Working Prophet

Chapter 815 The vacation is over

Li Yu didn't see Taylor again for the next week, and I heard that she left Neverland shortly after they controlled the king squid hunt that night.

Speaking of which, Li Yu used the [Unpredictable Life Simulator beta version] to simulate before, and once met a director on vacation.

But this time he went to the island a month earlier and still met Taylor.

Li Yu was not sure whether this could prove that Taylor came to the island specifically to find him this time. After all, the previous simulation results were also very vague, only one director was mentioned, and there was no name of the director.

Li Yu couldn't just assume that Taylor would be the one who was a month later.

But Taylor was interested in him, which he could be sure of.

Li Yu was a little confused. Although he did a good job in the third era and gained a lot of faith in less than a year, to put it bluntly, he was just a P6. Is it necessary for a director to be so concerned?

Even the [Glory of the Dead] suit was actually given to him by Taylor in the name of a reward.

However, Li Yu and Taylor were not relatives, so Taylor had no need to care about him so much.

In addition, the experience that night also touched Li Yu a lot, and he was impressed by the power of the faith technology mastered in the third era.

This company, which had always kept a low profile and had no reputation before, actually had the terrifying power to rule the entire human civilization.

Just relying on the technology of consciousness attachment, the Third Age can secretly switch out the political leaders of various countries and replace them with their own people overnight without anyone noticing.

Li Yu even suspected that the Third Age had already done this, otherwise why would all countries know nothing about such a dangerous existence.

But judging from the behavior of the Third Age, they seem to be extraordinarily abiding by the rules, even more law-abiding than normal companies.

Li Yu couldn't understand what Taylor and the others wanted to do. At first, he thought that the five directors wanted to use the power of faith to achieve immortality.

This is almost the ultimate goal of all powerful people since ancient times.

However, when he realized that the countdown might be more important than he imagined, Li Yu's previous guesses were somewhat shaken.

After all, it is impossible for five people to make an appointment to die together. After contacting the latest scientific research direction of the Third Age, Li Yu felt that he was very close to the final answer, but he still lacked a rope to connect all the clues together.

Li Yu is actually not a person who likes to meddle in other people's business. As a worker, he never digs into the secrets behind the company.

Seeing more and speaking less is always the only rule of thumb for survival in the workplace.

Whether it is a boss who inflates false invoices to steal kickbacks, or a secret office romance, both parties in love have their own families, or there is someone who is paid but does not come to work...

As long as it doesn't affect Li Yu's work, he won't say anything.

Moreover, the benefits and benefits provided to him by the Third Age were very good, which freed him from the previous numbness and started a new life, and he even had a love life recently.

However, from the first day, Li Yu was very concerned about the countdown behind the front desk.

He felt an inexplicable sense of urgency.

Who left that string of countdowns? Not even Taylor, the director, had the authority to take it off. What happens after the countdown ends?

Li Yu always couldn't control himself from thinking about such things.

After meeting Taylor this time, Li Yu became even more curious about the answers to these questions.

He used the rest of his vacation to finish reading "The Immortality of Death", the last book in the "Three-Body" trilogy.

Afterwards, he bought many gifts in the shopping mall on the island and asked Ralph to help him courier them back to city B.

Li Yu himself also took a flight back, and he deliberately went back a day early so that he didn't have to rush.

Before leaving the airport, Li Yu looked at his salary card. Thanks to the miraculous victory before and the defeat of the Yi tribe in the Western Region, his income this month had reached 200,000.

And it should only be higher than this in the next few months.

Nowadays, stories are circulating everywhere in the Western Territory that Solomon ignored his warning and caused divine punishment on Saturday. People's initial resistance and suspicion towards Shuangxiu Cult have turned into worship.

It is not difficult to attract new blood. The only thing that restricts Li Yu's collection of faith is the total number of soldiers.

But even so, within half a year, he can convert all the believers in this land, and when a large number of new monks graduate from school, there will be no shortage of manpower for preaching.

On the first day after returning to the company, Ma Yuhan and others did not have much reaction, because Li Yu had already explained everything to them before leaving.

He has been gone for just over a week, and the company is now on track. Even if he is not here, everyone is busy with their own affairs.

The only trouble was that Li Yu was away and no one could sign the contract. After Li Yu returned to the office, he glanced at the back investigation reports in his mailbox. There were about four or five of them.

Fortunately, it wasn't too much, and Li Yu didn't bother to take a closer look. He promised Miss Rabbit that he would go back in a month. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to set off.

So Li Yu walked towards the room at the end of the corridor. Halfway there, he thought of something and went downstairs to Zhang Yanlin.

"I bought some local snacks and snacks on vacation this time. They should be mailed in two days. Then you can help me share them with everyone."

Zhang Yanlin nodded, "Do you want to send a copy home?"

"Well, that's okay, then leave one for me." After finishing speaking, Li Yu returned to the second floor.

As for the gift for Miss Rabbit, he has already brought it back by himself.

People around the female lord also found that she was a little distracted during this period. When she had nothing to do, she was always counting the time on her fingers and looking up at the sky eagerly.

Couples in love can't wait to be glued to each other every minute and every second. It would be extremely uncomfortable to be separated for half a day, let alone as long as a month.

Miss Rabbit's reaction was quite good, that is to say, she had a lot of things to do during this period, so that she would not keep thinking about someone.

But seeing that the time for reunion was approaching, the girl began to have insomnia again at night. She had been attending meetings with dark circles under her eyes for the past two days, and could not help but yawn when meeting guests.

However, the three armies have completed their previously set goals and successfully joined forces at Pine Stone Castle four days ago. The female lord looked at the map and saw that the remaining ones that had not surrendered to her were occupied by Ilkander. That little bit of space.

And to be precise, Ilkander also sent an envoy to discuss the conditions of surrender with her, but the girl refused without hesitation.

Mainly, Ilkander was the direct murderer of Marquis Cullen. Based on this alone, the female lord would not accept his surrender, even if Irkander was willing to sacrifice her brother and stepmother.

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