World of Experts

Chapter 895: Safflower orchid

Before long, Zhou Kang took Shi Hao and wandered around in this street in Yuxi Town. I saw that this place is quite prosperous, with many pedestrians coming and going, and the clothes they wear are more gorgeous. While Zhou Kang walked along, he seemed to have a purpose in his heart. He took Shi Hao straight to a pub on this street. Shi Hao stood in front of the tavern, looked up, and saw the name Red Flower Lan written on the tavern.

"Brother Ye Feng! Go! Go in." Zhou Kang smiled and said suddenly: "This pub is a good place. Not only is there good wine in it, but also the girls from the big families in this town like to hang out here. They will all be here to observe. , Choose, if there are pedestrians who are fancy, they will order people to deliver the letter." Zhou Kang said here with a smile, "maybe! Today, there can be one of us who is destined."

While Zhou Kang took Shi Hao and quickly entered the Red Flower Orchid Tavern, he went straight to a private room on the second floor upstairs under the leadership of a tavern little Er, and ordered some delicious meat and wine. And that little second-hand foot was quick, and he quickly gathered up the meat and wine ordered by Zhou Kang and closed the door.

"Come on! Eat!" Seeing that Xiaoer had gone, Zhou Kang turned his head and smiled at Shi Hao, "Today's battle! It surprised me even more. I didn't expect that Brother Ye Feng, you didn't even move a step. , On the contrary, he easily interrupted the tall guy. Great! Great!"

"A little thing!" Shi Hao smiled. Afterwards, he and Zhou Kang ate wine and meat, and occasionally looked at the scenery on the street outside this elegant room. Time passed quickly. Just suddenly! Bang bang bang! When someone knocked on the door of this elegant room, Zhou Kang and Shi Hao stopped drinking.

"Who is it?" Zhou Kang asked out loud immediately.

"Guest! It's me, the tavern little second who served you wine and meat just now." The voice came back from outside the door.

"Oh? What's the matter? Come in and talk!" Zhou Kang said immediately.

"Good!" The man outside the door pushed in. As soon as he came in, he saw that he was indeed the tavern little second before, and this guy came up with something in his hands, and he kept watching with a smile. Zhou Kang and Shi Hao, he said: "Two guest officials! Congratulations to both of you today. It is gratifying."

"Congratulations? What's the matter?" Zhou Kang asked.

"Of course it's a great joy. Let me tell you, I have a letter in my hand at the moment, written by the girl from the Han family in Yuxi Town." The tavern kid said with a smile, "We are in Yuxi Town. Above, if you can be called a girl from the Han family, I think the two of you should know who it is. It is really gratifying."

"Girl from the Han family?" Shi Hao obviously didn't know who this girl from the Han family was when he heard the words, and Shi Hao immediately looked at Zhou Kang in confusion. Seeing Zhou Kang was a little surprised. Zhou Kang said suddenly, "Little Er! The Han girl you mentioned is the only daughter of Han Zhi, the master of Yuxi Town?"

"Yes! Exactly! Exactly! The only selfishness of Zhenzhu Han, his only daughter, Han Li." The tavern second laughed and immediately said, "Han Li is a famous beauty in our town. The year of Fang is less than eighteen, but the name has spread all over the land. In addition, it is the only daughter of Han Zhenzhu, the pearl in the palm of her hand. On the nearby land, I would like to ask which man does not move Han Li. What about your mind?" The tavern little second smiled, "But the two guest officials are now appreciated by the girl Han Li. It can be said that they are beautiful in their arms, and they are peaceful. There is nothing more proud of in life."

"Yes!" Zhou Kang immediately drank a big sip of wine and shouted: "Enjoyed!" He said again: "Little Er! You quickly get the letter out. Let's see, Miss Han Li wrote in the letter. What, she must be the Ye Feng brother. Hahahaha! I followed the light.” After Zhou Kang said this, Shi Hao felt a little dissatisfied after hearing this. Shi Hao didn't care about this girl Han Li. No extra thoughts.

"Okay! The guest officer! You put the letter in, I'll leave first. Girl Han Li is in the private room on the top floor. There is only one private room on the top floor." The pub then handed the letter to Zhou Kang. He closed the door very interestingly, without any hesitation.

"Come! Let me see!" Seeing that the tavern Xiaoer had left, Zhou Kang opened the letter with a smile, and saw what was written on it. Unsurprisingly, Han Li was really interested. Shi Hao. And it turns out! Han Li also went to watch today's game in Central Plaza. As the saying goes, beauty loves heroes. Han Li saw Shi Hao's incomparably strong performance on the ring, and felt good, so he sent a letter to invite him.

"Eh! Brother Ye Feng is really amazing! Hahahaha!" After reading the letter, Zhou Kang handed the letter to Shi Hao, but Shi Hao waved his head to indicate that he was not interested in it. But even if Shi Hao was like this, Zhou Kang just collected the letter for himself, and then said: "Why bother! I know! Brother Ye Feng! You didn't intend to participate in this competition, and then suddenly changed your mind. It must be because you know that once you win this competition, you can get those beauties. Those beauties are wonderful, but in this world, no one stipulates that a man can only have one wife. A person with three wives and four concubines. There is too much to go, you might as well go and see this girl Han Li. As she wrote in her letter, she will wait for you in the private room on the top floor until we leave in the middle of the night."

"No need! I won't go." Shi Hao smiled after hearing the words. He is a person from the earth, and he has been influenced by the good culture of Country Z since he was a child. He knew that even if he came to a place where there is no restriction, he should also be dedicated to feelings and be responsible for Su Xiao.

"But! Han Li, such a good beauty, Brother Ye Feng, this is a great opportunity. Are you really not going? What if you regret it later." Zhou Kang was a little confused and kept trying to persuade him. However, Shi Hao was determined, no matter how hard Zhou Kang talked, it was just suddenly ineffective.

"Hey!" Zhou Kang finally sighed, "Fine! Brother Ye Feng, you probably don't look down on the girl Han Li. I can't force you on this matter of men and women. That's it! That's it! Just... …What a pity! What a pity.” Zhou Kang shook his head again and again, drank a few more drinks, and smiled helplessly.


The sky gradually became dark, and the night was deep now, and even the supper sellers on the street began to collect things and prepare to go back. However, in the only private room on the top floor of the Red Flower Orchid Tavern, I saw a beautiful lady with a few maids who knew their skills at a glance, and the beautiful lady frowned and kept frowning. Still calculating the time, hesitated to leave.

And this charming beauty is the daughter of Han Zhi, Han Li.

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