World of Experts

Chapter 902: Defeat the enemy with one move

"Han Zhi! You!" Zhou Kang couldn't help but jumped out for Shi Hao at this moment and said: "Nonsense! Others don't know the strength of my brother Ye Feng, don't you Han Zhi also know? Don't think for your own sake, just Framed my brother Ye Feng, the dog jumped over the wall when he was anxious, and people couldn't do anything in a hurry! My Ye Feng brother clarified that he wanted to win the championship, so don't go too far." Zhou Kang was angry.

"Haha! Just tell the truth, why? That's a rush?" Han Crocodile smiled coldly. And Han Zhi stood on the side with a calm look. But at this moment, Han Zhi gave Shi Hao some hints intentionally or unintentionally. He seemed to be suggesting that Shi Hao was soft. As long as Shi Hao was soft, then everything was easy to say. But I have to say that in this Yuxi Town, Han Zhi really has the ability to cover the sky with his hands.

"Humph!" But Shi Hao refused to give Han Zhi a face. Shi Hao smiled coldly and said: "Han Zhi! Han Crocodile! You two. Doesn't it mean that I win by cheating. It's that simple. Now, you find your opponent to compare with me. If I lose, just Count me cheating. I'm too lazy to talk with you." Shi Hao's eyes were cold, at this moment he could not tolerate Han Zhi.

"Okay! What a big tone!" And when Han Zhi saw that Shi Hao still refused to let go, then Han Zhi was also angry. I saw Han Zhi immediately said: "In this case. Then everyone will be a testimony. Let's go back to the competition field. As long as you can beat the top three in the second-tier level group, you are not cheating, and your victory depends on you. Strength.” I have to say, Han Zhi is a bit hateful. In this Yuxi Town, the highest and only second-class people come to participate in the competition. Other higher-ranking people gather in other larger places. As for Shi Hao to stand alone against the three top three second-ranked players, Han Zhi believed that even if Shi Hao was strong, he wouldn't be able to be so strong. Although Han Li had emphasized Shi Hao's incredibleness with Han Zhi more than once, Han Zhi still couldn't imagine how incredible it was.

"Yes!" Shi Hao smiled, "Let's go! So many people present to witness. But I also have a request!" Shi Hao said this, and suddenly his eyes flashed, "If I defeat the three second-tier top three Don’t you think I’m also the champion of the second division? If so, I’m the double champion of this sub-division. Do you dare to promise me? Han Zhi! Do you dare!" Shi Hao has a strong voice. , Han Zhi was taken aback by surprise.

"Okay! I have no reason to be afraid of you!" Han Zhi finally nodded in agreement after a while. So everyone hurried back to the playing field. And I saw Han Zhi immediately call the top three of the second class and subgroups, and let the three of them deal with Shi Hao in turn. But when the three people came to Shi Hao, they asked Shi Hao: "Who among us do you want to come first?" Shi Hao sneered, "I'm in a hurry! I have no time to spend time with you, you guys. Let's go together. It's good for everyone to end this farce early."

"Yeah! That's what I said!" The three nodded, "After all, we are not at the same level. We are ashamed of this kind of public contest in this place. It is really bullying. But it doesn't matter! The three of us shot together and let you be knocked down in one second. The three of us knocked you down, and it wouldn’t be too embarrassing to spread it out. Hahahaha!" The three of them laughed and said: "In that case ! Let's start." The three of them waved their hands around again, indicating that the game is about to start. Then the three of them rushed towards Shi Hao without saying anything, and wanted to knock Shi Hao to the ground.

"Wait!" But seeing the three of them rushing, Shi Hao suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

"Why? Are you scared? Do you want to admit defeat? Admit that you cheated? Or do you want to persuade Master Han Zhi?" When the three saw this, they smiled. Speaking of which, when they came to the stage to play against Shi Hao, they were also ordered by Han Zhi. Han Zhi naturally told them not to hurt Shi Hao too badly, and as long as Shi Hao was willing to persuade him, he should not continue to attack Shi Hao. After all, Han Zhi's fundamental purpose was not to beat Shi Hao on the ground, but to make Shi Hao obediently obey his own words and accept his daughter.

"Serve soft? Are you afraid that you haven't woken up in your dreams!" Shi Hao laughed, but said: "I just thought of one thing suddenly. You have to make it clear to everyone now, are you not being tricked by me? Don't wait. What kind of messy argument is coming. You were found by Han Zhi. Now you should make it clear to everyone that you have not been manipulated by me. You have to make it clear before you do it." Shi Hao said in a serious tone.

"Haha! You can do things to us? It's a joke!" After hearing this, the three people became angry, "Don't worry! We are all from Han Zhi. We absolutely Very good. We will take this Ye Feng right away." After saying this, they didn't delay anymore and continued to rush towards Shi Hao. And their momentum looks really fierce. Han looked straight on the side, and he was stupidly convinced that Shi Hao would be defeated. But it's a pity.

"Humph!" After all, who is Shi Hao? He was a man who had fought against the blood **** for hundreds of rounds before he fell. Although the cultivation base is now greatly damaged, and there are only one level of cultivation base left, after all, Shi Hao's experience and moves are still the second best in the world. Shi Hao didn't change his face, didn't breathe, smiled slightly, and stood still, but this time, he didn't just use the dark blood to bounce the opponent, but directly hit the three men with a punch. Suddenly the three of them were too concerned, and they collided head-on with Shi Hao.

"Bang!" As a result, the three people splashed blood on the spot. All three of them flew out several tens of meters, unconscious. And the result is obvious. Even a fool could not tell the second result. Shi Hao won, and it was just a move. Shi Hao stunned the three so-called masters on the spot with one move. Seeing this, Han Zhi was stunned on the spot for a long while, and almost everyone who was present was scared to silence. Until Shi Hao suddenly opened his mouth and asked loudly: "Okay! Who else thinks that my victory is not based on who I am, come up! I can have a trick or two with you, the kind of conceited life and death. You are welcome! Who else is there? Shi Hao was very angry, and he casually looked at it, and pointed at a person beside him, and asked, "Are you going to come up and try it?"

"No! No! No!" The man shivered and said, "I believe it! I believe it! Mr. Ye Feng ate by his own ability. We all believed it. It was the Han crocodile who framed the husband. Everything is the bad thing that Han Crocodile did. It's all that Han Crocodile's fault." This person said. Almost all the people present immediately followed.

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