appearance. Han Zhi's expression sank when he heard the words, he felt that Shi Hao seemed to be going back.

"What? What else is it worth delaying this marriage?" Han Zhi's tone was very unhappy.

"Hey! This... is something that can't be helped. It's really not that I don't want to accept girl Han Li. She is a very good girl. How could I not. Master Han Zhi, you are also a man. , Although my temperament is a bit stubborn, there is a sweetheart in my heart that lingers in my heart, but the great thing about getting married with girl Han Li hit my head. Although I am stubborn, how can I not be moved? What's more, Master Han Zhi, if you change places with me, would you refuse this marriage just because of your own temperament?" Shi Hao still looked helpless. Han Zhi thought for a while after hearing the words.

"Mr. Ye Feng! If I were to change places with you, I would definitely not refuse this marriage." Han Zhi nodded and said: "But it is not the first time you have refused this marriage, sir, even now. , You have to procrastinate again and again. What is this for? Is there anything unspeakable, sir? Let’s say it. Don’t worry, sir! My daughter is in love with you, and I only have such a baby girl. I already treat you as a family." Han After speaking straight, he looked at Shi Hao firmly.

"Hey!" Shi Hao took a breath, shook his head, sighed, and then continued: "Actually, this is how it is." Shi Hao's brows sank and continued, "I don't know Master Han Zhi. Do you think that my cultivation level is clearly only one level, but the combat effectiveness I can achieve far exceeds this level. I believe that since Master Han Zhi noticed my combat effectiveness, for this strange thing, Master Han Zhi must have thought repeatedly in private, right." Shi Hao said here pretending to be mysterious.

"Oh! This..." Han Zhi was immediately startled when he heard the words, "Naturally thought about it! But I think Mr. Ye Feng must be a good apprentice of a certain famous teacher. Mr. Ye Feng himself does not want to say, so why should I ask more. This world There are people who are as powerful as the Blood God, and Mr. Ye Feng’s situation is naturally not impossible. But!” Han Zhi paused, raised his brows, and showed interest, as if he wanted to know Shi Why is Hao able to have such a high combat effectiveness? He definitely hopes that he can try it. And he said: "I shouldn't ask about these very private things in cultivation, for fear of breaking the rules. But now it seems that this The matter has something to do with my daughter's marriage. If Mr. Ye Feng doesn't mind, I might as well talk about it."

"Yeah! Master Han Zhi guessed right, it is indeed because of my cultivation problem, so I can't accept girl Han Li now." Shi Hao nodded and said: "Actually! My master is indeed a hermit. Before I left his side, he repeatedly asked me. The master said! Since I have already left the master’s door, I can’t use the master’s door to oppress others. If I suffer a loss, I must rely on my own ability. Find the teacher again. Secondly! I can be so strong now, thanks to the unique training method of the teacher, but this method also has limitations. That is, before entering the four levels, I cannot break my own. The virgin body, otherwise I will vent my skills. Therefore I must abstain from men and women."

"So! I really can't accept Han Li's marriage at this time." Shi Hao reluctantly continued nonsense: "It takes four turns, and it is not a day's work. I can't do it for men and women. It’s just a waste of your skills. Men think their strength is the top priority. This, Han Zhi-sama, you should be very clear. I really can’t help it. That’s why I look for it again and again. The reason for rejecting Girl Han Li is that I am also afraid that I don’t know how long and how long I can reach the fourth rank, and I am afraid that it will delay Girl Han Li."

"Ah? What! I didn't expect things to be like this." Han Zhi looked shocked and sighed after hearing the words, but it was not because he thought Shi Hao had lied, but he felt that Shi Hao had said it. This is the truth, and this is the real reason why he has repeatedly rejected Han Li. Otherwise, there is no one who has never seen a married man who can refuse a good woman so much. And Han Zhi sighed at this moment, it seemed that he felt that since Shi Hao’s cultivation could not break the virgin body, then Han Zhi would definitely not be able to practice it, and in this way, wouldn’t it be good for Shi Hao to be with Han Li at this time? Got married. After all, if Shi Hao and Han Li were to get married at this moment, then according to Shi Hao's words, his skill would be dissipated, and there would be no such extraordinary person. This made Han Zhi very tangled, his brows frowned.

"Master Han Zhi!" Shi Hao suddenly said at this moment: "Now you also understand my true situation, you don't know what you think about it, what's next. If you let me get married with Girl Han Li now, I am It's unacceptable, I can't waste my skills in vain." Shi Hao sighed again, showing a very, very, very embarrassed look, as if he was willing to marry Han Li now, but it was impossible.

"Hey! Forget it! I understand what Mr. Ye Feng said sincerely." After Han Zhi heard the words, he took a breath and shook his head. After thinking about it for a while, he continued: "Mr. Ye Feng is a man, he thinks his strength is the top priority. A man who has no strength is not worthy of my daughter. This marriage can only be delayed for a while. But if you have to wait until Mr. Ye Feng's cultivation reaches the fourth round, then I don’t know how many years have passed. I’m afraid that my daughter has become old and dazzling. After all! My daughter, her talent for cultivation is still very limited. I naturally believe in Mr. Ye Feng’s ability. You can only cultivate to Rank 4 There is a question of time, but my daughter is afraid that she may not even be able to go up even for the third round. I am afraid she really does not have the time to wait for Mr. Ye Feng for so long. How can this be good?

"Unless..." Han Zhi said that suddenly his eyes flashed, "Mr. Ye Feng! I have a ruthless please. Maybe it can also solve the current problem."

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