World of Experts

Chapter 899: Han Zhiren

Soon after, Shi Hao and Zhou Kang, led by Han Li, entered the Han Mansion. Han Mansion was solemn and solemn, but when he saw Shi Hao's appearance, Han Zhi rarely went out to greet him. I saw Han Zhi looks heroic, tall and majestic between his brows. When Han Zhi saw Shi Hao, he stepped forward and said, "Presumably! This is Mr. Ye Feng. It is quite similar to the portrait. Now the craftsmanship of those painters is not bad."

"It's Ye Feng underneath!" Shi Hao did his part, nodded and said: "I don't know Master Han Zhi, who specially invited so many people to let me over, why? I just saved people by doing it conveniently, not for money or fame." Shi Hao's voice was very flat.

"Eh! Mr. Ye Feng! And this one..." Han Zhi smiled, he didn't seem to know who Zhou Kang was with Shi Hao. "Zhou Fu!" But Zhou Kang was clever and replied by himself. "Mr. Zhou Fu! Hahahaha!" Han Zhi continued to smile, "Let's please inside. If you have something, let's talk slowly inside." After speaking, Han Zhi immediately led Shi Hao and others into a hall of Han Mansion. .

"Dare to ask Mr. Ye Feng for this year!" As soon as he took his seat, Han Li first whispered a few words to Han Zhi, and then Han Han directly asked Shi Hao.

"Free! Eighteen this year." Shi Hao replied casually. Naturally, Shi Hao wouldn't say that he was at his original age, but now his face and voice have all changed, no matter what aspect he looks like he is 18 years old. And for a class of people, they still don't have the ability to achieve that level of agelessness, so the appearance of the face probably reflects the true age. Therefore, Shi Hao's words naturally did not make Han directly suspicious.

"Yeah! It's really a heroic boy." Han Zhi nodded and praised, "I don't know... Is Mr. Ye Feng getting married?"

"No! I'll say this for him!" Suddenly Zhou Kang said with a smile: "My brother Ye Feng! But I have been thinking about winning a championship in this competition. Those five beautiful women are my family. Brother Ye Feng wants it. So... the others are forgotten."

"Hahahaha!" Han Zhi smiled after hearing the words, "Of course! Since Mr. Ye Feng participates in the competition, of course he has ideas in this regard. I have expected it. But I believe that Mr. Ye Feng is extraordinary and will not be anything. Vulgar people. The five women are no matter how delicate and beautiful, but the most valuable thing in them is that they may have brought some shocking cultivation methods. And these shocking cultivation methods, I am afraid that Mr. Ye Feng wants to get that anyway. The fundamental purpose of five women."

"Haha!" Shi Hao frowned when he heard the words, but he did not refute it, because he was too lazy to explain, and because he couldn't tell the real reason why he wanted to win the championship, unless his mind was flooded. , Shouting that he is Shi Hao. Shi Hao said, "Yes or not, so what?"

"Hahahaha!" Han laughed directly, "It seems that it is true! Since Mr. Ye Feng is only for those horrifying cultivation methods, and those women for Mr. Ye Feng, no matter how beautiful they are, they are ultimately predecessors. Even if some of them are taken out by Ye Feng, Lord Blood God will not tolerate them leaving offspring, and they are even more afraid that someday Lord Blood God will order them to be killed."

"So..." Han Zhi smiled again, "Mr. Ye Feng should be a smart man. You want those women, but for those horrifying cultivation methods. Don't worry about this. I will never interfere with you. I will do my best to help you. But you still have to have a suitable wife in the future. I think... there is no way! Since returning last night, the little girl has been in a state of slumping energy. Mr. Ye Feng! I wonder how you like it?" Han Zhi looked at Shi Hao. However, Shi Hao swung his head repeatedly without hesitation.

"Thank you for your kindness! But my heart is determined! No matter what the reason for marrying a wife, I have set the rules and only marry one person in my life." Shi Hao said firmly. And his words suddenly made Han Zhi's eyes sink. Shi Hao also noticed the change in Han Zhi's expression, and Shi Hao said, "I'm disturbing today! I'm waiting to leave." After that, Shi Hao wanted to take Zhou Kang and leave immediately. It's just that the two of them turned their heads and walked to the gate of the Han Mansion, but they were stopped by a group of Hanfu Family Ding. However, Han Li immediately followed out and scolded Han Family Ding, "What are you going to do to Mr. Ye Feng? Open?" And Han Li scattered the group of families and let Shi Hao and Zhou Kang leave.


Later that day, Han Mansion, Han Zhi came to Han Li’s boudoir and waited, while Han Li was still lying on the bed, but Han Zhi loudly said outside the door: "Today! Mr. Ye Feng is here. "As soon as he heard these words, Han Li immediately got up, put on his clothes, and when he went out to see Han Zhi, he asked: "Mr. Ye Feng is here? Where is the other person?" Han Zhi helplessly said, "Come! Go away again." ."

"Really..." Han Li lost his expression again when he heard this, "Come and go again."

"Daughter!" Han Zhi sighed, and said: "I asked for you. Mr. Ye Feng does not have any wives now. And looking at him does not seem to have a sweetheart by his side. Your mind, I understand, your business Don’t worry. It’s rare for you to fall in love with Mr. Ye Feng. No matter what method you use, I will help you.” Han Zhi looked at Han Li very tenderly, and said, “Your mother died early and left. You give it to me. Your wish will be fulfilled for you. You don't have to worry about anything else."

"But..." Han Li lowered his head after hearing the words, "Mr. Ye Feng, you don't seem to be a person who will compromise easily. I don't want your father to embarrass Mr. Ye Feng." Han Li seemed to be a little bit conflicted. After hearing this, Han Zhi smiled and shook his head, and patted Han Li on the shoulder again, "Don't worry! Go back to the room and rest. I'll have someone bring you some food later. From last night After you came back, you haven't eaten anything until now. Don't be hungry. Being hungry has affected your beauty. Wouldn't it make Mr. Ye Feng unhappy after seeing it?"

"Yeah! Thank you father." Han Li still lowered his head and went back to the room. And Han Zhi also left.


It's just that after Han Zhi left Han Li's boudoir, he was alone and went straight to a secret room in Han Mansion. I saw that the secret room was dark, and Han Zhi lit the torch, and there was light here. With light, it reflected a person imprisoned in this secret room. I saw the imprisoned person, with his head covered in messy hair, making it seem that his whole spirit was sluggish. But even so, there was still a fierce aura in his eyes, and Han Zhi came here, and didn't dare to get too close to this person.

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