World of Experts

Chapter 898: Invite someone to your door

"Hey! You fellow!" Zhou Kang followed Shi Hao back to the inn, but pulled Shi Hao, and said: "You said you don't care about that Han Li. Then why did you keep secretly watching her from a distance on purpose. When she was in danger, you immediately ran out to take action. What do you think?" Zhou Kang smiled.

"I just think that the maid beside her was hurt by me, and I am afraid that she will encounter trouble on the way back." Shi Hao said coldly. After saying that, Shi Hao immediately returned to his room to rest. And Zhou Kang looked helplessly and went back to his room to rest.


The next day, Shi Hao and Zhou Kang went to the central square of Yuxi Town to participate in a competition. Without any suspense, Shi Hao easily defeated today's opponent, and prepared to leave with Zhou Kang and return to the inn to rest. It's just that Shi Hao and Zhou Kang had just left the crowd, but they saw a group of people coming up and surrounding Shi Hao and Zhou Kang in a group, and this group of people exuded an elite aura and seemed to be well-trained.

"Hello! Mr. Ye Feng!" Suddenly a leader emerged from this group, "I am Han Li. My master invites you to visit the mansion. Please also Mr. Ye Feng to look on. Don't make me wait." , This Han Li is obviously a capable subordinate of Han Zhi. And Han Li came this time to bring Shi Hao to see Han Zhi. After all, Han Zhi already knew what happened last night and wanted to meet the man who saved his daughter.

"Please me? This posture is so big!" Shi Hao smiled immediately, and then said: "It seems that if I want to go, it won't work? Isn't it?" Shi Hao's tone was flat, showing disapproval Looks like. And I have to say that Shi Hao didn't want to see that Han Zhi at all. I saved people last night, but I didn't want to see a culprit bullying a woman, not for any reward or appreciation afterwards.

"Mr. Ye Feng! Please don't make us embarrassed!" Seeing this, Han Li said, "If Mr. Ye Feng doesn't go, I will return empty-handed, and the master will definitely blame me for waiting. I also hope that Mr. Ye Feng will appreciate the hardship of my waiting. "However, although Han Li's tone was firm, he did not intend to force Shi Hao.

"Hey! Brother Ye Feng. Look!" Suddenly Zhou Kang said with a smile: "These people are also ordered to come here. Why do you and I embarrass them? I see! Let's go to the Han Mansion. . Then Han Zhi can’t be a guy who eats people and doesn’t spit out bones. Besides, we saved his daughter last night and it makes sense to go to the Han Mansion for a good meal.” Zhou Kang patted Shi Hao on the shoulder.

"Haha!" Shi Hao still waved his head after hearing the words, but said: "You have to let me go, then change to a clean place and compare. I will stand where I am. If you can attack, give in half a step. I'll go to the Han Mansion with you." Shi Hao's tone was very cold.

"Okay! A word is a deal." But Han Li agreed. And immediately they changed to a very clean place together and began to compete. However, Han Li led the troops to directly attack Shi Hao, but they were all bounced back when they attacked Shi Hao with a wave of offensive. Immediately not only was Shi Hao unscathed, but Han Li and others were beaten by the force of the rebound.

"Sure enough!" Han Li couldn't help saying at this moment: "Miss's maids are not exaggerated. This Mr. Ye Feng is really good. But..." Han Li suddenly smiled and looked at Shi Hao, "Mr. Ye Feng, you Sure enough, I admire it, but today we must be offended." After saying that, Han Li waved his hand again and gathered the people he had brought together. Immediately afterwards, they joined forces in a joint attack posture, and then even a force was gathered in their hands.

And I have to say that this combined attack posture employed by Han Li and others is a technique of weak fighting and strong, which is called three people. This move can slowly gather the power of multiple people together, and finally hit it out in one burst, forming a powerful attack. Although in actual combat, because the speed of gathering energy is slow, this move is difficult to form an effective threat to the enemy, but now it is just right to use it against Shi Hao. Anyway, Shi Hao would only stand still, giving Han Li and the others enough time to gather strength.

"Go!" After a while, Han Li and others had already accumulated a very powerful force. With this force, they unceremoniously hit Shi Hao. Seeing this, Shi Hao frowned slightly, and hurriedly used full strength to respond. Suddenly, seeing Shi Hao and Han Li, the forces of both sides clashed, and the force of the conflict exploded, and there was a thunderous sound, which made people surprised.

"Ahem!" It's just that after this conflict, Han Li and the others were all shot off. They fell aside and were very embarrassed. Obviously their own bodies have now suffered a lot of injuries. Let them one by one. Both had very ugly expressions, and even slightly weakened and reluctantly stood up. Han Li finally stood up, but quickly looked towards Shi Hao, "Have we succeeded?" Han Li said worriedly.

"Haha!" And following Han Li's gaze, Shi Hao was still standing in the original position. Shi Hao stood there and smiled, "You are really shameless. You dare to use this kind of trick against me. If you really fight, who will give you a chance to gather strength? You are really shameless." After Shi Hao said, he looked at his feet. Although it was only a small step, or even a small step, he did move the position, and his foot moved a little bit in the collision. step. Han Li's gaze was like a torch, and he immediately understood that Shi Hao moved a little and a half.

"Success!" Han Li shouted excitedly. But as he spoke, Han Li felt afraid for a while, and he said inwardly: "It's incredible. Ye Feng, this man, is so terrifying. So many of us have joined forces to accumulate the power for so long, for him, it is just forced. Moved half a step. This... No wonder the lady has been thinking of this man again and again since she came back last night. Even the master has no choice but to bring this man back to meet and have a talk." And Han Ligeng It was his heart secretly said: "Ye Feng! This person must not be in the pool. He is still young now, and he must be a Rank 4 master in the future. At that time, the world's top masters must have his name. "

"Huh!" When thinking of this, Han Li immediately came back to his senses, and quickly looked at Shi Hao, and said: "Mr. Ye Feng! As a last resort, we admire Mr.'s ability. But we hope that Mr. will keep his promise and go back with me. See you Seeing Master Han Zhi." He didn't dare to neglect Shi Hao at all.

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