Working Prophet

Chapter 814 The Only True God

Li Yu let the sperm whale go, which made Taylor somewhat uninterested in the rest of the hunt.

She then casually hunted a few sharks and controlled the giant squid to return to Neverland.

When I swam into the island's lagoon again, that familiar feeling of dizziness came over me again.

Li Yu opened his eyes and found that he had returned to the white giant egg he had sat in before, and at the same time, the cavity fluid inside was also declining.

Until the last piece of cavity fluid disappeared, only the remaining water stains on the ground still reminded him that what just happened was not a dream.

After a moment, the door of the white dome lifted upwards, and Li Yu walked out of it.

He looked to the other side, and Taylor stood up from his seat and said calmly.

"It's getting late, you should go back."

Li Yu nodded, "Thank you for your invitation tonight. This is indeed an unprecedented and extraordinary experience."

Taylor opened the refrigerator and took a bottle of beer. "You're welcome. You are an excellent employee of the company. You will know about this kind of thing sooner or later. I just let you know it in advance."

Li Yu walked to the door, but stopped suddenly, "Director Taylor, can I ask one more question?"

"Let's talk." Taylor said, taking a sip of his cold beer.

"The king squid possessed by our consciousness, what will happen to its own consciousness?"

Taylor raised his eyebrows and asked, "What about the consciousness of those people you resurrected with [Reincarnation Bell]?"

"They died before being possessed by the new consciousness."

"The same is true for the king squid."

"I see."

After Li Yu left, Taylor went to the bathroom to take a shower. She wrapped herself in a towel and opened the door of the bathroom, only to find a black figure standing outside the bathroom.

The scene in front of him was like a classic scene in a horror movie. However, Taylor did not scream like the heroines in the movie. She just glanced sideways at the person, and then walked away from him as if the person did not exist. passed.

Seeing this, the black shadow seemed to heave a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the little girl sitting on the sofa said, "It's boring, Taylor, can't you be scared by me once?"

"Salman is not scary at all. Every time he looks at me, he will be scared first." Taylor said calmly.

"All right."

"When did you come, Windsor?

"Just now, when you were possessing the giant squid, I didn't show up because I didn't want to disturb you."

The little girl named Windsor is also one of the five directors of the Third Era, and she appeared at the annual meeting before.

And the black shadow outside the bathroom is the handsome Indian guy who has been with her all the time.

After a pause, Windsor continued, "Maybe next time I should try to find Sergey and stand outside your bathroom."

"That poor man is worse than Salman, who has nothing but his former glory."

After Taylor finished speaking, he said, "What do you want to see me for?"

"You are so fascinated by that guy named Li Yu. When you heard that he was coming to Neverland, you rushed over immediately. Of course I will follow you to take a look. Do you think he will be the final winner?"

"He must be the final winner." Taylor said in an unquestionable tone.


"Because he has [Reborn] on him."

"The body of immortality is very strong..."

Taylor shook his head and interrupted Windsor, "It's not his immortality that's strong, but the meaning behind this sequence."

Windsor was also silent when she heard the words.

"Don't you understand? When he appeared, this test was already over early. You are also a Christian, and you should know the meaning of [Reborn] to all Christians."

"He will be seen as the incarnation of that man, the Jesus of the 21st century, the new savior.

“The five people on the board, I’m a Christian, you’re a Christian, Bernard is a Christian, so he’s bound to get three of the five votes.

"In view of his nationality, Mr. Qin may not approve, but he will definitely not object. The remaining Sergey is insignificant. He will oppose whoever is elected anyway, and his vote is not important."

"Tsk, tsk, if you think about it this way, it's really hard for him to lose."

"This is the power of faith." Taylor said, "Especially in the face of disaster, people will need faith especially."

"So are you going to tell him the truth?"

"No, according to company regulations, we cannot disclose any information about the 'doomsday' to company employees before the final vote."

Windsor blinked, "But..."

“But I will submit a request to the board to request an early voting time,” Taylor continued, “Now that the winner is decided, there is no need for us to waste resources anymore.

"Time is tight. The earlier we expose him to the truth, the earlier we can prepare. Anyway, in terms of technology, our progress is going very smoothly. In another half a year at most, we will be able to complete the final phase of research."

"The other salesman?"

"Let them continue to exploit resources. Our faith gap is still huge. When the time comes, except for leaving two spares, we will clear them all according to the original plan."

"That's such a waste. The company has put a lot of effort into them." Windsor lamented.

"There can only be one true God." Taylor's tone was unprecedentedly cold. "For the survival of the human race, sacrifices are always inevitable. A novel I like said that if you lose your humanity, you will lose a lot, and you will lose your bestiality. Lose everything."

"The question is, can we pick someone who understands that?"

"Judging from tonight, he still has concerns in his heart, but I hope he can understand, and he can only understand, because he has no other choice."

Taylor's eyes flickered in the darkness, and Windsor didn't speak again this time.

The two just sat quietly at the table, seemingly lost in memories.

On the other side of Hongye Villa, Mr. Qin also did not fall asleep. He made a pot of tea and sat in a quiet room silently drinking tea. The ambergris in the incense burner was almost burned out.

Bernard is currently playing Sibelius's Violin Concerto in D minor by the subway station in Paris. He is playing very passionately and is completely immersed in the music, attracting many passers-by to stop and listen.

At the same time, in front of Lenin's Mausoleum on the west side of Moscow's Red Square, a drunkard in military uniform was sleeping soundly in the green belt on the side.

He was woken up by the mosquitoes, scratched his butt, opened his sleepy eyes, and saw a string of beating numbers on the Lenin Mausoleum beside him.

That string of numbers was measured in seconds, which equaled exactly one thousand days. The four people on the other side also saw the countdown that only they could see at the same time.

The expressions of the five people suddenly became serious.

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