World of Experts

Chapter 881: 第九 百 〇 八

Shi Hao was very excited, "I got it! I finally got it, and it's time to go back." Zhao Qin was aside, not knowing, so he wondered: "Big Brother Shi? Where are you going back? Is it Luoxia Island?" Shi Hao posed. Shaking his head, he said directly: "No! I want to go back to another place. From now on, I won't be back." Zhao Qin's expression changed, "What? Brother Shi? You...what about the wedding? You and Ji Lulu..."

Shi Hao's expression sank, "Yeah! Ji Lulu... almost forgot, it seems that I still have to finish the last thing before I go back." He was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Miss Zhao Qin , How about this, I still have three demonized clones, and I won't take them away. You keep one, and give another to sister Wang Amian, and the last one will be handed to Jilulu. My demonized clone, although I am leaving It is impossible to continue to grow strength later, but with the current strength of those three demonized clones, there are not many people who can compete with them in this world. If I leave my demonized clone, no one should dare I'm here to disturb you."

"But..." Zhao Qin thought for a while after hearing the words, and finally seemed to feel that it was useless to say more. She couldn't keep Shi Hao, she just said: "In that case, you should go back to Ji Lulu personally. . Gillulu and I are not familiar. As for sister Wang Amian, I can take it back for you."

"Well..." Shi Hao nodded, "Then let's go first."


Time passed quickly, Shi Hao had already handed over two of his three demonized clones to Zhao Qin. One of them was Zhao Qin's, and the other was brought back by Zhao Qin to Wang Amian. . But Zhao Qin had already left, but Shi Hao had to take the last demonized clone to see Ji Lulu.

At this time, there is not much time until the wedding. Ji Lulu looked sad, looking far away from the windowsill in her room, looking forward to Shi Hao's return. Ji Lulu reluctantly said: "Shi Hao...when you were still blood shadow, you missed a marriage. This time, are you going to come again..." She looked sad.

"Jiluru!" But suddenly, a familiar voice came. And this voice, Ji Lulu recognized, was Shi Hao's voice. "Shi Hao?" Seeing Ji Lulu turned her head, Shi Hao really came back. Shi Hao appeared in Jilulu's room silently, and he slowly approached Jilulu's side.

"I'm back!" Shi Hao said.

"Great! The wedding has been prepared. You will be back in time." Gillu laughed, "Yes! You haven't tried the wedding gown yet, let's go, let's try it now." She With a look of excitement, he didn't blame Shi Hao for running to rescue Zhao Qin before the wedding.

"Jiluru!" Shi Hao had to sigh, and said, "I'm sorry! I'm back this time...I'm leaving...maybe never come back again. I'm here to say goodbye to you. "Shi Hao lowered his head, some dare not look directly into Ji Lulu's eyes.

"What? Shi Hao! What did you say? Going?" Gillu was shocked, "Where are you going? Not coming back? The world is now ours, where are you going? You are going, When the wedding is over, I'll go with you." Ji Lulu looked anxious.

"No! You got it wrong. I am leaving this world..." Shi Hao sighed.

And speaking of it, Ji Lulu also knew Master Mo's arrangements back then, and Master Mo naturally knew that Ji Lulu was still alive. Ji Lulu was able to find Shi Hao early, which was also caused by Master Mo's traction. And Ji Lulu also knew that Shi Hao had returned from another world. But Ji Lulu never thought that Shi Hao would go back.

"You! Shi Hao! Are you going back to that low-level world? Are you serious?" Ji Lulu said.

"Yeah! I want to go back." Shi Hao said, "Actually... after all, I am not the blood shadow who had been married to you at the beginning. Brother blood shadow, did not swallow my soul. He is still there today. I have cultivated in my mind. And I have my sweetheart, I want to go back..." Shi Hao said the matter thoroughly.

"You are not the complete rebirth of Blood Shadow? This... Master Mo lied to me?" Ji Lulu didn't seem to know, she seemed to have always thought that Shi Hao had been completely replaced by Blood Shadow. And this, it is obvious that Master Mo concealed something from Ji Lulu.

"Liar! All liars! Master Mo lied to me, Shi Hao, you lied to me too." Ji Lulu was furious.

"This...Jiluru...I leave one of my demonized clones for you. No matter what, I will go back. You... take care of yourself." Shi Hao shook his head and sighed. Let’s go.” He greeted him, summoned the last demonized clone he had brought, and handed it to Giluru.

"Liar! You are a liar! Blood shadow! You come out for me." Gillulu was still furious. Seeing Ji Lulu's unprecedented angry look, Shi Hao was also very considerate. After all, a woman, waiting for her fiance, has worked hard for tens of thousands of years, but found nothing. I'm afraid that no one can continue to remain calm after changing places.

"Brother Shi Hao!" Suddenly, a **** voice appeared in Shi Hao's mind. Blood Shadow said: "As things are up to now, let me say a few words to Ji Lulu for me. I am sorry for her. I..." Shi Hao nodded, "Okay! Blood Shadow Brother, tell me, I will do it for you. You spread the word."

Immediately, Shi Hao replaced Blood Shadow and said, " don't have to be sad...After Shi Hao is gone, you are the queen of this world. You can live well without me. You are the queen. , You have to be sad, don't be angry, I am sorry for you." After speaking, Shi Hao sighed.

"Bloodshadow..." After Jilluru heard the words, her eyes reddened immediately, "No! I don't want you to go. You are gone, I have waited for you for ten thousand years, what am I for? Back then, you and me Acquaintance, you took my hand and said that you will become the king of this world, and you will make me the queen of this world. Now, when you are gone, what is the point of me being a queen?" She wept.

"Hey..." Shi Hao was helplessly silent. For a time, the atmosphere was very solemn. Suddenly, I saw a person walking outside the room, and that person's figure slowly appeared, unexpectedly... discovered that... the person was Qing Kongzi. Seeing Qing Kongzi slowly approaching Shi Hao and Ji Lulu.

"It seems! The thing that Master Mo was worried about before his death happened. Shi Hao! You really decided to leave this world in the end." Qing Kongzi sighed. But listening to what he said, it turned out that Master Mo had long expected that there might be such a day. Seeing Qing Kongzi, he said: "Actually! Master Mo ordered me before he died. If Shi Hao doesn't leave after the big event is set, everything will be business as usual. But if it is so one day, Shi Hao, you will make up your mind to leave this world. , Then..." Qing Kongzi suddenly said this and his face sank.

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