World of Experts

Chapter 876: 第九 百 〇 三

Trapped with Gillulu, Xueheng turned his head and left here. But he just walked two steps, suddenly stopped, and said to himself: "No! I can't figure out how specific Jilulu's strength is. Although it is not comparable to Zhao Wudi, in case she comes out early. , My efforts may be wasted."

Xue Heng said, he suddenly vomited blood, "Damn! In order to use this blood enchantment, I spent a lot of life. It seems! Up to now, I can only save all the people on Xuanming Island. Everyone is killed, and the blood of all of them is used to strengthen the blood barrier." And Xueheng did what he said.

But on this day, on Xuanming Island, no grass was growing, and blood was flowing into a river. It was all done by Xueheng alone.


Time hurriedly passed, and Zhao Wudi was about to arrive in a blink of an eye. In the Qingshan Gate, the posture has been set, Shi Hao, Qing Kongzi, Feng Wu, Little Spades, and Shi Hao's three demonized clones, several main masters are waiting for them. And Xue Heng also came to help out. And when the time came to noon on this day, I saw someone stepping into the sky from the distance of Qingshan Gate.

The man came fiercely, completely ignoring any barrier restrictions in the Qingshan Gate, and forcibly flew in and fell in front of Shi Hao and the others. At first glance, this person was Zhao Wudi. It's just that Zhao Wudi said at this moment: "Unexpectedly, after so many years, there are still people who can reach this level." He looked at Shi Hao directly.

However, when he heard this, Xue Heng frowned. He didn't know what Zhao Wudi said.

But Shi Hao immediately said, "Zhao Wudi... Are you here to kill me?"

Zhao Wudi smiled and said: "Of course! Only one overlord is allowed in this world. That is me, Zhao Wudi."

Shi Hao said, "You know you will definitely not be my opponent in the future, so you are anxious to get rid of me now. Zhao Wudi, you are scared." Shi Hao laughed.

Zhao Wudi said: "Yes! You are right. If you give you more time, I may not have won you. Besides, when I see you today, I am finally sure. You are the Mr. Wu. Are you not?"

Shi Hao said: "Okay! Stop talking nonsense. If you want to kill me, just do it." He waved his hand and motioned everyone to retreat and use his magical powers behind to help. Don't approach without permission to avoid being killed by Zhao Wudi. After everyone retreated, Shi Hao stepped forward to confront Zhao Wudi alone.

Suddenly, Zhao Wudi and Shi Hao started to do it. Zhao Wudi simply punched it, and Shi Hao responded with a punch. The two punches collided, and the mountain shook. Xue Heng secretly said to the side: "What! Shi Hao actually has such power? Is this... he lied to me?" Xue Heng was secretly anxious.

However, seeing Zhao Wudi and Shi Hao fighting for dozens of rounds, Shi Hao began to be suppressed. Qing Kongzi and the others hurriedly performed long-range attacks. Although it might not be of any use to Zhao Wudi, they still tried. And Xue Heng also attacked pretendingly.

And after a while, Shi Hao suddenly shouted: "It's time!" Then Qing Kongzi waved his hand. When even Qing Kongzi and the others dispersed, and Xue Heng was inside, they cooperated with each other. , Seems to be performing a formation. The formation was quickly completed, and a wave of power was seen covering Shi Hao, making Shi Hao's combat effectiveness seem to have been advancing by leaps and bounds in a short time.

Shi Hao shouted: "Zhao Wudi! Go and die." He rushed towards Zhao Wudi with tyrannical power.

Zhao Wudi was shocked, "This... I have never heard of such a method of formation. You can actually improve your power at this level. This is impossible." Zhao Wudi was shocked. Obviously, he knew that facing such a Shi Hao, he might lose. This loses, and change is equivalent to death.

But Zhao Wudi didn't catch him, he fought hard against Shi Hao, preventing Shi Hao from rushing over.

But suddenly, Qing Kongzi shouted: "This is the formation that I finally figured out based on the research of Master Mo and Qingfengzi. Of course you have never seen it. Zhao Wudi, you deserve to die." Qing Kongzi laughed. But while Qing Kongzi laughed, Shi Hao finally rushed to Zhao Wudi.

Shi Hao wanted to make a move, killing Zhao Wudi with one move. Who ever thought that suddenly, Shi Hao's strength was directly released. Shi Hao looked surprised, and Zhao Wudi was overjoyed. I saw Zhao Wudi hit Shi Hao with a backhand, and although Shi Hao was surprised, his fist did not stop and continued to hit Zhao Wudi.

As a result, Shi Hao and Zhao Wudi were beaten into flight by each other, and each suffered serious injuries. But Zhao Wudi took the lead to stand up and laughed: "Shi Hao! You stubbornly took my punch, your foundation is not as strong as mine, and you hurt more than me. As long as you lose, what else will be worth? ?"

Shi Hao stood up one step later, "Asshole! Who broke the formation on the initiative just now." He looked around Qing Kongzi and the others, angrily. But in the end, his gaze stayed on Xue Heng, and he sneered at Xue Heng. Shi Hao shouted: "Blood Heng! Did you do a good thing?"

Xue Heng sneered and said, "So what? You are hurt now, and Zhao Wudi is the winner."

Qing Kongzi immediately stepped forward and cursed: "You! You are a member of the blood clan. You actually helped Zhao Wudi."

Xue Heng said: "No! I am not helping Zhao Wudi. I am just helping myself."

Shi Hao cursed: "Humph! Are you not from the blood clan. Help yourself?"

Zhao Wudi said: "Hahahaha! Look, this is the face of your blood clan. Come on! Stop talking nonsense, no one here can stop me now." Zhao Wudi said, going forward to kill the stone. Hao. Shi Hao frowned.

But at the moment when Zhao Wudi arrived in front of Shi Hao, Shi Hao actually laughed, and suddenly attacked Zhao Wudi, shattering Zhao Wudi's meridians. Zhao Wudi fell down immediately, vomiting blood, Zhao Wudi couldn't help but said, "Why...why..."

Shi Hao wiped the corners of his mouth, revealing a completely innocent appearance, and smiled: "Zhao Wudi! I want to kill you! If it weren't for this, I'm afraid it would be really not easy." Shi Hao said that he put his coat on and the red baby. The armors were taken off together, revealing a strange inner armor.

Seeing this, Zhao Wudi was shocked and said: "What! This is, Golden Crow Soft Armor!" Speaking of which, Golden Crow Soft Armor is a very powerful treasure. Golden Crow Soft Armor can withstand a fatal serious injury. After resistance, the Golden Crow Soft Armor will lose its magical protective effect. The Golden Crow Soft Armor on Shi Hao at the moment had already resisted it once and became a waste product.

Shi Hao smiled and said: "Yes! It is the Golden Crow Soft Armor. Good eyesight. Know how you died."

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