World of Experts

Chapter 901: Framed

On this day, the final battle of the audition competition kicked off. Early in the morning, Shi Hao had already arrived at the central square of Yuxi Town. With the attention of the audience, Shi Hao ascended to the arena, and without any surprise, won the final championship of this sea election and directly advanced to the next round of semifinals. Just after Shi Hao won, seeing Han Zhi slowly appearing, he laughed, stepped onto the ring, and came to Shi Hao's side.

"Mr. Ye Feng, congratulations!" Han Zhi said.

"Thank you!" Shi Hao responded flatly.

"It's just a pity..." Han Zhi said suddenly.

"What a pity?" Shi Hao asked suspiciously.

"Someone reported you! Cheating!" Han Zhi smiled strangely. And Han Zhi said this sentence in a very loud voice, almost everyone present heard it and heard clearly. But this time, the scene suddenly became riot, and many people began to discuss this matter in unison.

"Is Ye Feng cheating?" Someone commented. "No wonder! I said how he was so powerful. I didn't see him move from start to finish. In front of him, it seemed that all the opponents who were playing against him were ants. It turned out to be cheating. Master Han Zhi is sure. I won't talk nonsense, there must be enough evidence." Someone followed suit. "Ahhh! Then, Ye Feng's results must be cancelled. Ahhhhh! Interesting." Someone followed suit.

"Haha!" However, Shi Hao was standing on the stage at the moment, facing Han Zhi, smiling coldly, he thought to his heart, why Han Zhi inexplicably said such obvious lies at this juncture, after all, Han Zhi He knew Shi Hao's strength very well, how could he believe that Shi Hao was cheating. And Shi Hao quickly figured out that Han Zhi clearly wanted to make trouble with himself, and wanted to stumble himself. Shi Hao sneered and said, "Dare to ask who is reporting me cheating? If I have the ability, I will come to the stage to confront him. I, Ye Feng, act upright and sit firmly. I am not afraid of framing."

"Really?" Han Zhi smiled strangely after hearing the words, "In that case! Come on!" Han Zhi suddenly waved his hand. And then I saw a familiar face slowly coming, and soon appeared in front of Shi Hao. And looking closely at the person who came on stage, it turned out to be the Han Crocodile who had been taught by Shi Hao.

"Ye Feng! You despicable and shameless fellow." And when Han Crocodile came on stage, he was full of anger at Shi Hao. He pointed at Shi Hao and cursed and said, "You cross the river and tear down the bridge. You let me replace it. You secretly act on your opponents, so that you can win easily. You are really mean. Unexpectedly, you saw that you were about to succeed in becoming the division champion of this audition, and you would have a black hand on me. , Cross the river and demolish the bridge, wanting to kill people, so that everyone will never know what you did."

"Haha! Get away! I don't even know your name now, what jokes are you telling." After Shi Hao heard the words, he said, "You are here to talk to me for nothing. You think everyone Will you believe you?" Shi Hao smiled after he said.

"Okay! You want proof! It seems that you can't give up on the Yellow River." Han Crocodile sneered at this moment, then suddenly turned around, looking at everyone present, he continued: "Everyone! You might as well go together. To be a testimony. I will take everyone to look at the evidence, so as not to turn around, this Ye Feng said that I framed him again.” After saying this, Han Crocodile turned around and looked at Xiang Shi Hao, “What? Are you scared? ?"

"Haha! What are you afraid of? People are not afraid of shadows." Shi Hao smiled coldly. And then I saw that Han Crocodile took everyone to look at the so-called evidence. Han Crocodile led the crowd all the way, and after a while, he came to the place where Shi Hao settled. But when he got here, Shi Hao suddenly realized something, just because he wanted to add a crime, the other party was naturally prepared.

"Everyone! This is where Ye Feng settled." But Han Crocodile suddenly spoke at this moment. He sneered and said: "I have had several correspondences with Ye Feng, but I know that Ye Feng is extremely cunning, he The letter must have been destroyed. But he didn’t know it. I had expected it. The writing paper was specially processed. Although the letter has been burned, there will still be some special marks on it. Using the visible potion I specially made, within ten days of the letter being burned, the contents of the letter can still be restored."

"Damn it! This guy!" When Shi Hao heard this at this moment, he immediately understood that this Han Crocodile had already prepared for the framing. Shi Hao frowned and clenched his fists. At this moment, Zhou Kang immediately ran to Shi Hao. I saw Zhou Kang whispering: "It's not good! They have been prepared long ago, we are afraid it is impossible to argue."

"Yeah! I didn't expect them to be so shameless. I still thought, I and them are not **** enemies, and each other will not come to this point." Shi Hao nodded and said: "The matter is now. We can only go one step at a time. I have to win the final championship of this game. In any case, I will not fall down in this place." And then Han Crocodile immediately took everyone upstairs. Look. As a result, you don't need to think too much, Han Crocodile has already arranged everything. In the room where Shi Hao was staying, without accident, he used some methods and directly saw some **** letters, all of which were planted on Shi Hao.

"Everyone has seen it! Humph!" After Han Crocodile let everyone look at the content, he immediately sneered: "Everyone knows this now. I, Han Crocodile, didn't talk nonsense. It's Ye Feng! He deceived. People are too busy. Originally, I said yes, I helped him win the division championship in the sea elections, and he gave me enough in return. But he wanted to kill people. That’s no wonder I shake off your old bottom."

"Haha!" Shi Hao took a deep breath at the moment, but said: "I was planted and framed! Why did you do this!" Shi Hao shook his head, "If you say I cheated, win If you are not martial arts, you might as well bring out those who have been defeated by me and ask. See if they are not convinced when they lose to me." Shi Hao is still thinking at this moment, hoping that among those who have been defeated by him Can someone be fair. But it is a pity that those people were already dealt with by Han Zhi.

"There is no need to ask more about this!" Han Zhi stood up and said at this moment: "I have personally asked those people. They all said that you lost to Ye Feng and you lost very strangely. For this, I use my reputation as a guarantee. There is absolutely no falsehood." Han Zhi said immediately, and everyone present believed Han Zhi's words. of course! Han Zhi didn't say any obvious lies, even if those people who had been defeated by Shi Hao were now come out, they still said the same, just because they had colluded with Han Zhi and wanted to frame Shi Hao.

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