World of Experts

Chapter 894: Game start

The next day, the weather was very good early in the morning, and when he got up early, Shi Hao went out and followed Zhou Kang to participate in the selection of the competition. The preliminary selection of the competition is located in the central square of Yuxi Town. The square has long been emptied by some people from the Blood God World, and it is used exclusively for selection.

"Here!" Standing on the edge of the square, Zhou Kang pointed to a group of people in front of him. He said, "There is the place to sign up. We can sign up in the past." And he took Shi Hao and passed by quickly. The registration location. It's just that there are already many people here who are going to sign up, and there is a long queue. When it was Zhou Kang's turn to sign up for Shi Hao, two hours had passed.

"Hello! I'm Zhou Fu, from Yuyang Village. I brought my own master named Ye Feng. I came to register for him to participate in the competition. Participate in the lowest level group, the competition between the first class players." Zhou Kang pretended to be Zhou Fu, like a guy who wanted to cheat the information of the registration personnel.

"Zhou Fu? Wait a minute! I'll look at the information." But the staff of that level of competition information was not vague. He immediately took out a pile of information, and it seemed to write something about Zhou Fu. After reading the information, he frowned and asked Zhou Kang and said, "That's not right! Although you look a little bit like this, I wrote that Zhou Fu is a fat man, and the portrait is still here. "That person did not believe Zhou Kang.

"Huh!" Zhou Kang was naturally prepared. "This brother, aren't people all progressing. Look! What status am I now? So fat and inappropriate. Everyone knows that being fat not only affects It is beautiful, and it also affects practice. Didn't I lose weight after working hard for a long time. Your information is all from the past, and there is no time to update it." Zhou Kang smiled.

"Then... okay! I'll write down the information for you." After hearing the words, the man took a closer look at Zhou Kang, and finally felt that what Zhou Kang said was probably true, so he checked carefully. After checking Shi Hao's cultivation level, he finally nodded, and then registered the information. And this person gave Zhou Kang another brand after finishing this. Zhou Kang immediately found the sign, and then quickly took Shi Hao and ran to the side with a slight smile.

"It's done! Just wait for the game to start and someone will call you. We just wait here. By the way! You remember your number. You are the number ten player. They used to call the number when they called people. "Zhou Kang said with a smile. "Very good! I am number ten." Shi Hao nodded. Shi Hao turned his head and looked again, and saw that a huge competition arena had been built here. Obviously, the game is played on this arena.


Time passed quickly, probably at three or four o'clock this afternoon. At this time, all those who signed up for the competition have completed their information registration. I have to say that there are so many people here. After the information was registered, the game gradually began to kick off.

"Contestant No. 10 and Contestant No. 301, please come out." Suddenly, the first game reminder came from Shi Hao who was summoned. When Shi Hao heard this, he smiled slightly, and without a word, he stepped straight to the ring. And Zhou Kang didn't worry at all, he just watched the game with a smile.

When Shi Hao came to the ring, he saw a muscular man walking on the opposite side. The big man showed his strong muscles, and his muscles looked like they were made of iron. And this big man yelled, "No. 10! I advise you to surrender as soon as possible. This is not as important as a fight. And once I take a shot, the basic opponent will have no good results. You can easily fracture. , You will die. You should surrender." And he paused, and said: "This audition competition is not a knockout, but a point match. You win by one point and you lose by zero. You won’t get points here."

"Oh!" Shi Hao rubbed his chin after hearing the words, "It turned out to be like this. Thank you for your kindness. I also give you a chance. I will make a move, and I will admit defeat." Shi Hao spoke very loudly. . And as soon as he said this, the big guy on the opposite side became happy.

"Sure! Then I'll give you a push. If you move, give up." The big man ran over immediately. After all, no one started the game. As long as both sides are in the ring, the game will begin. Until one of the parties is beaten off the ring, or fainted in the ring, or concedes defeat by himself, it is over.

Immediately, the big man swaggered to Shi Hao's body, and he used a three-point effort to push Shi Hao away. But when he pushed Shi Hao, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be pushing a big mountain. This was simply the act of shaking the tree. Suddenly, this big man was a little surprised.

"Strong!" Shi Hao suddenly urged.

"You!" The big Han gritted his teeth suddenly. Immediately this guy frowned, exerting great strength, and violently pulled Shi Hao away. But never thought, Shi Hao smiled coldly, although he still stood still and didn't move, he used one of his own housekeeping skills, dark blood. Although this dark blood energy shouldn't be a skill that can be mastered by a tier of blood demons, Shi Hao would have it, and now there is the new blood core heart of the red baby in his body the most support. Therefore, although he can't use the dark blood energy as freely and without time limit as before, he can still use it in a short time.

"Kacha!" All of a sudden, the big man hit Shi Hao with all his strength, and as a result, all his strength was bounced back, plus he himself would receive a reaction force, and as a result, the double force was added, and the big man's hand was instantly crisp. His fracture broke out, and his hand was broken by himself.

"Pain! How is this possible!" The big man's hand bones were broken and he rolled on the ground in pain, and he didn't care at all, so he immediately ran off the ring by himself, as if he was going to the doctor to treat him quickly. After all, a fracture is not a serious illness. For this kind of person with cultivation skills, as long as the hand is not completely cut off, he can still find a way to cure it.

"Competitor No. 10 wins!" After the big man ran away, the management staff of the game shouted: "The contestant No. 10 finishes the game today and will be on time tomorrow morning. Next are the contestants No. 8 and contestants No. 203. . Please come on stage..."

"Haha!" After hearing the words, Shi Hao smiled slightly, then left, walked to Zhou Kang's side, and said, "Let's go! There is no game for me today. Let's go back and rest." Shi Hao decided to turn around and go back to live. rest. But Zhou Kang grabbed Shi Hao.

"Hey! You're all here in Yuxi Town, don't you go and stroll around? This is the busiest place in the neighborhood. It would be a shame not to go and look around." Zhou Kang suggested. After Shi Hao heard the words, he hesitated, but he also felt that there was nothing else to do now. It would be fine to go and see it as a relief, so he agreed to Zhou Kang.

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