World of Experts

Chapter 940: Ineffective threat

"Haha!" Hearing what Han Zhi said, Shi Hao's eyes were cold, and he sneered, "Please go back!"

"Hey!" Han Zhi immediately shook his head and sighed: "Fine! It seems that you don't want to wait for the poisonous attack, so that you can't survive, and you won't bow your head after all the hardships. That's all! I will leave today for the time being. When you change your mind, come to Han Mansion to find me by yourself. I will wait for you." Han Zhi smiled and left. Shi Hao thought for a while after Han Zhi left.

"Huh!" Shi Hao thought about it: "This Han Zhi! It seems that he is already taking me in his heart. Then... Then I will be easy to handle. Continue to plan and see what the **** Han is doing directly." Shi Hao smiled slightly after thinking about it. But not long afterward, someone knocked on the door again, and Zhou Kang came. I saw Zhou Kang approaching Shi Hao with an anxious expression on his face.

"Brother Ye Feng! I see that Han Zhi left from you just now." Zhou Kang said, "Is he here to blackmail you? He must have come to blackmail you, let you rely on him, and then he will give you the antidote. "Zhou Kang gritted his teeth, and said: "It's damned! Han Zhi bastard! He used his own daughter to design to harm you, and now he is using the antidote to coerce you to trust him. He is really not a thing."

"Yes! Who said Han Zhi is a thing?" Shi Hao said.

"Right!" Zhou Kang asked suddenly: "Brother Ye Feng! You didn't bow to Han Zhi."

"Of course not! Just a mere Han Zhi can make me look down?" Shi Hao smiled confidently. After all, even if Shi Hao is not as brave and invincible as before, but the skinny camel is bigger than Ma, Shi Hao naturally has the confidence and strength that he will not bow to Han Zhi.

"That's good! That's good! But..." Zhou Kang continued: "I've inquired, Han Zhi is a master at refining poison. His poison can really make people survive, brother Ye Feng , When the time comes, you have to hold on to the poison." Speaking of it, Zhou Kang didn't know that Shi Hao had a strong immunity to poison. He thought that Shi Hao was really poisoned.

"Yeah! I will hold on." Shi Hao said.

"Okay! It's my Ye Feng brother." Zhou Kang smiled, "but you can rest assured! I have already figured it out. Since the poison must be given to you by Han Zhi after all, then I will help you with the antidote. Find a way to get it from Han Zhi. Don't worry. I'll be ready to go. Yin Xiu also knows about this. He said he will definitely help you out. We are there, no problem. "

"Okay! Thanks a lot." Shi Hao smiled, but still did not say that he was not poisoned. After all, the news was leaked when the incident was revealed. As soon as the news was leaked, then there was a great possibility that Shi Hao would be able to see through the things that Shi Hao pretended to be poisoned against Han Zhi. And Shi Hao didn't want to explain to others why he was not poisoned, so Shi Hao didn't say much to anyone else.

"Yeah! Then I'm leaving first. You can rest first." Zhou Kang also left. Shi Hao rested.


The next day, as the sky just lit up, there was a crisp **** from outside the Han Mansion. Han Li got up very early this time, and she took a few maids to walk in the backyard garden of the Han Mansion, but suddenly saw a male clerk passing by her in a hurry with something and almost hit her. Han Li staggered two steps.

"Miss! Are you okay!" The maids beside Han Li immediately stepped forward to support Han Li. These maids immediately pointed at the male clerk who nearly hit Han Li just now, and scolded: "Hey! Stop us, you I don’t have eyes when I walk. I almost ran into the young lady. Come back and pay the young lady.

"Ah?" Hearing the shouting, the male Ding looked back and suddenly showed a surprised look. He immediately said: "Ahhh! It turned out to be Miss Han Li!" He quickly walked back, apologized in front of Han Li, and hurried. He said: "I'm sorry! I was too anxious just now, just walking, I didn't notice that it was Miss Han Li."

"It's okay! Forget it!" At this moment, Han Li waved his hand, indicating that the matter would be stopped. The maids beside Han Li still gave the male dentist a stern look, and signaled that the male dentist should get away quickly. It's just that no one thought that the male house Ding did not leave in a hurry at this moment. I saw this boy Ding looking at Han Li.

"Miss Han Li! Since the faults of the younger people are not counted, the villain is grateful.” The man said with a smile: "It's just that the villain has faults after all. If you have a fault, you have to make up for it. This is the villain. Go to the kitchen and ask the people in the kitchen to get some good bird's nests for Ms. Han Li. When the bird's nest is ready, the villain will immediately send it to Ms. Han Li's room while it is hot." He lowered after saying this. head. When Han Li heard the words, she was stunned, and she suddenly felt that the man in front of her was a little strange.

"You..." And Han Li looked at the male clerk for a while, but suddenly she couldn't help but lowered her head and realized that the belt around her waist was stuffed with a small ball of paper. Obviously this was the one in front of her. The boy Ding was put in Han Li's belt when he just hit him. Seeing this, Han Li was stunned again. She didn't know why this man did this, but she said, "Okay! Go ahead."

"Thank you, Miss Han Li!" After hearing the words, the man hurried away. As for Han Li, he went straight back to his room, and deliberately asked the maid beside him to retreat and stayed alone in the room. Then he took out the ball of paper in the belt and took a closer look.


Not too long later, the male clerk came outside Han Li's room with a bowl of bird's nest, but was stopped on the spot by several maids guarding the door. The man Ding immediately said: "Sisters! You are good! Didn't I make an agreement with Ms. Han Li. I'm here to deliver the bird's nest. I'll leave. You let me in."

"Huh! Are you dreaming?" The maid outside the door sneered coldly, "I think you ran into the lady deliberately in the morning. You are a toad who wants to eat swan meat. Don't think that if you do this, the lady will have more Take a look at you, what are you, it's a small family in our Han Mansion who still want Miss Gao Pan?" And the maid said: "You keep the bird's nest and go by yourself. Our sister will send the bird's nest in."

"But..." After hearing the words, the man's brows sank, but he still smiled, but shouted: "Miss! I brought the bird's nest." When the maid at the door saw the man's Ding yelling, suddenly. Anger, the handle is about to blast away the male Ding. But I never thought that Han Li opened the door personally at this moment and appeared, "Hold on! Let him in!" Han Li said with a low-eyed expression.

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