Working Prophet

Chapter 803 Price

Ilea pushed one of the glasses of red wine in front of Perls, "I have written you several letters before, hoping that you would join the resistance, but in the end you backed down."

Pers said sarcastically, "I was frightened by those Wing Tribes and their army. I admit that I am not as brave as you, and I still have Saturday's protection, so I waver.

"But now that I have realized my mistake, I beg you to give me another chance to serve you."

Perls knew that as soon as the Wing Tribe people retreated, no one in the Western Region would be a match for the female lord. He was worried that those who had taken refuge in Solomon before would be liquidated, so he kept his stance low as soon as he came up.

The girl was also very satisfied with Perls's attitude, but the resistance army had already discussed how to deal with the rebellious noble lords.

Ilea didn't waste any words and said straightforwardly, "Although we won, we also paid a heavy price, especially those lords who firmly chose to stand with me very early on. Most of their territories have fallen. , some also lost relatives and friends.

"And in order to slow down the steps of the Wing Tribe people and buy time for the final decisive battle, our losses were not small. We did not reject new allies, but you guys waited until the situation became clear before they showed up.

"If you just talk and want to enjoy the fruits of victory with us, it would be too unfair to those who fought bloody battles to defend their homeland."

Perls looked very embarrassed, "You... you are right, but I didn't wait until the situation became clear before I showed up. Those Wing Clan people had been blocking the Lake City before. I waited until they left and rushed there as soon as possible." I've come here, and I've brought with me a piece of information that is important to you and your allies.

This was also the source of Perls' confidence. After he discovered that the Wing Tribe people had died in large numbers, he rushed to Yanxue City as soon as possible.

There are no mobile phones on the Bratis continent. In addition to sending people, daily communication can only rely on pigeons. However, pigeons have died in large numbers in the past month.

In other words, Perls is now the only person in Rock Snow City who has this important information.

And the value of this information is beyond doubt.

The sooner they know the movements of those Wing Tribe people, the sooner the rebels can change their plans and regain their lost territory, and Miss Rabbit will also have more leverage when negotiating with nobles like him who come to surrender.

Pers understood the meaning of the female lord's words, and the other party's request was also very reasonable. This was war. Where did the winner's interests come from? Of course, they were cut from the loser's body.

It's just that Pers doesn't want the person being cut to be himself, and he doesn't care about other people.

However, he noticed that the female lord just smiled slightly after hearing his words, "What is the important information you plan to give me, that those Wing Clan people have left your Lake City?"

Perls shook his head, "No, you probably already know this news. Besides, I've already arrived in Yanxue City, which means those Wing Clan members must not be here either."

"Then do you want to tell us that they suffered heavy casualties in Lake City, and perhaps less than a thousand people survived? Or do you also know that they left the Western Region the night before yesterday."

"Huh?" Pers looked shocked.

"So, you probably don't know the following news yet." The girl said leisurely.

"You, how did you know what happened in Lake City not long ago?" Perls looked like he had seen a ghost.

"You told me on Saturday. Not only that, I also know that you were kicked out of the castle by those Wing Clan people, and you could only squeeze in an inn called Golden Ham with your family."

A chill ran down Perls' spine, and he felt as if he was being stared at by a pair of invisible eyes.

After a while, he remembered something again, "Did you just say that those Wing Clan members have left the Western Region?"

"Yes, they have all evacuated. Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Pers showed a wry smile, "No, nothing more."

Miss Rabbit patted his shoulder. The Lord of Lake City looked even more nervous and stammered.

"I...I have no money on hand now. All the wealth accumulated by the Marier family over the years has been robbed by those Wing Clan people."

"I know, I know your current financial situation is not very good... It is said that when the city was closed, your family almost starved. Come on, drink some wine first to calm down the shock."

The female lord pointed to the wine glass on the table.

After hearing this, Pers picked up the red wine and drank it all in one gulp. His neck and ears soon turned red, but he did calm down a little.

Until he heard the girl's next words, "But don't you still have land?"

"You want a city within a lake?" Pers was so shocked that he almost vomited out the red wine he had drank.

"I'm not that greedy," the female lord said, "I know that the city in the lake was built by your ancestors and left it to the descendants of the Marier family. It is the foundation for you to settle down in the Western Territory... So I I won’t let you hand it over.”

As the girl spoke, she pulled out a map of the Western Territory from somewhere, spread it out on the table, and stopped at a forest outside Lake City and said, "I heard someone said that your family has a forest farm here."

"Yes, that's right." Perls's voice was a little bitter, and at the same time he was glad in his heart. If it only cost a forest farm to expose his previous surrender to the enemy, it would not be unacceptable.

However, the female lord's finger continued to move on the map, drawing an arc, "Starting from the forest farm, all the way to the hills in the north, you have to hand it over, and here, here and here..."

The girl then clicked on a few more places, and Perls's face turned pale after looking at them. They were basically the most fertile places on his territory, and they were quite large.

Pers begged, "Lady Ilea, this, this is a bit too much, it's almost half of my land."

"Yes, but in terms of value, they are far from comparable to Lake City." The female lord said casually, "You want to keep Lake City, so we can only make up for it in other places."

"But, if that's the case, wouldn't I have to step onto someone else's territory whenever I go out?"

"Then I suggest you have a good relationship with your neighbors." Miss Rabbit said impatiently, "There are many nobles who have come to me to join the resistance these days. They have basically agreed to the same conditions. If you don't want to agree, just Go back and get ready for battle."

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