World of Experts

Chapter 934: A secret

Thinking that his feud could be repaid, Yin Xiu laughed for a long time. Suddenly, another waitress came. She knocked on the door and entered Yin Xiu's office. She said anxiously, "It's not good! Boss! Lord Han Zhi is here. He is now on the first floor, still shouting We arrange for him to have dinner with Mr. Ye Feng. Otherwise... If we don't agree to his request, he will seal us up."

"Oh! Well, you Han Zhi! Go, I'll go and meet him in person." After hearing the words, Han Zhi immediately followed the waitress to the first floor and saw Han Zhi. It's just that at this moment, Han Zhi had an indifferent look, as if he didn't pay attention to Yin Xiu at all.

"Master Han Zhi!" Yin Xiu sneered coldly when he saw this. He said to Han Zhi, "It's really rare! Even you have time today to specially invite Mr. Ye Feng. It's just a pity!" Yin Xiu paused. He said: "Mr. Ye Feng happens to be out now and has something to do. It is estimated that he will be back later. And Master Han Zhi, you have always been very busy, working so hard for the people in Yuxi Town, you should go back first. I am afraid today. It's because you can't see Mr. Ye Feng. It's better to make an appointment another day, and it's not too late to come again."

"Haha!" Han Zhi immediately sneered, "Yin Xiu! Don't call me haha! I said today is today. Since you said Ye Feng is not here now, then I will wait. Anyway, he will always come to you to eat. You. It’s all said in the propaganda. Could it be that I came here and changed? That’s not it! If I don’t see Ye Feng appear here today, then’s time to close.” Han Zhi said. serious.

"You!" Yin Xiu was very angry when he heard the words. He wanted to let Han Zhi, who had blood and deep hatred with him, be sacked, but for his long-term revenge plan, he gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger. , Sneered and said: "Okay! Since Master Han Zhi is willing to wait, I'll accompany you." Then he waited for Shi Hao's return by Han Zhi's side.


Time gradually passed, and not too long, suddenly Zhou Kang returned to Yunzhong Restaurant. It’s just that as soon as Zhou Kang entered the door on the first floor, he saw Han Zhi and Yin Xiu. These two men stood silently and looked towards him. This made Zhou Kang, a man who was not a big deal. People suddenly felt flattered. And at this moment, Zhou Kang immediately nodded a little moved.

"Ahhh! Are the two big men waiting for me? Ahhhhhhhhh! I am! I am interested." Zhou Kang said with a smile while moved. And Yin Xiu couldn’t help but was amused. He probably had never seen such a cheeky person. He knew that Zhou Kang was not a fool. Zhou Kang would definitely be able to see who they were waiting for, but Zhou Kang actually returned it. To say so shamelessly, this made Yin Xiule. But in contrast, Han Zhi did not give Zhou Kang any face, and saw Han Zhi stride towards Zhou Kang.

"You? Just you? Where is Ye Feng? Where are the others?" Han said, standing in front of Zhou Kang.

"Hey! What are you doing so fierce?" Zhou Kang shook his head. He was a little upset by Han Zhi fierce, and he immediately said, "You are so fierce! Why should I tell you where Brother Ye Feng is? Yes! And I still have a big secret here. Now, no one else knows this big secret except me and Brother Ye Feng. Originally I wanted to tell you, but you are so fierce, I don’t want to say it. Humph! "Zhou Kang looked at Han Zhi with disgust. He is not afraid of Han Zhi at the moment, because he knows that Shi Hao is far better than Han Zhi. As a person who hugged Shi Hao's thick thigh, Zhou Kang was already floating, and he didn't put Han Zhi in his eyes.

"What? The big secret?" After Han Zhi heard the words, he was startled, and he silently said: "This Zhou Fu! What big secret did he say? Really! Fake?" Han Zhi thought about this and quickly moved toward it carefully. Zhou Kang looked at it for a while, and then secretly said: "It doesn't look like he is fake. But what could be the big secret? No! I have to know." Han Zhi thought about this, and said. After taking a breath, he turned and his whole face changed in an instant, becoming a little amiable.

"Brother Zhou Fu!" Han Zhi followed, and said very kindly: "You...I was offended just now. Don't be surprised. Why do you have any big secrets? Why not hide Now, I'm not an outsider. You have been to my house, haven't you?" Han Zhi smiled slightly.

"Okay! Seeing you give me face like this, I feel much better in my heart." Zhou Kang laughed suddenly, appearing very generous, and he said: "But what! There is always an occasion to speak. Now! I'm hungry, or let's go upstairs to eat and talk. Talking hungry is not good."

"Yeah! It makes sense! It's still reasonable for Brother Zhou Fu to speak. Go! Go upstairs and I'll treat you." Han Zhi immediately showed a very satisfied smile, and quickly took Zhou Kang's most luxurious bag on the top floor. Room for dinner. The food is quickly ordered, served, and eaten. While eating, Han Zhi suddenly asked, "Brother Zhou Fu, can you tell me now? What big secret do you have? Let me know if you tell it."

"Okay!" Zhou Kang was eating a big meat bun. He swallowed it in one bite, patted his chubby belly, and said cheerfully: "Look at Han Zhi, you asked me so sincerely, I am today. Let me tell you compassionately." Zhou Kang adjusted his tone and became happier, "Today... not long ago, Han Zhi your subordinate... Han Crocodile, Han Crocodile wants to catch me. , But it was installed by my brother Ye Feng and killed the Han crocodile. Now the bones of the Han crocodile can’t be found. If it weren’t for me to tell you this big secret, I guess you don’t have more than ten days of work, maybe not Know that Han Crocodile is dead. I'm good."

"Bang!" After hearing this, Han Zhi's brows sank and his expression was furious. He went straight to shoot the case and was very angry. He said angrily: "What! Han Crocodile is dead? Ye Feng killed it?" Han Zhi After taking a breath, he went on to say: "Oh, Zhou Fu! You dare to play with me! You obviously don't put me in your eyes." After Han Zhi said that, he overturned the table. On the side, Zhou Kang couldn't eat anymore.

"Hey! It's a shame that there are so many delicious foods. Han Zhi! Look at what you have done." Zhou Kang shook his head helplessly when he saw this. "It's shameful that you waste so much food. You know, there are so many things that many people outside can't eat for a lifetime. You just lost it in one go. Shameful!" Zhou Kang turned to look at Han Zhi angrily. And Han Zhi's anger was even worse than Zhou Kang.

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