World of Experts

Chapter 945: Busy

As time passed, Han Zhi didn't know how much alcohol he had drunk, but he knew that at least he had indeed drunk the opposite Zhou Kang and Yin Xiu before he got drunk. But now that there are people in this room who are not drunk, there are still conscious people, only Han Li is left. And Han Li cautiously confirmed that Han Zhi was completely drunk and had no consciousness at this moment, so Han Li did not delay at all. She immediately stole a pill of the antidote that Han Zhi was carrying with her and collected it carefully. it is good.

"Now Mr. Ye Feng is saved!" Han Li smiled, and even after leaving the box, he ordered people to take good care of Han Zhi, Yin Xiu and Zhou Kang who were drunk and drunk. And Han Li herself found a few people arranged by Zhou Kang in advance. They were non-stop, and immediately rushed to the place where Shi Hao lived. She was full of joy, thinking in her heart that this time she finally helped Shi Hao.


And not long after, when Han Li arrived at Shi Hao's residence, Shi Hao was taking a nap in her room. And Han Li immediately entered Shi Hao's room alone. It’s just that Shi Hao naturally noticed that someone was coming, and when he saw that Han Li was coming, Shi Hao was startled and asked, “Hey! Girl Han Li, why are you here? You are not here at noon. Rest, what are you doing here?"

"Mr. Ye Feng!" Han Li smiled, and quickly took out the pill he had stolen and gave it to Shi Hao, and then said in detail: "Look! This is the antidote I got from my father. Take it. Let's go. After eating, you don't have to be threatened by my father. I owe you this and must be returned to you."

"Huh?" Shi Hao was stunned for a moment, "You got it from Han Zhi? You didn't steal it, did you? You're afraid that if you turn around, if Han Zhi detects it, you...even if Han Zhi doesn't Blame you, you feel uncomfortable yourself. I think you should hurry up and put this antidote back. You don’t have to worry about me here. I am afraid that the two guys Zhou Kang and Yin Xiu instigated you to steal the antidote. The two guys really are." Shi Hao quickly stuffed the antidote that had just arrived in his hand back to Han Li.

"!" Han Li shook his head again and again, "Mr. Ye Feng! You must accept this antidote."

"Eh! No! You have to put it back." Shi Hao insisted. But after some entanglement, Han Li finally couldn't hold back Shi Hao, she could only go back with the antidote with some loss. And when Han Li returned to Yunzhong Food, in the box on the top floor, Han Zhi still remained awake. Han Li smoothly returned the antidote to Han Zhi, making Han Zhi unable to detect what had happened.


And time gradually passed for a long, long time, and Han Zhi, Zhou Kang and Yin Xiu, who were finally drunk, all woke up. After he was sober, Zhou Kang immediately found an opportunity and asked Han Li about the situation alone. Han Li told the truth, and Zhou Kang couldn't help but take a breath.

"Hey! Brother Ye Feng! It's really a waste of girl Han Li's efforts." Zhou Kang sighed.

"Fine! Mr. Ye Feng is a stubborn person. We all know." Han Li also sighed. Not long afterwards, Han Zhi took Han Li away happily. And before Han Zhi left, he said, "Boss Yin! It’s a very happy day. Then we will clear up our previous grievances. Don’t worry! Remember to go back and tell him about this matter to Mr. Ye Feng, and tell him as long as he Come to my Han Mansion, make a decision about the marriage, and I will give the antidote to my hands. Don’t worry. Hahahaha.”

"Hey!" Only after Han Zhi left, Yin Xiu learned from Zhou Kang that the medicine had been stolen and then put back, which made Yin Xiu somewhat helpless. Yin Xiu said: "I really don't know why Mr. Ye Feng is so persistent. This is fine. What should I do next? No! I think we still have to meet with Mr. Ye Feng and see what we should do next. "And soon Yin Xiu and Zhou Kang went to Shi Hao.


"Mr. Ye Feng!" Yin Xiu and Zhou Kang hurriedly came to the room where Shi Hao lived. Seeing that Shi Hao had risen at the moment, they seemed to be waiting for the two of them to arrive. After entering the door, Yin Xiu closed the doors and windows tightly, and said, "Mr. Ye Feng! You are so stubborn. You were successful today, but you...really disappointed Girl Han Li's efforts and intentions. You really... Oh! You really..."

"Yeah! Brother Ye Feng!" Zhou Kang also said, "No matter what you are doing, it's fine if you say you want to turn around and scold the two of us. But somehow you took the antidote sent by the girl Han Li. Ah. Didn't you make Girl Han Li busy for nothing. You are really..."

"Humph!" Shi Hao frowned when he heard the words, and said, "What am I? I haven't said you two yet! How could you let girl Han Li do this. If she was discovered by Han Zhi doing such a thing , Then she and Han Zhi are fathers and daughters. You are making Han Li take the risk of embarrassing herself for a lifetime, stealing the antidote for me. I can’t accept this antidote. If I take the antidote, then I owe a great favor to Girl Han Li. What are you all doing." Shi Hao was unhappy.

"Okay! Let's not talk about today's affairs!" Yin Xiu sighed and shook his head after hearing the words, and said: "But what will happen after today, Mr. Ye Feng, you have to make it clear, what are you going to do now? Han Zhi has already determined that you are going to Han Zhi to propose a marriage. If you don’t do this, there will be flaws in the matter. Girl Han Li cheated on Han Zhi today, even if you put the medicine back in, you still will It was discovered by Han Zhi. But is it Mr. Ye Feng! Are you really going to Han Mansion to propose marriage?"

"Oh?" Shi Hao touched his head after hearing the words, "I don't know the details of today's affairs. You two will tell me about it first." Then Shi Hao listened carefully to Zhou Kang and Yin. Fix things today. After listening, Shi Hao smiled and said: "Okay! That's the case! I just plan to count. Tomorrow morning! I will go to the Han Mansion to meet Han Zhi in person." Shi Hao's tone was serious.

"What!" Suddenly Zhou Kang and Yin Xiu were both surprised, "Why did you suddenly change your mind? Are you planning to go to the Han Mansion to propose a marriage? Is this true?" Zhou Kang and Yin Xiu said no. They dare to believe it, because they don't think Shi Hao will go to Han Mansion to propose marriage.

"You don't have to worry about this. I can go alone tomorrow. Don't worry. I'm still the old saying! I have a sweetheart and won't be with Girl Han Li. I have other plans to go to Han Mansion tomorrow." Shi Hao smiled slightly, and then sent Zhou Kang and Yin Xiu away.

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