World of Experts

Chapter 877: 第九 百 〇 四

Zhao Wudi shouted: "No! This is impossible! Golden Crow Soft Armor, it is not the secret treasure of the Blood Clan back then, only the blood clan can make it. And the materials made are extremely rare, even the Blood Clan back then During the heyday of the clan, there were only one or two pieces. Where did you... come from?"

Shi Hao laughed and said, "Hahahaha!" When he followed him, there was a burst of laughter from a girl, and after seeing it, it was Jilulu who was coming. As she walked, Ji Lulu said, "Of course I gave Shi Hao. What? Zhao Wudi, do you remember me?"

Zhao Wudi looked at it, "Jiluru! The patriarch of the blood clan, personally appointed... daughter-in-law."

When Shi Hao heard this, he was immediately shocked, "Daughter-in-law?" He looked at Ji Lulu, and Ji Lulu smiled.

Ji Lulu said again: "Back then! You not only destroyed the Blood Clan, but also with my Ji family. Fortunately, I was rescued by my father, and fortunately, you were mainly targeting the Blood Clan. Otherwise, I won't be able to escape. Today, I will avenge the two families." Ji Lulu made a decisive action and shot Zhao Wudi directly with one move. Zhao Wudi died and died completely.

But after killing Zhao Wudi, Ji Lulu turned her head to look at the blood constant.

Xue Heng panicked, "How is this possible! How did did you come out?" He couldn't believe that it was Jilulu standing in front of him. But the facts were before him, he had to believe.

Ji Lulu smiled and said: "It's your fault. That's right! The blood barrier is difficult to break from the inside, but it is relatively easy from the outside." Ji Lulu said again, "Can you I don’t know...who gave the little **** to Shi Hao? Do you think there is no special way to communicate with me?"

Speaking of this, Gillulu ran up to the little spade, and looked at the little spade, who was already huge, she still touched the little spade. And the little spades also smiled happily. The little **** said: "Boss Gillulu called me, I will definitely pass. Hehehehe."

Xueheng was shocked, "What! Did you save Giluru? You already knew about me."

Shi Hao stepped forward and said, "Of course! Otherwise, I won't let you harm me today."

Xue Heng said: "Good, good! I am planted today. But don't want to catch me easily. Even if Zhao Wudi wants to kill me, it is not easy, let alone you. See you again later." Xue Heng must use means to escape here.

Seeing that Ji Lulu was very fast, but very strange, she turned her head and ran in a direction away from Xue Heng, not knowing what she was going to do. It's just that after the Jiluru action, Xueheng stood there in a daze, and he didn't use any means to get out of here.

Ji Lulu stood in that strange place and shouted, "Blood Heng! Why? You won't run away?"

Xueheng said in surprise: "Jiluru! You... why do you know the secret of the secret whistle technique of the blood clan."

Ji Lulu smiled, "What do you think? Do you think anyone in this world can know the secrets of these secret whistle techniques of the blood clan better than Shi Hao, the young master of the blood clan?" Speaking of which, see Shi Hao Slowly move towards blood constant.

Shi Hao came to Xue Heng and said, "You! I'm afraid I don't know it. Although I didn't learn the secret whistle technique back then, it was only because the secret whistle techniques of the blood clan were mostly stealing tricks or sacrificing myself. The insidious way at the expense of life. These things are disdain to use. But it does not mean that I am not clear about these things."

Shi Hao added: "Your escape technique is just using the aura of the surrounding environment to use the magical teleportation technique, plus some weird blinding techniques. When this technique has another flaw, as long as you know the mechanism, block it in advance. Position, your teleportation will be difficult to use."

Xueheng's expression sank, "Damn it! You guys!"

Shi Hao said: "Okay! I advise you not to resist. If you can't escape, you can't beat me."

Xue Heng laughed, "What? Are you going to kill me?"

Shi Hao said: "I can spare your life, just abolish your cultivation."

Xue Heng said, "Oh? Are you still so kind? If it weren't for me, how would your blood clan..."

Shi Hao said, "Although you are making a fool of yourself, after all, it is Zhao Wudi who has the mind to be used by you. Moreover, Zhao Wudi is now dead. As long as you tell me something, I will spare your life. I speak and do. Here. You don’t have to worry about me breaking my promise."

Xue Heng was silent for a moment, "Ask! What do you want to know?" It seemed that he was still afraid of death.

Shi Hao said, "Tell me! The secret method for perfect division of souls. I believe that you led people to destroy the Yin clan, and that secret method was mastered by the Yin clan. With your style of behavior, you will not know the secret method. Waste. It must be known to you. Isn't it?"

Xue Heng frowned, "So that's it! You want to know this." Xue Heng laughed, and took out a secret book from his arms, "Here you!" He threw the secret book to Shi Hao, and said: "This is what you want. I hope you will do what you say, and don't go back on your way."

Shi Hao accepted the secret book, looked at it, and felt that there was nothing wrong. Shi Hao immediately slapped Xue Heng with a palm, abolishing Xue Heng's cultivation base, but Xue Heng immediately softened and passed out. This was the appearance of his temporary weakness after his cultivation base was abolished. But Xue Heng was put under house arrest by Shi Hao.


After half a year, the entire Fenglin Continent changed to a new atmosphere. Since Zhao Wudi died, the Zhao family also fell. But the tree fell down and scattered, and those Keqing who had taken refuge in the Zhao family in the past all left the Zhao family. As for Qingshanmen, the killing of Zhao Wudi had long been spread.

Today's Qingshan Gate has also moved back to the original base of the blood clan, which is also the place where the Zhao Family Hanging City is located. It became the new base of Qingshan Gate. And Shi Hao sits here. And nowadays, countless people yearn to be here as a guest, but strangely, Qingshanmen all refused.

On this day, Shi Hao walked repeatedly alone in the new base of Qingshan Gate. Suddenly, Ji Lulu appeared from the side and came to Shi Hao's side. She said, "What's the matter? Why have you been looking sad for the past six months. Now in this world, no one is your opponent. We belong to the blood clan. The scenery can be reproduced again, what else is sad for you?"

Shi Hao said: "It's the secret book for dividing the soul. It says that it needs to perform this technique and obtain a very precious material called Phoenix Flower."

Ji Lulu curiously said: "Shi Hao! Why have you always cared about the division of the soul. Does this mean anything to you? I also know the phoenix flower, it is something that you can't find. When that thing comes Even if you have fate, you can't force it if you don't come."

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