Working Prophet

Chapter 802 The female lord’s new attendant

By the time Perls arrived at Rock Snow City, the female lord already knew what happened in Lake City.

In addition to the castle of the Marier family, a large number of corpses were also found outside the city. Because there were too many dead people, the crows and vultures could no longer eat them, so they could only let them rot and stink.

Moreover, the number of crows and vultures in the western region has also decreased sharply recently. Not only crows and vultures, but also those chickens, ducks, sparrows, and even carrier pigeons are dying in large numbers.

Only then did people realize how terrible the divine punishment that was to be delivered on Saturday really was.

That is the wrath of a true God.

Those Yi tribesmen did not listen to the advice and invaded the Western Territory. As a result, they had no choice but to return in vain in the face of the power of the gods and suffered heavy losses.

There are rumors that Solomon, the commander of the Wing tribe, also died in the city of the lake, but Perls did not find his body in the castle. Perhaps it was taken away by the retreating survivors. After all, his The identity is rather special.

This news is bound to shock the entire Bratis continent.

But Perls didn't bother to think about this kind of thing at the moment. He hesitated for a long time when Ilea invited him to join the rebel army.

He took refuge in those Wing Tribe people, and this became the decision that Perls regretted the most.

When he was sealed in Lake City, he didn't know what was going on outside the city. He didn't know that Tristan had been defeated by Ilea until he left the city. The followers elected him as the new Lord of the West.

So Pers became even more anxious and didn't care about taking care of the horse. He just urged Jacques and the guards behind him to go faster and faster.

But when he saw the female lord, Pers realized that his hands were empty and he didn't seem to have brought any gifts, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Ilea did not prevent him from entering the city, and even received him personally.

Recently, the girl has become very familiar with this process of meeting guests, because more and more people came to join her. Some small lords she pushed to Aunt Alisa to entertain, and she mainly met important people herself.

The Marier family that occupies Lake Central City obviously belongs to the latter group. In terms of family strength alone, they can be ranked among the top five in the Western Region.

However, like many aristocratic families, they have suffered heavy losses in the past two years. They have lost many important members one after another, and even the head of the family has been replaced.

Pers was secretly looking at the female lord. Although he had corresponded with Ilea before, he had never met her in person.

I heard that this imperial Valkyrie used her troops like a god, won consecutive battles, and was also the champion of the martial arts tournament. Presumably, she should be a burly, strong-backed, and strange woman exuding a heroic spirit.

However, Perls was a little disappointed after the meeting. Ilea was not too tall. Although her body was not thin, it obviously had nothing to do with her burly body, and she looked pretty.

Pers couldn't help but take a few more glances. At this time, he saw a teenage boy dressed as an attendant glaring at him behind the girl.

Perls was a little confused. He was very unfamiliar with the boy. He couldn't remember where he had seen him, and he didn't know where the latter's hostility came from.

Seeing the two of them looking at each other, Ilea introduced them to them thoughtfully.

"Albus, this is Sir Pers, the lord of the City in the Lake. Sir Pers, this is Albus, the squire I just took in."

Albus was too young. Although he had been training hard to prepare to become a knight, it was impossible for the female lord to really send him to fight.

As a result, in the previous battle with Tristan, Albus stole a piece of armor from nowhere and put it on his body, covered his face with the helmet, charged with the army, and finally killed two enemies.

In the end, when he was trying to find a new target, he was poked off his horse, fell his head, and passed out.

It was also thanks to his fate that Li Yu came back just in time to control the dragon to breathe fire back and forth, scaring away the militiamen who were about to attack him, so that he survived.

After he came back, Miss Rabbit was so angry that she planned to confine him for two months and not allow him to practice sword again, but Li Yu stopped her.

He said that since this kid wanted to be a knight so much, he might sneak off to the battlefield if there was a battle later, and the verbal prohibition was useless, so it was better to keep him by his side, at least he could watch some people.

Moreover, Albus's hard work during this time has been seen by everyone. He is extremely devout to Saturday, and he is also full of gratitude to the female lord who saved him. There is no doubt about his loyalty.

In addition, several of his teachers also spoke for him, saying that he is quite talented, and if he maintains this momentum, he will surely become a master of swordsmanship in the future.

It just so happened that the female lord hadn't had time to take in her attendants, so she simply let Albus take over.

After confirming that the young man in front of him was an attendant of the female lord, Perls took the lead in showing his kindness, showing a kind smile, but Albus still looked at him with unfriendly eyes.

Perls finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Have we met before?"

"No." Albus said coldly.

"Then have I ever offended you before?"

Miss Rabbit said, "You didn't offend him, but your father did. Your father killed his parents. I picked him up in your city in the lake."

"Huh?" Pers was dumbfounded.

"It's a pity that Judith died in the Dragon's Back Mountains. Otherwise, when I leave the army, I will definitely find him to avenge my father and mother." Albus clenched his fists.

The female lord patted his shoulder and said, "Sorry, I heard that Perls is different from his father. When his father arrested the followers of the Blood Moon Society, he even advised his father not to hurt him. and innocent.”

"Yes, yes," Pers said hurriedly, "I did not agree with this at the time, but I am just the youngest son, and I keep a low profile. My father was too sad about my uncle's death, and he was a bit over the top."

Albus withdrew his hostile gaze and stepped aside, but his eyes were still paying attention to Pers, with one hand still on the hilt of the sword. If Pers was in any danger of hurting Ilea, If you move, he will take the first step.

Although Miss Rabbit has a gun herself and doesn't really need this kind of protection, it would be nice to have a few little errand boys who can run around and help with some chores on weekdays.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic." The female lord said, "What do you want to do when you come to me?"

"I hope to join the resistance army and fight side by side with you to resist the invasion of the Wing Tribe people. In addition, after witnessing the power of Saturday with my own eyes, I also want to convert to Shuangxiu Cult like you."

These were all words that General Perls had thought about before and blurted out at this moment.

However, the female lord poured two glasses of red wine and looked at him with a half-smile.

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