World of Experts

Chapter 935: identifying

"Zhou Fu! You are looking for death!" Han Zhi immediately showed a murderous look. And speaking of it, although Han Zhi is not a master, his cultivation is still much better than Zhou Kang. At this moment, Han Zhi was very angry and planned to kill Zhou Kang directly. Seeing this, Zhou Kang immediately turned his head and ran away. Just as soon as Zhou Kang turned his head, he saw a person walking in from the door, and that person was Yin Xiu.

"Brother Zhou Fu! Don't panic! This is my restaurant. I'm here! Han Zhi hasn't had the skills to kill you here." Yin Xiu immediately walked to Zhou Kang and looked at Han Zhi with a threatening look. At the same time, a group of Yin Xiu's men quickly entered the room and surrounded Han Zhi.

"What are you doing! Yin Xiu! You forgot! In the final analysis, Yuxi Town is my site. You are only doing business on my site. If you dare to move me halfway today, I will let you be here." There is nowhere to stay in Yuxi Town. Believe it or not!" Han Zhi immediately furious. He looked at Yin Xiu angrily. But Yin Xiu smiled.

"Master Han Zhi! You said I had forgotten, but your memory seems to be worse than mine." Yin Xiu smiled and said, "Why do you want to do something to my guests in my cloud Chinese food? Dare to ask! This week Brother Fu, what is the law of the Blood God World? Let you be here to take action against him? Don’t forget! If you have a background, don’t I have a background? Don’t think it is unreasonable, and you have to take me hard . I’m Yin Xiu! It’s not a soft persimmon.” Yin Xiu smiled again after speaking.

And I have to say that the words Yin Xiu just made made Han Zhi speechless. That's right! If he were to be someone else, Han Zhi had no reason, and he could be tough and reasonable. But in front of Yin Xiu, there must be enough reason to be able to act on Zhou Kang. It's just that Han Zhi doesn't have enough reason for this. Although Zhou Kang admitted that Han Crocodile was killed by Shi Hao and him at the scene, Han Crocodile was originally a convicted death row criminal, and Han Crocodile had the intention to kill Zhou Kang at that time. dead.

"You!" Han Zhi took a breath, "Okay! Okay! Okay!" He said three good words, but suddenly his eyes became cold and he smiled coldly, "Yin Xiu! Let you be ruthless!" But do you think it's over for today? I came here on purpose today, but I didn't intend to go home empty-handed at this moment." Han Zhi smiled very strangely, a hint of insidiousness and cunning in the strangeness. Zhou Kang shivered after watching this.

"Hey! Han Zhi! I mean you..." Zhou Kang cursed coldly: "Why sometimes you look so kind when you smile, and sometimes you look so bad when you smile! You are really acting." Zhou Kang said that he unceremoniously gave Han Zhi a disdainful look. But Han Zhi didn't talk to Zhou Kang either. He just stared at Yin Xiu, making Yin Xiu a little uneasy.

"What? Yin Xiu? Is this your real name? You think I don't recognize you anymore?" And suddenly, Han Zhi said abruptly. With just such a sentence, he was stunned when he saw Yin Xiu on the spot, and Yin Xiu immediately muttered, "You! Have you always been..." Yin Xiu's tone was extremely surprised. Just because it was obvious that Han Zhi seemed to recognize Yin Xiu as the guy who was taken away from his beloved in the past.

"Hahahaha!" Han Zhi laughed, "Of course! What? Don't let the idlers wait to retreat? I want to relive the old with you today. Or, you don't mind other idlers who know your past. What? I don't mind anyway. Hahahaha!" Han Zhi swaggered around to find a seat and sat down, showing a hint of arrogance and Zhizhu holding it. For this, Zhou Kang was very upset. But Yin Xiu on the side immediately waved his hand to let those who followed him in hurriedly retreat. And soon, only Yin Xiu, Han Zhi, and Zhou Kang were left in this room. They closed the door and talked in a closed room.

At this moment, Yin Xiu suddenly asked Han Zhi and said, "You! I didn't expect it! You still recognize me! My face, voice, and name have been changed, so you still recognize me." Xiu still looked incredible, he couldn't figure out how he was recognized by Han Zhi.

"Huh!" Han Zhi suddenly smiled coldly, "I really want to talk about it. It is not me who made me recognize you, but your beloved woman."

"What do you mean?" Yin Xiu hurriedly asked after hearing the words: "Han Zhi! You can make it clear to me! Make it clear!"

"Okay! You want to hear! Come! Sit down! Let's talk." Han Zhi continued with a smile, "Do you think I don't know. At that time every year, you always go to my wife’s grave Xiang. Of course! You have always been very concealed. But unfortunately, I still know about this." Han Zhi said, his eyes were slightly cold, and he said: "And my wife, can go to his grave. I should know all of you. But why do you want to go to my wife’s grave? I thought about it for a long time, and after a long investigation, it finally made me think."

"But I can't believe it! Back then, I let you be beaten to death and buried alive, but you still survived. You are really dead. But anyway! She is my wife, and Not your wife. If it weren’t for the face you gave her to the grave, I would have let someone smash your restaurant. I won’t wait until today that you are full of wings and dare to point fingers at me.” Han said anger. . And at this moment, in Han Zhi's eyes, there was a regretful anger all over the floor. It seemed that after regretting that he hadn't discovered it at the first time, he killed Yin Xiu's worries about the future.

but! Think carefully! This is a little strange, because Han Zhi is clearly cruel, and he pretends to look like a gentleman, amiable. And how can a person like Han Zhi be soft-hearted when he finds out that he has troubles. But at this moment Yin Xiu was too surprised and didn't think about it. In fact, Han Zhi just guessed Yin Xiu's true identity and cheated.

"You!" Yin Xiu said angrily: "Han Zhi! Good! You regret it! Since you know it, I have nothing to hide. I will leave you with nothing in a long time. I want you to despair. Zhong slowly died. I will pay you back the pain you inflicted on me back then." Yin Xiu said seriously.

"Ridiculous! Really ridiculous!" Han Zhi chuckled, "Let's go and see. You want to use Ye Feng to help you defeat me. But unfortunately, you can't beat me." After that, Han Zhi left immediately. went. Speaking of it, one of Han Zhi's main purpose for coming today is to confirm whether Yin Xiu was the same person who did not die. And he has already confirmed.

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