World of Experts

Chapter 941: Choose the way

"Miss Han Li!" The boy Ding entered Han Li's room alone, and Han Li shut the door personally. And the male Ding also said, "This is Miss's bird's nest. I put it here for you. I wonder if Miss has other orders?" The male Ding gave Han Li a meaningful look. And Han Li nodded slightly, and she walked straight to the side of the man, showing a cautious look.

"What you wrote on the note is true?" Han Li said softly, "Is it really my father who designed Mr. Ye Feng to poison Mr. Ye Feng? You have nothing to say, can you have evidence?" Han Li said. , Her expression became a little hesitant and unbelievable. She didn't seem to believe that her father would do this, using herself as a bait to force Shi Hao to take poison, which was highly poisoned.

"Miss! This is true." The male Jia Ding immediately replied softly: "It's just your father. He always cleans his hands and feet when doing things. I was sent by Master Yin Xiu, even Master Yin Xiu. For a while and a half, it was difficult for the gang to seize the evidence of your father. The most crucial maid has disappeared now, and I am afraid that he has destroyed your father's poisonous hand and destroyed the body." I have to say that this person is indeed Yin Xiuzao. The eyeliner inserted in the Han Mansion was now sent by Yin Xiu to give Han Li some news.

"No... I don't believe it!" Han Li looked in a daze after hearing the words, as if losing his soul, "Father! He will not do this to me, in case Mr. Ye Feng ignores me and delays my detoxification time after poisoning. Then I...wouldn't I be a..." Han Li still couldn't believe it.

"Miss!" The man said again: "This matter is your father's shrewdness. He knows that Mr. Ye Feng will never watch you die. Your father used Mr. Ye Feng's kindness and also used you. Now Mr. Ye Feng was poisoned by your father for the sake of you. And! Just yesterday, your father ran to see Mr. Ye Feng himself. What did he do? He was threatening Mr. Ye Feng. If Mr. Ye Feng is unwilling to persuade you Father, your father will let Mr. Ye Feng be poisoned to live better than to die. This... If it weren't for an emergency, I was Master Yin Xiu who had worked so hard to arrange the eyeliner to come in the Han Mansion. Why would you risk coming out to speak to Miss you at this time? Miss! Believe me. If you don’t believe me, you can go to Mr. Ye Feng to have a look."

"But..." Han Li took a breath, "No... Father won't do this! You are a person sent by Yin Xiu, you must deliberately provoke my relationship with my father. I won't believe it. Yours. My father said, he went to discuss detoxification for Mr. Ye Feng yesterday, you can't lie to me." Han Li was still struggling.

"Hey!" The boy Ding sighed, "In that case! I don't have much to say." After saying that, the boy Ding quickly pretended that nothing happened and left here. Regarding this matter, Han Li did not tell anyone about the boy. It's just that Han Li began to struggle in his heart, thinking about whether her father had done this before.


But the time soon arrived that night, Han Li thought twice at the moment and decided to see Han Zhi. After some inquiries, Han Li quickly came to Han Zhi's study and saw that Han Zhi was working alone in the study at the moment. So Han Li immediately walked into the study, closed the door, and came to Han Zhi.

"Father!" Han Li said, with a hesitant look on his face.

"Oh? Daughter... why are you here at this time? What's the matter?" Han Zhi smiled.

"You... went to Mr. Ye Feng yesterday. I don't know what the situation is." Han Li said again.

"Oh! This thing! Look! I forgot to talk to you in detail." Han Zhi smiled and said, "Mr. Ye Feng's poison, I can solve it. Don't worry! I have already talked to Mr. Ye Feng. It is estimated that in a few days, he will bring a dowry gift to propose to you. When the time comes, the marriage will be decided. We will be a family. If the family does not talk to each other, I will definitely help him get rid of Mr. Ye Feng’s poison." Han Zhi's tone is very confident.

"Father! But if it's Mr. Ye Feng..." Han Li said, "He doesn't want to propose a marriage, what should I do? Doesn't my father help him detoxify? He was poisoned for my daughter. Father! You can't do this, I know Mr. Ye Feng's temperament, he will not survive just because he was poisoned..."

"Eh!" Han Zhi interrupted suddenly, "Daughter! I have my own opinion on this matter. Don't worry! You want Mr. Ye Feng to be your husband-in-law. I will definitely help you with this matter. Other things, Don't worry about it, you can prepare to be the most beautiful bride." Han Zhi smiled.

"But! Father..." Han Li wanted to say something. But Han waved his hand straight, motioning for Han Li to say nothing. Han Li was a little helpless, so he had to leave here and go back to his room. Only after returning to his room, Han Li thought again alone.

"This! It seems..." Han Li secretly said: "Although it is not clear whether my father used me to force Mr. Ye Feng to be poisoned. But now my father definitely wants to use detoxification to blackmail Mr. Ye Feng, he I want to force Mr. Ye Feng to marry me. But... this is not the result I want!" Han Li took a deep breath, and secretly said: "No! No matter what, I can't see Mr. Ye Feng being threatened by his father. "After thinking of this, Han Li's eyes became firm.

"Come here!" Han Li suddenly shouted, and immediately a few maids entered the room and came to Han Li, and Han Li said: "Go and find the man who bumped into me before. I am now in my mood. No, just find him to vent his anger. Hurry up! Otherwise, you will look good." Han Li said in a hurry.

"Yes! We understand." And the maids went immediately, and soon brought the man to Han Li. It's just that Han Li drove everyone out of the room, leaving only the male boy, and she and the male boy started talking alone.

"Miss Han Li! You asked me to come here, this is..." At this moment, the man seems to have guessed the purpose of Han Li calling him to come, "Is it because of Mr. Ye Feng. If it is, Miss is in trouble. The order is that Master Yin Xiu will do his best to help, and only if there is another lady who can do it, I believe that getting the antidote from your father is not an impossible task."

"Yeah! Then I won't say much." Han Li nodded and said, "But I don't believe in your provocative words. I still believe that my father will not use my life to give Mr. Ye Feng Poison. But I know that my father used detoxification to threaten Mr. Ye Feng. I just don’t want Mr. Ye Feng to be threatened by my father. I want to get the antidote and hand it to Mr. Ye Feng.”

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