World of Experts

Chapter 880: 第九 百 〇 七

Soon, with his keen insight, Shi Hao found Qing Xuanzi hiding in this Death Peak, but Qing Xuanzi was well prepared for Shi Hao's arrival. At this time, Qing Xuanzi placed Zhao Qin next to him as a hostage. Zhao Qin seemed to be restrained by Qing Xuanzi and could not move. And Ye Wushuang was standing beside Qing Xuanzi, she showed a worried look.

At this moment, Qing Xuanzi said, "Shi Hao! You really came."

Shi Hao said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, let me go, I will spare you your life."

Qing Xuanzi said: "It seems! You still care about this woman." He said again: "Why don't you do it yourself, I will spare you a life. Let you take this woman and go free and easy." Qing Xuanzi looked cold as he spoke. But Ye Wushuang's palm was cold on the side.

Shi Hao smiled, "Qing Xuanzi! This is your own death! Don't blame me. I will give you one more chance at the end. Don't let anyone go?" Shi Hao's eyes were cold. In fact, in front of him, Qing Xuanzi had no resistance at all, and the hostage that Qing Xuanzi thought was useful could only be saved by Shi Hao.

Qing Xuanzi smiled coldly, as if he didn't take Shi Hao's words to heart.

Shi Hao suddenly laughed, "Okay! What a Qingxuanzi! Kneel me down!" His whole body suddenly exuded an unsightly pressure. Suddenly Qing Xuanzi was rushed by the oppression, his eyes were black, dizzy, and before he could react, Zhao Qin, who was taken hostage, was rescued out of thin air by Shi Hao.

"Girl Zhao Qin! Are you okay!"

When Zhao Qin was rescued, Shi Hao quickly relieved her from the restraints on her body, and then said: "Go back, I will take care of the scum of Qing Xuanzi first." Zhao Qin nodded and retreated behind Shi Hao. Shi Hao looked back at Xiang Qing Xuanzi. But what is ridiculous is that Qing Xuanzi is still dizzy.

"Qing Xuanzi! You are looking for death by yourself, don't blame me." Shi Hao was merciless, so he wanted to kill Qing Xuanzi directly. If it wasn't because Zhao Qin was by Qing Xuanzi's side, and worried that an accident might happen if Zhao Qin was too heavy, and Zhao Qin was implicated, maybe Shi Hao had killed Qing Xuanzi just that time.


But when Shi Hao was about to make a move, Ye Wushuang suddenly stood in front of Qing Xuanzi. She said: "Shi Hao! Qing Xuanzi is just crazy. This is not his original intention. Please let him go. I am. He will definitely try his best to change him back. He is just practicing kung fu and has become crazy..." Ye Wushuang pleaded bitterly.

"You! Ye Wushuang! Why bother with you."

Seeing this, Shi Hao hesitated for a moment, and said, "Qing Xuanzi has gone too far. He can't go back. If you let him go today, he will kill others in the next day. Ye Wushuang, I don't want to kill. You, let me go quickly. You know, I deliberately want to kill Qing Xuanzi, you can't stop it." Shi Hao's eyes were cold.

"No! I won't let you go. If you want to kill, just kill me too."

Ye Wushuang still refused to give way. As for Shi Hao, watching Ye Wushuang stop in front of Qing Xuanzi, he hesitated and didn't start to kill Qing Xuanzi. And Qing Xuanzi, gradually, came back from his dizziness, but he also understood that he was so much worse than Shi Hao. He knew that he had no chance of winning in front of Shi Hao's absolute power. .

"Ye Wushuang! You let me go."

Suddenly, Qing Xuanzi who came back to his senses pushed Ye Wushuang away from him, and he laughed: "I don't want you to be a woman to pity me. Hahahaha! Shi Hao! You are indeed amazing. I am. I did not expect that your strength has reached this level. My strength is in front of you, not even a child."

Qing Xuanzi said again: "But! Even if I can't escape death today, I won't die in your Shi Hao's hands." After saying this, Qing Xuanzi suddenly slapped his sky spirit cover. Suddenly, Qing Xuanzi weakened all over, died on the spot, died very simply.

"No! No! No!"

Ye Wushuang was heartbroken when she saw Qingxuanzi commit suicide. She was holding Qingxuanzi's body, her eyes were absent, and she said to herself: "Qingxuan! Why are you so stupid! and me! There is a chance to travel around the world, and the world is at ease, but why are you so stupid..." Ye Wushuang said, as if he had some mental abnormalities and became like a fool. She held Qing Xuanzi's corpse, talking stupidly, talking, talking, but slowly, getting further and further away.


Seeing this, Shi Hao stood still and sighed.

Zhao Qin suddenly stepped forward and stood beside Shi Hao. She said, "Big Brother Shi! That girl Ye is very nice. During the time I was caught by Qing Xuanzi, she was protecting me. I didn't suffer much. But now this girl Ye..." Zhao Qin looked a little lost.

Shi Hao said, "Perhaps, this is the wrong relationship between the wrong people."

Zhao Qin was startled when he heard this, "Big Brother Shi..."

Shi Hao said: "Okay! Let's go back..." After saying that, he quickly hurried back with Zhao Qin. It is estimated that there is not enough time to return in time by the time set by Gillulu. However, after returning, Shi Hao did not want to have a wedding with Ji Lulu. But Shi Hao didn't know how to talk to Ji Lulu.


But the time passed quickly in a blink of an eye, Shi Hao took Zhao Qin all the way back, passing a cliff that day, but suddenly saw an aura of aura growing under the cliff. There was a vigorous vitality mixed in this spiritual energy, making Shi Hao a little surprised when he saw it.

Shi Hao was slightly surprised and said: "Here, I'm afraid there is something new born with a heaven and earth spirit treasure." He looked down the cliff, looked carefully, and looked at it for a long time. Looking at it, Shi Hao's eyes were a little unpredictable, and there seemed to be a fiery emotion in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Qin was by the side and suddenly said, "Big Brother Shi, do you want to go down and see the situation?"

Shi Hao subconsciously said, "It's great! It's a phoenix flower! Below is a phoenix flower. Take the flower! I just..."

Zhao Qin was taken aback by Shi Hao, "Big Brother Shi? What are you talking about? Phoenix flower? What are you going to do with the flower?" She seemed to perceive Shi Hao's mood at this moment. But I have to say that Shi Hao has finally found everything to go back to rescue Su Xiao. With his current power, as long as he takes the flower, he can directly tear the space, leave the world, and go back to Su Xiao.

At this moment, the Phoenix Flower was in front of Shi Hao's eyes, for him, it was simply within reach. Seeing Shi Hao smiled and said: "Miss Zhao Qin! You and a moment later." After saying that, Shi Hao immediately went down the cliff, and it was only a moment's effort, that he smoothly took the Phoenix Flower in his hand and returned to Zhao Qin.

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